Banc de Sang i Teixits

Banc de Sang i Teixits

Salud pública

Barcelona, Barcelona 7904 seguidores

From people, for the people

Sobre nosotros

The Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank, BST) is a Catalan public company whose purpose is to transform and improve the life of many patients by providing an adequate and efficient supply of blood, blood products and tissues. This is made possible by more than 900 professionals from a wide range of fields. We are much more than a blood bank. We are a life bank, because our mission is to ensure that everyone who needs red blood cells, plasma, platelets, tissue or breast milk has it when and where it is needed. We provide health and well-being for more than 100,000 people a year. And we do it also thanks to research, the other main function of this life bank. We are leaders in the development of blood-, cell-, gene- and tissue-based therapies. We develop drugs with all these components, which are part of life and the springboard for progress in the new personalised medicine, the path of the future that is opening up new possibilities for curing many patients

Salud pública
Tamaño de la empresa
De 501 a 1.000 empleados
Barcelona, Barcelona
Empresa pública


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    Passeig Taulat, 106 - 116

    Barcelona, Barcelona 08005, ES

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    7904 seguidores

    El Banc de Sang de l’Hospital Mútua de Terrassa va rebre una visita molt especial i divertida! 🎉 L’Associació de Nans i Capgrossos ha volgut fer una crida als ciutadans per animar-los a donar sang abans de marxar de vacances, ja que a l’estiu les donacions baixen aproximadament un 30%! Així que preneu exemple dels Nans i Capgrossos i veniu a donar 😊 Moltes gràcies per la visita, fins la propera! ❤️ #DonarSang#Terrassa #nansicapgrossos #HospitalMutuaDeTerrassa

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    7904 seguidores

    OBRIM TOT L’ESTIU | Al Banc de sang no tanquem mai. Els punts de donació continuen oberts per vacances, ens trobaràs a prop d’on siguis, i veuràs que hem reforçat campanyes en locals considerats ‘refugis climàtics’ perquè la calor no t’impedeixi donar. Facis o no facis vacances, no oblidis que juliol i agost són mesos en els quals milers de pacients continuen necessitant donacions. Estiuis on estiuis de Catalunya, trobaràs una campanya o un centre fix on podràs donar sang. ✨ Ho posem fàcil: algunes d’aquestes campanyes es duen terme en diversos punts de les platges de tota la costa catalana, així que després de gaudir del 🌊, pots fer una parada i fer la teva donació (però amb una condició: has d’hidratar-te molt!). Si prefereixes les escapades a la muntanya 🏔️ també hi haurà punts de donació en diverses zones turístiques de muntanya. I si tens pensat viatjar, passa a veure’ns abans 🛫 Apunta't!

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    🌍During the ISBT Congress, we had the privilege of hosting numerous professionals and international leaders in the field of transfusion medicine at our facilities. We opened our doors to showcase the innovative community service model that defines the Banc de Sang i Teixits. We were delighted to engage in meaningful discussions and exchange insights with our esteemed visitors. Among these enriching encounters, we had the honor of interviewing Dr. Joseph Mulenga, Medical Doctor at the Ministry of Health of Zambia and Director of the Zambia National Blood Transfusion Service, who shared his valuable impressions following his visit. Thanks for your words #ISBT2024 #TransfusionMedicine #BancDeSang #Innovation #CommunityService #GlobalHealth #MedicalExcellence

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    El passat dimarts vam participar a la jornada “Compromesos: Més Consciència Social, Més Valor Empresarial” 🤝. La jornada va ser organitzada per Foment del Treball Nacional amb la voluntat de donar visibilitat a les entitats que treballem per donar suport a tres causes comunes: la investigació en el camp sanitari 🧬, l'atenció als col·lectius més vulnerables 🤲, i la formació i inserció laboral 👩🏫; i amb l'objectiu també d'enfortir les relacions entre les entitats i el sector privat 🤝. Vam participar 21 entitats en 3 taules rodones i des del Banc de Sang i Teixits de la mà de Roser Vallès Navarro, vam estar presents a la Taula de Salut per explicar la nostra missió i el repte del projecte per l’autosuficiència en plasma a Catalunya 🩸. Aquest espai de presentació dels projectes i de networking ens ha permès compartir experiències i explorar oportunitats de futures col·laboracions 🌐. Gràcies a totes les entitats per la tasca que realitzeu i a Foment del Treball Nacional per convidar-nos a una jornada tan essencial 🙏. Arrels Fundació Fundacio Roure Fundacio Pere Tarres Mans Unides Barcelona Creu Roja a Catalunya Fundació del Convent de Santa Clara Associació Contra el Càncer a Barcelona Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) Fundación Carme Chacón La Marató de 3Cat Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals Aura Fundació Càritas Catalunya El Llindar Fundación GetUp Fundación ”la Caixa” Incorpora Fundación MAPFRE Dincat

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    CAMPANYA D'ESTIU I 🌞🩸Quan les temperatures pugen ☝️ les reserves baixen 👇 🌊 Abans de marxar de vacances, o on sigui que passis l’estiu, dona sang per ajudar a salvar vides! Aquest estiu, necessitem 40.000 donacions de sang per garantir els tractaments dels malalts als hospitals de Catalunya. Per això, engeguem la campanya d’estiu amb la crida: "Estiuis on estiuis, dona sang". Cal recordar que durant les vacances, les donacions baixen un 30% pel canvi d’hàbits i la calor. 🏖️ Aquest estiu augmentem les campanyes a les localitats de costa i d’estiueig, per tal de garantir la donació arreu de Catalunya. #DonaSang #EstiuSolidari #BancDeSang #SalvaVides

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    DAY 5 ISBT 2024 HIGHLIGHTS & LAST VISITS Reflecting on the final day of the ISBT 2024 Congress, we are excited to share the key activities and collaborations that took place. 🧪 PrEP Study in Blood Donors: Sílvia Sauleda presented a study on PrEP in blood donors from Catalonia.   🩸 Blood Group Discoveries: Núria Nogués moderated a session on new discoveries and solving old mysteries in blood groups.   🏡 Home Transfusion for Frail Patients: Verónica Pons discussed the feasibility and security of home transfusions for complex, frail patients.   🤖 AI in Blood Donation: Iris García-Martínez presented the implementation of AI to optimize donor calls in three hospitals in Catalonia.   🌍 AR Revolution in Blood Donation: Sara Vallés concluded the day with a session on how AR is revolutionizing community building in blood donation in Catalonia. We were delighted to host more than 100 professionals from all over the world, including the ISBT Board, who visited our facilities at the Banc de Sang. During the visits, we discussed all areas that make up BST, including the various types of donation and the processes we follow to analyze and process blood. We showcased our pioneering facilities and laboratories in the fields of fractionation and safety, our smart building, and our unique operational model.   Thank you to everyone who made Day 5 a success. As we wrap up the ISBT 2024 Congress, we reflect on the incredible knowledge shared and connections made. Pierre Tiberghien Miquel Lozano Katja van den Hurk Hirokazu Tsuno Jenny White Maria Davie Zbigniew "Ziggy" Macdonald Szczepiorkowski

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    DAY 3-4 ISBT 2024 HIGHLIGHTS Reflecting on Day 3 and 4 of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) 2024 Congress, we are excited to share the key sessions anc activities that took and will take place. 👉 Conferences and debates: 🧬 Sickle Cell Disease Cure: Veronica Pons moderated a session on the advancements towards curing sickle cell disease. 🩸 Donor Recruitment Challenges: Joan Ramon Grífols Ronda discussed the challenges in donor recruitment.  🏥 From Collection to Clinical Use: Jesus Fernandez Sojo provided valuable insights on the journey from blood collection to its clinical use. 🦟 Malaria Screening in Donors: Maria Piron presented evidence of non-disclosed malaria history in regular donors after implementing malaria screening. 🌐 Online Campaigns for Donation: Pilar Córdoba discussed how online campaigns are unstoppable drivers of donation.  🧬 RHD and RHCE Sequence Analysis: Cecilia González-Santesteban shared her comprehensive analysis of RH variants in African origin donors. 🧪 Anti-CD36 Workshop Results: Núria Nogués presented findings from the PIWP workshop. 💡 Ideas Changing Transfusion Medicine:Anna Millan moderated a session on transformative ideas in transfusion medicine.  🩸 Blood Safety Symposium: Sílvia Sauleda moderated a Grifols satellite symposium on blood safety.  🦠 New Findings on Transfusion-Associated Agents: Sílvia Sauleda also led discussions on new findings related to transfusion-associated agents.  🌎 Rare Donor Registry Vision: Eduardo Muñiz introduced the Ibero-American rare donor registry. 🔍 Preparedness in Transfusion Medicine: Anna Millan asked critical questions about our readiness for anything. 🌪️ Crisis Management in Blood Donation: Cristina Sanz's session on handling sudden crises in blood donation was particularly engaging. 🤝 Visits: We were delighted to host more than 60 professionals from all over the world who visited our facilities. During their visit, we discussed all areas that make up Banc de Sang i Teixits, including the various types of donation and the processes we follow to analyze and process blood. We showcased our pioneering facilities and laboratories in the fields of fractionation and safety, our smart building, and our unique operational model. Thank you to everyone who made Day 3-4 a success. Stay tuned as we continue to share more highlights from the ISBT 2024 Congress

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    🔊 DAY 1-2 ISBT 2024 HIGHLIGHTS Reflecting on the first days of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) 2024 Congress, we are excited to share the key activities and collaborations that took place. 👉 Conferences and debates: - 🩸 Plasmapheresis and Plasma Donation: Lluis Puig discussed the challenges in the blood/plasma supply chain. - 🌍 Transfusion Medicine Opportunities and Threats: Anna Millan moderated a session on the opportunities and threats in transfusion medicine. - 🛡️ Adoptive Immunotherapy: Sergi Querol provided insights into adoptive immunotherapy with virus-specific T cells for immunocompromised patients. - 🔬 Granulocytes Disorders and Transfusion: Eduardo Muñiz moderated a deep dive into granulocytes disorders and their implications for transfusion. - 📱 Social Media in Transfusion Medicine: Pilar Córdoba led a discussion on the role of social media in transfusion medicine, highlighting new opportunities for community engagement and awareness. 👉 Visits: We were privileged to host the President of the Chinese Society of Transfusion, Mr. Yong Ming ZHU, along with Yu Pengfei, Feng Gongwen, and Ye Yongjun. Additionally, we received Dr. May Raouf, Consultant Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of Dubai Blood Donation Center, and Dr. Naima Oumeziane, Head of the Blood Bank in Abu Dhabi (Seha). Thank you to everyone who made Day 1 & 2 a success. Stay tuned as we continue to share more highlights from the ISBT 2024 Congress. Besides, we’ve participated at the "A Comprehensive EU Framework for Safety and Quality of SoHO. Jesus Fernandez Sojo

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    🚀 We are excited to announce that we will be one of the main hosts of International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), which is celebrating its 38th edition in Barcelona this year. The ISBT Congress is one of the most important transfusion medicine congresses in the world.   📅 From June 23rd to 27th, we will be actively participating by moderating over 10 debates and discussion panels, and presenting around 12 sessions to shape the future of transfusion medicine.   👐 Additionally, between June 21st and 28th, we will have the pleasure of hosting around 300 professionals at our facilities and collaborating with internationally renowned entities such as American Red Cross Croix-Rouge de Belgique Helmer Scientific Terumo Medical Corporation Roche Canadian Blood Services BIOPHARMA National Blood Transfusion Service - Sri Lanka, Sysmex España The Egyptian Authority for Unified Procurement "UPA" , among others.   Don’t miss this crucial event! 🔗 Check out the programme here   #ISBT2024 #TransfusionMedicine #BloodDonation #MedicalCongress

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