Del curso: Inglés de negocios: Cómo escribir correos electrónicos de negocios con éxito

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Cómo expresar urgencia

Cómo expresar urgencia

- [Instructor] Everyone would like all of their emails responded to as quickly as possible. But there are messages which are higher priority and require faster replies. How can you make sure that your most important emails are responded to in time? Let's take a look at some of the language you can use to express urgency. You can start by using the subject line to show the recipient that the message is urgent by including the word "Urgent" right at the start followed by your summary of the main purpose of the email. For example, Urgent: Mean server down or Urgent: New RFP from the Ministry of Transportation. You can also use the phrases "Action needed" or "Immediate reply needed" at the start of the subject line. In addition, you can convey urgency by including the deadline by which to reply at the end of the subject line. Within the email body, there are words and phrases that you can use to express the urgency of the message or the issue, "Urgent", of course, is one of them. If you…
