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Circular leverages referrals from a network of thousands of companies to connect you with quality tech talent

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Hire Referred Tech Talent For Companies Your strongest candidates are those referred by people in your network. Your network however, is only so big. What if you could tap into a network of thousands of companies that refer talent every day? Circular leverages referrals from a network of thousands of companies to connect you with pre-vetted, relevant and responsive candidates. For Developers The roles you want, the experience that you deserve. Find the largest selection of developer roles in Europe's top tech companies, with a great hiring experience guaranteed.

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    BE CAUTIOUS 😷 You might be experimenting the "September Syndrome" right now. Symptoms include: 🔥 Sudden influx of urgent hiring requests 😅 Sweating over the same talent pool as everyone else 🏃♂️ Racing against time (and other recruiters) 🤯 Overwhelmed by a flood of similar job postings 💸 Budget battles for top candidates Sound familiar? You're not alone. Swipe to learn how to break free from this annual tech recruitment fever! #SeptemberSyndrome #TechRecruitment

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    Your next hire already knows you. Will they like what they see? 👀 Employer branding in the tech sector goes beyond corporate image; it's a comprehensive strategy that defines how your organization is perceived in a highly competitive job market. Here are 🖐️ key strategies for effective employer branding in tech: 👁️ Clear Technological Vision: Communicate your technology roadmap and how it contributes to innovation in the industry. Tech professionals seek projects that keep them at the cutting edge. 🎓 Continuous Professional Development: Highlight your training programs, mentoring, and growth opportunities. Show how you invest in developing emerging skills. 🏆 Tangible Innovation Culture: Share case studies on how your company fosters experimentation and adopts new technologies. Demonstrate that innovation isn't just a buzzword, but a daily practice. 🌍 Measurable Technological Impact: Present concrete data on how your technological solutions are transforming industries or improving lives. Tech professionals want to see the real impact of their work. 🔍 Transparency in Processes and Technologies: Offer insights into your tech stack, work methodologies, and how you address technical challenges. Openness builds trust and attracts professionals who value authenticity. Implementing these strategies not only improves your ability to attract talent but also strengthens the retention and engagement of your current team. Which strategy do you think could have the biggest impact in your organization? #EmployerBranding #HRInnovation #TechTalent #HR #Hiring

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    Are we ignoring mental health in our talent searches? In the race to find the best tech talent, we often overlook a crucial factor: the mental well-being of candidates and teams. 🧠 These 5 key areas of mental health are redefining what it means to be an 'attractive employer' in tech. Do you consider them in your selection processes? As HR professionals in tech, we face our own mental health challenges. The pressure to fill critical positions, manage high expectations, and navigate a volatile job market can be overwhelming. Ask yourself: 🔘 Do you evaluate the mental wellness culture of the companies you recruit for? 🔘 How do you manage your own stress in this demanding field? 🔘 Are you prepared to discuss mental health policies with candidates and employers? At Circular, we believe recruiters have the power to drive positive change in the tech industry. We don't just connect talent; we promote healthier work environments. Let's reflect together: How can we integrate mental health into our recruitment and retention practices? #HR #ConsciousRecruitment #Hiring #MentalHealth

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    Your tech expertise is worth more than 100 LinkedIn connections 💎 Recruiters, have you ever felt lost in a sea of tech terms? In a world where new technologies appear every day, staying up-to-date isn't an option, it's a necessity. 😱 At Circular, we've seen how recruiters who invest in continuous tech training not only survive but lead the market. Here's why: 🧠 Deeper conversations: understanding tech jargon allows you to connect better with candidates and clients. No more forced smiles when faced with unfamiliar terms. 💪 More accurate assessments: knowing the latest tech trends helps you identify true talent, beyond the keywords on a CV. 🌟 Increased credibility: candidates and companies trust recruiters who speak their language more. Be that bridge between talent and opportunity. 🏆 Real competitive advantage: while other recruiters stay on the surface, you can offer valuable insights into the real needs of the tech market. 💼 Better matches, better results: understanding your clients' tech needs allows you to find candidates who truly fit, reducing turnover and increasing satisfaction. The question isn't whether you can afford to invest time in tech training. The question is: can you afford not to? At Circular, we don't just connect companies with the best tech talent. We value recruiters who never stop learning and help them navigate the ever-changing sea of technology. Are you ready to take the leap and commit to staying up-to-date? #HR #ContinuousLearning #TechRecruitment #Hiring #ProfessionalDevelopment

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    You’re still communicating with your employees through SMS, right? 😅 Wait, I was actually joking... But seriously, it’s time to upgrade your communication tools. Welcome to the era where managing talent is less about annual reviews and more about daily digital engagement. Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the strategies that are revolutionizing talent management in the digital age. 🧠 AI-powered skill mapping: Uncover your workforce's hidden potential. 🥽 Virtual Reality onboarding: Immerse new hires in your company culture. 🔗 Blockchain-verified credentials: Secure and streamline certification processes. 📊 Predictive analytics for retention: Anticipate and address employee needs. 🎮 Gamified learning platforms: Transform skill development into an engaging adventure. While innovative strategies can revolutionize talent management, it's crucial to implement them thoughtfully. The cautionary tale of the 'Always-On' Digital Leash reminds us that technology should enhance human potential, not overwhelm it. Respecting boundaries is key to preventing burnout and talent exodus. The future of talent management isn't about having the most advanced tech stack—it's about using digital tools to amplify human capabilities. Which of these strategies intrigues you most? Share your thoughts or experiences below as we navigate the exciting yet challenging landscape of digital talent management together. 🙌 #DigitalTalentManagement #FutureOfWork #TechHR #Hiring

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    🎮 The Hybrid Work Implementation Adventure 🎮 Ready to play? ... Let's go! ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Welcome, brave leader! You're about to embark on the treacherous journey of implementing hybrid work. Choose your path wisely! 👉 Start Here You've decided to implement hybrid work. Your first challenge: 🔹 Communication 🔸 Technology 🔹 Culture (Choose one to start your journey!) 🔹 Communication Path: You've chosen to tackle communication first. Good call! Your next challenge: A. Create a hybrid communication charter B. Implement "core hours" for synchronous work C. Train managers on hybrid team management What's your next move? 🔸 Technology Path: Tech it is! Your team needs the right tools. Your options: A. Invest in collaborative platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams) B. Upgrade video conferencing capabilities C. Implement a hot-desking system for office days Which tech upgrade do you prioritize? 🔹 Culture Path: Culture eats strategy for breakfast! Your cultural challenges: A. Redefine performance metrics for hybrid work B. Create virtual team-building activities C. Establish "in-office" days for team collaboration How will you shape your hybrid culture? 🔍The Plot Thickens: Whichever path you've chosen, new challenges arise: 🔹 Employee Resistance: Some team members prefer full remote or full office work. 🔸 Equity Concerns: Ensuring fair treatment for remote and in-office workers. 🔹 Productivity Tracking: Balancing trust with accountability. How do you address these? 👑 The Final Boss: Congratulations on making it this far! Your final challenge: Crafting a flexible policy that balances: 🔘 Individual preferences 🔘 Team collaboration needs 🔘 Business objectives Can you create the perfect hybrid work model? 🏆 Victory: You've successfully implemented hybrid work! Your reward: Increased employee satisfaction Broader talent pool Reduced overhead costs Enhanced work-life balance But remember, the journey never truly ends. Keep adapting, learning, and evolving your hybrid work model. #HybridWork #HR #Gamification #Hiring

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    This is the hidden Productivity Booster in Your Office (no, it's not coffee ☕) Imagine two tech companies. Same size. Same industry. Same talent pool. Company A churns out innovations like a machine. Company B? Well, they're still debugging last year's Christmas party playlist. 🎅 The difference? It's not better computers or smarter people. It's culture. Here's how corporate culture silently shapes your productivity: 🌱 Psychological Safety = Risk-Taking: When failure isn't fatal, innovation thrives. Google's Project Aristotle proved it. 🎯 Clear Values = Faster Decisions: When everyone knows the 'why', the 'how' follows naturally. No need for constant approvals. 🛠️ Ownership Mentality = Proactive Problem Solving: "Not my job" becomes "I've got this." Issues get solved before they escalate. 📣 Open Communication = Reduced Redundancy: When information flows freely, you don't have three teams solving the same problem. ⚖️ Work-Life Balance = Sustained High Performance: Marathons are won by pacing, not sprinting. A culture that respects boundaries prevents burnout. The kicker? Culture isn't just warm fuzzies. It's cold, hard cash. Companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in revenue growth. 📈 So, before you invest in another productivity tool or fancy coffee machine, take a hard look at your culture. It might be the upgrade your productivity really needs. #CorporateCulture #Productivity #Hiring #Recruiting #HR

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    Is your tech hiring process stuck in the past? 🦖🦖 Time for an upgrade! We've just published a new blog post that challenges the status quo in tech recruitment. Here's a sneak peek: 🟣 Why diversity isn't just a buzzword, but your secret weapon 🟣 5 concrete steps to make your hiring process more inclusive 🟣 How to turn your recruitment strategy from a gatekeeper into a talent magnet Spoiler alert: If your tech team looks more like a reunion of the same coding bootcamp than a cross-section of global talent, you're leaving innovation on the table! Ready to disrupt your hiring process like you disrupt markets? Check out our latest blog post and learn how to build a team that's as diverse as it is brilliant. 🔗 #TechHiring #InclusiveRecruitment #DiversityInTech #InnovationStartsWithHiring

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    In the post-pandemic world, "remote work" and "working from home" are often used interchangeably. But are they really the same? 📡🏡 Let's break it down and explore how these concepts are reshaping tech recruitment: 📡 Remote Work 🔘 Work from anywhere, anytime 🔘 Permanent arrangement 🔘 Greater autonomy and flexibility 🔘 Global talent pool 🏡 Working from Home 🔘 Specifically work from home 🔘 Often temporary or part-time 🔘 May require specific equipment from the company 🔘 Generally local talent pool Remote work is reshaping tech recruitment by expanding the talent pool globally, intensifying competition, and necessitating new onboarding strategies and skill sets. Emerging trends like "Work from Anywhere" policies, hybrid models are further transforming the landscape. At Circular, we're ready to help you navigate these changes in tech recruitment. What's your take on how remote work is affecting your strategy? Share below! #FutureOfWork #TechRecruitment #RemoteWork #Hiring #HR

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    💭 Ever thought of rejection emails as a secret weapon in recruitment? Docplanner did, and it's paying off big time. Picture this: A tech company that has candidates excited about rejection emails. Sounds impossible? Docplanner turned this recruiting dead-end into a secret passage to long-term talent relationships. How? Three game-changing moves: 🗣️ Personalized Feedback: Every candidate gets valuable insights, not just a generic "no thanks". Result? Candidates feel valued, boosting Docplanner's brand. 🔄 Second Chances with Circular: Rejection emails now offer alternative opportunities. It's like saying, "Not now, but here's a golden ticket to other possibilities." 🤝 Long-Term Connections: Candidates re-engage months or years later, remembering their positive experience. The impact? Improved candidate experience, stronger employer brand, and a robust talent network. In a sea of tech recruiters, Docplanner stands out by turning rejections into relationship-building opportunities. Ready to elevate your recruitment? Tools like Circular can help transform every interaction—even rejections—into future success. 🙌 🔗 #TechRecruitment #CandidateExperience #Circular #RecruitmentInnovation #Hiring #EfficientRecruiting

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