Del curso: Inglés de negocios: Cómo escribir correos electrónicos de negocios con éxito

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Conoce las abreviaturas

Conoce las abreviaturas

- [Instructor] FYI, YTD, COB, ASAP. Using abbreviations is common in business English. They can be a good way to save time when delivering messages but they're only appropriate in certain circumstances. When writing a formal email, you should generally avoid using them, unless the abbreviations are directly related to your industry and there is no doubt that the reader will know exactly what they mean. With more informal emails though, you may see some of the following abbreviations and you can feel free to use them as well. FYI means for your information and is a useful abbreviation for the subject line of an email if you don't need a reply. For example, FYI, weekly meeting moved to Conference Room A. You can also use FYI to make an additional comment that is perhaps not directly related to your main message. An example of this would be writing an email asking about the deadlines and instructions for submitting a report and then adding at the end, FYI, I'm leaving 30 minutes early…
