Publicación de European Association of Co-operative Banks

European Association of Co-operative Banks ha compartido esto

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Celebrem que David Murano, Sotsdirector General de Grup CaixaEnginyers – Grupo CajaIngenieros i Director de l'Àrea de Gestió Global de Risc hagi estat nomenat auditor independent de l’European Association of Co-operative Banks, l’entitat que representa, promou i defensa els interessos de la #bancacooperativa a Europa.   Es tracta també del primer representant de la Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Crédito (UNACC) que assumeix una funció de màxim nivell en l’EACB.    Enhorabona, David! . . . Celebramos que David Murano, Subdirector General de Grup CaixaEnginyers – Grupo CajaIngenieros y Director del Área de Gestión Global del Riesgo haya sido nombrado auditor independiente de la European Association of Co-operative Banks, la entidad que representa, promueve y defensa los intereses de la #bancacooperativa en Europa. Se trata también del primer representante de la Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Crédito (UNACC) que asume una función de máximo nivel en la EACB.    ¡Enhorabuena, David!

📣 On occasion of the 53rd General Assembly of the EACB, cooperative bank members across Europe and beyond elected new leadership and explored the implications of a #digitaleuro for the sector Key appointments included Priscille Szeradzki as President, Vincent Maagdenberg and Daniel Quinten as Vice-Presidents, among others. The assembly also featured a thought-provoking discussion with Prof. Dr. Joachim Wuermeling on the potential of #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies (CBDCs). Insights on #CBDC use cases, programmable #payments, and the role of #AI were discussed, highlighting possible opportunities and challenges for #coopbanks. Outgoing President Daniel Quinten thanked members for their contributions during his tenure. He also highlighted the EACB’s recent recommendations to policymakers in “Cooperative banks’ contribution to the future of Europe”, advocating for streamlined regulation and a principle-based approach to rule-making for a more #competitive and #united Europe. ➡ Our recommendations in detail: Thank you to Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) for hosting and for a truly mesmerising social programme in Berlin! Read more: #EACB #DigitalEuro #Leadership #Innovation #CooperativeBanks #BerlinAssembly

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Montse Carbó Serrano

Directora Comunicación, RSC y Fundación

3 semanas

Moltes felicitats David Murano quina sort tenen a la EACB! Congratulations!

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