Del curso: Inglés de negocios: Cómo escribir correos electrónicos de negocios con éxito

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El cuerpo del email

El cuerpo del email

- [Instructor] So, you've come to the most important part of your email, the body of the message. This is where you provide the information you want your reader to have, or ask the questions you need him or her to answer. Your subject line should give an idea of the main purpose of your email, and the body of the message is where you expound on it. Of course, what is written in the body of your email will depend completely on the situation, as well, the language you use. However, there are some general tips you should keep in mind when writing the body of your email message. First, email is meant as a way of communicating information quickly. Emails should be relatively brief. They should have enough detail to express the message in a clear and polite way. So they should certainly be longer than say a text message. However, if you find that you need many paragraphs to fully explain everything, you should consider whether to make a phone call or arrange a meeting to discuss the topic…
