📻 Gasteizko Hibridalab gunean "La New European Bauhaus y la Agenda Urbana más allá de la Arquitectura" saioa egin zen ostiralean, Pop-up irratiak emandako irratsaio formatuan. Hona hemen jardunaldiaren laburpentxo bat 👇
Administración pública
Bilbao / Eibar, Basque Country 702 seguidores
Proyecto de regeneración urbana | Hiria berroneratzeko proiektua. Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) - Txonta (Eibar). Funded by H2020
Sobre nosotros
Proyecto financiado por el programa LIFE de la Comisión Europea que busca regenerar los barrios de manera integral. A través de oficinas de barrio, los y las vecinas podrán ser atendidos y acompañados a lo largo de todo el proceso de renovación de sus viviendas, que serán más eficientes energéticamente, más accesibles...
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Enlace externo para Opengela
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- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 11 a 50 empleados
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- Bilbao / Eibar, Basque Country
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- Empresa pública
Bilbao / Eibar, Basque Country, ES
Empleados en Opengela
📻 The Hibridalab space in Vitoria-Gasteiz hosted on Friday the session ‘The New European Bauhaus and the Urban Agenda beyond Architecture’ in the format of a radio programme broadcast by the Pop-up radio station. Here is a brief summary of the day 👇
‘The Opengela model not only promotes urban improvement but also aims to create community at the neighbourhood level’. - Opengela
📻 El espacio Hibridalab de Vitoria-Gasteiz acogió el viernes la sesión ‘La New European Bauhaus y la Agenda Urbana más allá de la Arquitectura’ en formato programa de radio emitido por la emisora Pop-up. Aquí os dejamos un pequeño resumen de la jornada 👇
“El modelo Opengela además de promover la mejora urbanística pretende crear comunidad a nivel de barrio” - Opengela
[EUS] 📢Urriko buletina eskuragarri dago! https://labur.eus/oGZ8U 🗞️Ezagutu Opengelarekin lotutako azken berriak (albisteak, hurrengo ekitaldiak, foroak...). Harpidetu orain! 👉 https://labur.eus/eo3Pl [ES] 📢¡Nuestra newsletter del mes de octubre ya está disponible! https://labur.eus/nzc6c 🗞️Descubre las últimas novedades relacionadas con Opengela (noticias, próximos eventos, foros...) ¡Suscríbete ahora! 👉 https://labur.eus/eo3Pl [EN] 📢Our October newsletter is now available! https://labur.eus/vDsoV 🗞️Discover the latest news related to Opengela Subscribe now! 👉 https://labur.eus/eo3Pl
Opengela ha compartido esto
Short summary of our workshop on Renovation Roadmaps, featuring exciting European Projects that created innovative Renovation Passports! In ComActivate, we want to create Neighbourhood Energy Sufficiency Roadmaps (NESRs) for multi-family apartment buildings - a large part of these will feature concepts from Renovation Passports. Peter Mellwig and Florian Maiwald from ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH walked participants through #EPBD requirements, and mandatory and well as optional content for #Renovation_Passports for Member States. Good Practice Example 1: casA in Portugal - António B. from ADENE - Agência para a Energia gave a demonstration of the portal Casamais.pt which leads building owners through the process of renovation and on to service providers. Lessons learned from consumer preferences include ✔️ Importance of free membership and access ✔️ EPC integration ✔️ Ease of access to proposals and ✔️ Quality requirements for service providers. Good Practice Example 2: Opengela in Basque Country - Ander Bilbao Figuero from Ciclia showed participants their model, which has a strong focus on ecological and social equity. Opengela is a success story in the ongoing decarbonisation of the building stock in the Basque Country. Good Practice Example 3: #iBRoad and #iBRoad2EPC - Peter Mellwig from ifeu guides participants through the two EU-funded projects, where a strong focus was on enhancing renovation strategies across the EU and adding a long-term planning approach linked to EPCs. Why the need for renovation roadmaps for Home Owner Associations (HOAs)? Julia Lawrenz from ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH walks us through the German national building renovation roadmaps (#iSFP) and how it could be adapted to HOAs: 💡 Use iSFP as a means of communications to convince people of the benefit of renovation measures 💡 Solving the renovation backlog at HOA 💡 Support administrations 💡 Integrate HOA special features into the iSFP
🏢 Juan Carlos Abascal, viceconsejero de Vivienda y Agenda Urbana de Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco ha participado hoy en la sesión sobre la #NewEuropeanBauhaus en Vitoria-Gasteiz. 🗣️“El modelo Opengela además de promover la mejora urbanística pretende crear comunidad a nivel de barrio". - 🏢 Eusko Jaurlaritzako Etxebizitza eta Hiri Agendaren sailburuorde Juan Carlos Abascalek #NewEuropeanBauhaus ekimenari buruzko saioan parte hartu du gaur, Gasteizen. 🗣️"Opengela ereduak, hirigintza-hobekuntza sustatzeaz gain, auzo mailako komunitatea sortu nahi du". - 🏢 Juan Carlos Abascal, Vice-Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda of the Basque Government has attended today the session on the #NewEuropeanBauhaus in Vitoria-Gasteiz. 🗣️‘The Opengela model, in addition to promoting urban improvement, aims to create community at neighbourhood level’. Andoni Hidalgo Simón EDE Fundazioa Alex Carrascosa EuroIker
🗣 Ayer Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco y GNE Finance, socios del modelo Opengela, participaron en la mesa redonda "Hacia un modelo de negocio de la renovación" en el Congreso Nacional de Rehabilitación Avanzada (REBUILD REHABILITA). La charla fue moderada por Miguel Segovia Martínez, de Green Building Council España (GBCE). 🗣 Atzo, Eusko Jaurlaritzak eta GNE Financek, Opengela ereduko bazkideek, "Berrikuntzaren negozio-eredu baterantz" mahai-inguruan parte hartu zuten Birgaitze Aurreratuko Kongresu Nazionalean (REBUILD REHABILITA). Hitzaldia Green Building Council España-ko (GBCE) Miguel Segovia Martínezek moderatu zuen. 🗣 Yesterday the Basque Government and GNE Finance, partners of the Opengela model, took part in the round table ‘Towards a renovation business model’ at the National Congress of Advanced Rehabilitation (REBUILD REHABILITA). The panel was moderated by Miguel Segovia Martínez, from Green Building Council España (GBCE).
📰 Opengelak Adrian Joyce elkarrizketatu du, Efficient Buildings Europeko idazkari nagusia eta Renovate Europe kanpainaren zuzendaria. Joyce Opengelako Aholku Batzordeko kide adituetako bat da. 🗣 Elkarrizketa honetan, Joycek Renovate Europe zertan datzan eta zein helburu dituen azaldu du; eraikuntzaren sektoreak Eraikinen Eraginkortasun Energetikoari buruzko Zuzentarauaren (EPBD) aldaketarekin dituen erronkei buruz hitz egin du, eta Opengela ereduak Europan hainbesteko arrakasta izateko dituen arrazoiak zerrendatu ditu.
Adrian Joyce (Renovate Europe): "Epe laburrean Opengela eredua EBn errepikatzea oso lagungarria izango litzateke Berritze Olatuaren helburuak lortzeko" - Opengela
📰 Opengela had the pleasure to interview Adrian Joyce, General Secretary of Efficient Buildings Europe, and Director of the Renovate Europe campaign. Joyce is one of the expert members of Opengela's Advisory Board. 🗣 In this interview Joyce explains what Renovate Europe is and what its objectives are; he discusses the challenges facing the building sector with the recent amendment of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and outlines the reasons why the Opengela model is proving so successful at European level.
Adrian Joyce (Renovate Europe): “Replicating the Opengela model in the EU in the short term would be most helpful to the achievements of the objectives of the Renovation Wave” - Opengela