Del curso: Inglés de negocios: Gramática y vocabulario para reuniones

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Quizá convenga hacer una votación

Quizá convenga hacer una votación

- [Instructor] Well, now the group will have to decide which rapper to sponsor. They'll probably vote too. You know what vote means, right? In America, people vote for a new president every four years. But if you vote on an issue in a meeting, it's often very public. The chairperson might simply say, "Let's see a show of hands." Let's see a show of hands means put up your hands. Although at the last meeting I attended, the chairperson, my wife, said, "Those of you in favor of a new car, please raise your hands." If you're in favor of something, then you want it. And to raise your hands is another way of saying put up your hands. Those of you in favor of a new car, please raise your hands. And I replied, "Who's in support of a new umbrella?" You could say that too. Who's in support of a new umbrella? My wife didn't like that. And well, unfortunately, we didn't reach a consensus. Oh, to reach a consensus means to come to an agreement. In a formal meeting with lots of participants it's…
