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Possible spell-corrected query: Scale-our
2020/642 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-03
The Ritva Blockchain: Enabling Confidential Transactions at Scale
Henri Aare, Peter Vitols

The distributed ledger technology has been widely hailed as the break- through technology. It has realised a great number of application scenarios, and improved workflow of many domains. Nonetheless, there remain a few major concerns in adopting and deploying the distributed ledger technology at scale. In this white paper, we tackle two of them, namely the throughput scalability and confidentiality protection for transactions. We learn from the existing body of research, and build a...

2019/263 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-03-06
Monoxide: Scale Out Blockchain with Asynchronous Consensus Zones
Jiaping Wang, Hao Wang

Cryptocurrencies have provided a promising infrastructure for pseudonymous online payments. However, low throughput has significantly hindered the scalability and usability of cryptocurrency systems for increasing numbers of users and transactions. Another obstacle to achieving scalability is the requirement for every node to duplicate the communication, storage, and state representation of the entire network. In this paper, we introduce the Asynchronous Consensus Zones, which scales...

2017/406 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-21
OmniLedger: A Secure, Scale-Out, Decentralized Ledger via Sharding
Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias, Philipp Jovanovic, Linus Gasser, Nicolas Gailly, Ewa Syta, Bryan Ford

Designing a secure permissionless distributed ledger that performs on par with centralized payment processors such as Visa is challenging. Most existing distributed ledgers are unable to "scale-out'' -- growing total processing capacity with number of participants -- and those that do compromise security or decentralization. This work presents OmniLedger, the first scale-out distributed ledger that can preserve long-term security under permissionless operation. OmniLedger ensures strong...

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