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299 results sorted by ID

Possible spell-corrected query: ring
2024/1396 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-05
Rare structures in tensor graphs - Bermuda triangles for cryptosystems based on the Tensor Isomorphism problem
Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in improving the understanding of the practical hardness of the 3-Tensor Isomorphism (3-TI) problem, which, given two 3-tensors, asks for an isometry between the two. The current state-of-the-art for solving this problem is the algebraic algorithm of Ran et al. '23 and the graph-theoretic algorithm of Narayanan et al. '24 that have both slightly reduced the security of the signature schemes MEDS and ALTEQ, based on variants of the 3-TI problem...

2024/1187 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-23
STORM — Small Table Oriented Redundancy-based SCA Mitigation for AES
Yaacov Belenky, Hennadii Chernyshchyk, Oleg Karavaev, Oleh Maksymenko, Valery Teper, Daria Ryzhkova, Itamar Levi, Osnat Keren, Yury Kreimer
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Side-channel-analysis (SCA) resistance with cost optimization in AES hardware implementations remains a significant challenge. While traditional masking-based schemes offer provable security, they often incur substantial resource overheads (latency, area, randomness, performance, power consumption). Alternatively, the RAMBAM scheme introduced a redundancy-based approach to control the signal-to-noise ratio, and achieves exponential leakage reduction as redundancy increases. This method...

2024/1041 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-02
Embedding Integer Lattices as Ideals into Polynomial Rings
Yihang Cheng, Yansong Feng, Yanbin Pan
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Many lattice-based crypstosystems employ ideal lattices for high efficiency. However, the additional algebraic structure of ideal lattices usually makes us worry about the security, and it is widely believed that the algebraic structure will help us solve the hard problems in ideal lattices more efficiently. In this paper, we study the additional algebraic structure of ideal lattices further and find that a given ideal lattice in a polynomial ring can be embedded as an ideal into infinitely...

2024/1026 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-25
MaSTer: Maliciously Secure Truncation for Replicated Secret Sharing without Pre-Processing
Martin Zbudila, Erik Pohle, Aysajan Abidin, Bart Preneel
Cryptographic protocols

Secure multi-party computation (MPC) in a three-party, honest majority scenario is currently the state-of-the-art for running machine learning algorithms in a privacy-preserving manner. For efficiency reasons, fixed-point arithmetic is widely used to approximate computation over decimal numbers. After multiplication in fixed-point arithmetic, truncation is required to keep the result's precision. In this paper, we present an efficient three-party truncation protocol secure in the presence of...

2024/997 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-22
Dishonest Majority Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Any Constant Fraction of Corrupted Verifiers
Daniel Escudero, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song, Chenkai Weng
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we study the efficiency of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) arguments of knowledge, particularly exploring Multi-Verifier ZK (MVZK) protocols as a midway point between Non-Interactive ZK and Designated-Verifier ZK, offering versatile applications across various domains. We introduce a new MVZK protocol designed for the preprocessing model, allowing any constant fraction of verifiers to be corrupted, potentially colluding with the prover. Our contributions include the first MVZK over rings....

2024/985 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-18
DualRing-PRF: Post-Quantum (Linkable) Ring Signatures from Legendre and Power Residue PRFs
Xinyu Zhang, Ron Steinfeld, Joseph K. Liu, Muhammed F. Esgin, Dongxi Liu, Sushmita Ruj
Cryptographic protocols

Ring signatures are one of the crucial cryptographic primitives used in the design of privacy-preserving systems. Such a signature scheme allows a signer to anonymously sign a message on behalf of a spontaneously formed group. It not only ensures the authenticity of the message but also conceals the true signer within the group. An important extension of ring signatures is linkable ring signatures, which prevent a signer from signing twice without being detected (under some constraints)....

2024/939 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-11
Two RSA-based Cryptosystems
A. Telveenus
Public-key cryptography

The cryptosystem RSA is a very popular cryptosystem in the study of Cryptography. In this article, we explore how the idea of a primitive m th root of unity in a ring can be integrated into the Discrete Fourier Transform, leading to the development of new cryptosystems known as RSA-DFT and RSA-HGR.

2024/890 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
Ring Signatures for Deniable AKEM: Gandalf's Fellowship
Phillip Gajland, Jonas Janneck, Eike Kiltz
Public-key cryptography

Ring signatures, a cryptographic primitive introduced by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman (ASIACRYPT 2001), offer signer anonymity within dynamically formed user groups. Recent advancements have focused on lattice-based constructions to improve efficiency, particularly for large signing rings. However, current state-of-the-art solutions suffer from significant overhead, especially for smaller rings. In this work, we present a novel NTRU-based ring signature scheme, Gandalf, tailored towards...

2024/837 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
Fully Secure MPC and zk-FLIOP Over Rings: New Constructions, Improvements and Extensions
Anders Dalskov, Daniel Escudero, Ariel Nof
Cryptographic protocols

We revisit the question of the overhead to achieve full security (i.e., guaranteed output delivery) in secure multiparty computation (MPC). Recent works have closed the gap between full security and semi-honest security, by introducing protocols where the parties first compute the circuit using a semi-honest protocol and then run a verification step with sublinear communication in the circuit size. However, in these works the number of interaction rounds in the verification step is also...

2024/805 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-24
DiTRU: A Resurrection of NTRU over Dihedral Group
Ali Raya, Vikas Kumar, Sugata Gangopadhyay
Public-key cryptography

NTRU-like cryptosystems are among the most studied lattice-based post-quantum candidates. While most NTRU proposals have been introduced over a commutative ring of quotient polynomials, other rings can be used. Noncommutative algebra has been endorsed as a direction to build new variants of NTRU a long time ago. The first attempt to construct a noncommutative variant was due to Hoffstein and Silverman motivated by more resistance to lattice attack. The scheme has been built over the group...

2024/707 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-07
Towards a Polynomial Instruction Based Compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption Accelerators
Sejun Kim, Wen Wang, Duhyeong Kim, Adish Vartak, Michael Steiner, Rosario Cammarota

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a transformative technology that enables computations on encrypted data without requiring decryption, promising enhanced data privacy. However, its adoption has been limited due to significant performance overheads. Recent advances include the proposal of domain-specific, highly-parallel hardware accelerators designed to overcome these limitations. This paper introduces PICA, a comprehensive compiler framework designed to simplify the programming of...

2024/700 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-05
Sublinear Distributed Product Checks on Replicated Secret-Shared Data over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ Without Ring Extensions
Yun Li, Daniel Escudero, Yufei Duan, Zhicong Huang, Cheng Hong, Chao Zhang, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols

Multiple works have designed or used maliciously secure honest majority MPC protocols over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ using replicated secret sharing (e.g. Koti et al. USENIX'21). A recent trend in the design of such MPC protocols is to first execute a semi-honest protocol, and then use a check that verifies the correctness of the computation requiring only sublinear amount of communication in terms of the circuit size. The so-called Galois ring extensions are needed in order to execute such checks...

2024/679 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-03
Isotropic Quadratic Forms, Diophantine Equations and Digital Signatures
Martin Feussner, Igor Semaev
Public-key cryptography

This work introduces DEFI - an efficient hash-and-sign digital signature scheme based on isotropic quadratic forms over a commutative ring of characteristic 0. The form is public, but the construction is a trapdoor that depends on the scheme's private key. For polynomial rings over integers and rings of integers of algebraic number fields, the cryptanalysis is reducible to solving a quadratic Diophantine equation over the ring or, equivalently, to solving a system of quadratic Diophantine...

2024/582 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-18
Improved Alternating-Moduli PRFs and Post-Quantum Signatures
Navid Alamati, Guru-Vamsi Policharla, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Peter Rindal
Cryptographic protocols

We revisit the alternating-moduli paradigm for constructing symmetric-key primitives with a focus on constructing efficient protocols to evaluate them using secure multi-party computation (MPC). The alternating-moduli paradigm of Boneh, Ishai, Passelègue, Sahai, and Wu (TCC 2018) enables the construction of various symmetric-key primitives with the common characteristic that the inputs are multiplied by two linear maps over different moduli. The first contribution focuses on...

2024/443 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-14
The cool and the cruel: separating hard parts of LWE secrets
Niklas Nolte, Mohamed Malhou, Emily Wenger, Samuel Stevens, Cathy Yuanchen Li, Francois Charton, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Sparse binary LWE secrets are under consideration for standardization for Homomorphic Encryption and its applications to private computation. Known attacks on sparse binary LWE secrets include the sparse dual attack and the hybrid sparse dual-meet in the middle attack, which requires significant memory. In this paper, we provide a new statistical attack with low memory requirement. The attack relies on some initial parallelized lattice reduction. The key observation is that, after...

2024/386 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
High-Throughput Secure Multiparty Computation with an Honest Majority in Various Network Settings
Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Ajith Suresh, Yongqin Wang, Hossein Yalame, Georg Carle, Murali Annavaram
Cryptographic protocols

In this work, we present novel protocols over rings for semi-honest secure three-party computation (3PC) and malicious four-party computation (4PC) with one corruption. While most existing works focus on improving total communication complexity, challenges such as network heterogeneity and computational complexity, which impact MPC performance in practice, remain underexplored. Our protocols address these issues by tolerating multiple arbitrarily weak network links between parties...

2024/370 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-16
Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation with Linear Communication Complexity over Any Modulus
Daniel Escudero, Yifan Song, Wenhao Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Consider the task of secure multiparty computation (MPC) among $n$ parties with perfect security and guaranteed output delivery, supporting $t<n/3$ active corruptions. Suppose the arithmetic circuit $C$ to be computed is defined over a finite ring $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$, for an arbitrary $q\in\mathbb{Z}$. It is known that this type of MPC over such ring is possible, with communication that scales as $O(n|C|)$, assuming that $q$ scales as $\Omega(n)$. However, for constant-size rings...

2024/319 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-24
On the cryptosystems based on two Eulerian transfor-mations defined over the commutative rings $Z_{2^s}, s>1$.
Vasyl Ustimenko
Cryptographic protocols

We suggest the family of ciphers s^E^n, n=2,3,.... with the space of plaintexts (Z*_{2^s})^n, s >1 such that the encryption map is the composition of kind G=G_1A_1G_2A_2 where A_i are the affine transformations from AGL_n(Z_{2^s}) preserving the variety (Z*_{2^s)}^n , Eulerian endomorphism G_i , i=1,2 of K[x_1, x_2,...., x_n] moves x_i to monomial term ϻ(x_1)^{d(1)}(x_2)^{d(2)}...(x_n)^{d(n)} , ϻϵ Z*_{2^s} and act on (Z*_{2^s})^n as bijective transformations. The cipher is...

2024/174 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-07
QPP and HPPK: Unifying Non-Commutativity for Quantum-Secure Cryptography with Galois Permutation Group
Randy Kuang
Cryptographic protocols

In response to the evolving landscape of quantum computing and the heightened vulnerabilities in classical cryptographic systems, our paper introduces a comprehensive cryptographic framework. Building upon the pioneering work of Kuang et al., we present a unification of two innovative primitives: the Quantum Permutation Pad (QPP) for symmetric key encryption and the Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK) for Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signatures (DS). By harnessing...

2024/156 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-12
Homomorphic sign evaluation with a RNS representation of integers
Philippe Chartier, Michel Koskas, Mohammed Lemou, Florian Méhats
Public-key cryptography

In the context of fully-homomorphic-encryption, we consider the representation of large integers by their decomposition over a product of rings (through the Chinese Remainder Theorem) and introduce a new algorithm for the determination of the sign solely through the knowledge of ring-components. Our implementation with 128 bits of security delivers a correct result and a probability higher than 1 E-9 in less than 100 milliseconds for 32-bit integers on a laptop.

2024/153 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-22
Revisiting the Slot-to-Coefficient Transformation for BGV and BFV
Robin Geelen
Public-key cryptography

Numerous applications in homomorphic encryption require an operation that moves the slots of a ciphertext to the coefficients of a different ciphertext. For the BGV and BFV schemes, the only efficient algorithms to implement this slot-to-coefficient transformation were proposed in the setting of non-power-of-two cyclotomic rings. In this paper, we devise an FFT-like method to decompose the slot-to-coefficient transformation (and its inverse) for power-of-two cyclotomic rings. The proposed...

2024/146 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Computing Orientations from the Endomorphism Ring of Supersingular Curves and Applications
Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

This work introduces several algorithms related to the computation of orientations in endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves. This problem boils down to representing integers by ternary quadratic forms, and it is at the heart of several results regarding the security of oriented-curves in isogeny-based cryptography. Our main contribution is to show that there exists efficient algorithms that can solve this problem for quadratic orders of discriminant $n$ up to $O(p^{4/3})$....

2024/053 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-14
Anonymous Homomorphic IBE with Application to Anonymous Aggregation
Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick, Hitesh Tewari
Public-key cryptography

All anonymous identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes that are group homomorphic (to the best of our knowledge) require knowledge of the identity to compute the homomorphic operation. This paper is motivated by this open problem, namely to construct an anonymous group-homomorphic IBE scheme that does not sacrifice anonymity to perform homomorphic operations. Note that even when strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) are permitted, no schemes are known. We succeed in...

2024/035 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-01
A New Approach to Efficient and Secure Fixed-point Computation
Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Jonas Lindstrøm, Mikkel Wienberg Madsen, Anne Dorte Spangsberg
Cryptographic protocols

Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) constructions typically allow computation over a finite field or ring. While useful for many applications, certain real-world applications require the usage of decimal numbers. While it is possible to emulate floating-point operations in MPC, fixed-point computation has gained more traction in the practical space due to its simplicity and efficient realizations. Even so, current protocols for fixed-point MPC still require computing a secure truncation...

2024/032 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-30
Verifiable FHE via Lattice-based SNARKs
Shahla Atapoor, Karim Baghery, Hilder V. L. Pereira, Jannik Spiessens
Cryptographic protocols

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a prevalent cryptographic primitive that allows for computation on encrypted data. In various cryptographic protocols, this enables outsourcing computation to a third party while retaining the privacy of the inputs to the computation. However, these schemes make an honest-but-curious assumption about the adversary. Previous work has tried to remove this assumption by combining FHE with Verifiable Computation (VC). Recent work has increased the...

2024/019 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-10
Benchmark Performance of Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Cryptography for Key Encapsulation and Digital Signature Schemes
Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, Dafu Lou, Brinda Tank
Public-key cryptography

This paper conducts a comprehensive benchmarking analysis of the performance of two innovative cryptographic schemes: Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK)-Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signature (DS), recently proposed by Kuang et al. These schemes represent a departure from traditional cryptographic paradigms, with HPPK leveraging the security of homomorphic symmetric encryption across two hidden rings without reliance on NP-hard problems. HPPK can be viewed as a...

2023/1962 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-19
A Survey of Polynomial Multiplications for Lattice-Based Cryptosystems
Vincent Hwang

We survey various mathematical tools used in software works multiplying polynomials in \[ \frac{\mathbb{Z}_q[x]}{\left\langle {x^n - \alpha x - \beta} \right\rangle}. \] In particular, we survey implementation works targeting polynomial multiplications in lattice-based cryptosystems Dilithium, Kyber, NTRU, NTRU Prime, and Saber with instruction set architectures/extensions Armv7-M, Armv7E-M, Armv8-A, and AVX2. There are three emphases in this paper: (i) modular arithmetic, (ii)...

2023/1932 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-20
Multipars: Reduced-Communication MPC over Z2k
Sebastian Hasler, Pascal Reisert, Marc Rivinius, Ralf Küsters
Cryptographic protocols

In recent years, actively secure SPDZ-like protocols for dishonest majority, like SPD$\mathbb Z_{2^k}$, Overdrive2k, and MHz2k, over base rings $\mathbb Z_{2^k}$ have become more and more efficient. In this paper, we present a new actively secure MPC protocol Multipars that outperforms these state-of-the-art protocols over $\mathbb Z_{2^k}$ by more than a factor of 2 in the two-party setup in terms of communication. Multipars is the first actively secure N-party protocol over $\mathbb...

2023/1912 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
Dishonest Majority Multiparty Computation over Matrix Rings
Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan, Taoxu Zou
Cryptographic protocols

The privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) has gained growing importance over the last few years. One of the biggest challenges is to improve the efficiency of PPML so that the communication and computation costs of PPML are affordable for large machine learning models such as deep learning. As we know, linear algebra such as matrix multiplication occupies a significant part of the computation in deep learning such as deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). Thus, it is desirable to...

2023/1824 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-01
Learning with Errors over Group Rings Constructed by Semi-direct Product
Jiaqi Liu, Fang-Wei Fu
Public-key cryptography

The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem has been widely utilized as a foundation for numerous cryptographic tools over the years. In this study, we focus on an algebraic variant of the LWE problem called Group ring LWE (GR-LWE). We select group rings (or their direct summands) that underlie specific families of finite groups constructed by taking the semi-direct product of two cyclic groups. Unlike the Ring-LWE problem described in \cite{lyubashevsky2010ideal}, the multiplication operation in...

2023/1768 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-17
Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Cryptography for Quantum-secure Digital Signature
Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, Mahmoud Sayed, Dafu Lou
Cryptographic protocols

In their 2022 study, Kuang et al. introduced the Multivariable Polynomial Public Key (MPPK) cryptography, a quantum-safe public key cryptosystem leveraging the mutual inversion relationship between multiplication and division. MPPK employs multiplication for key pair construction and division for decryption, generating public multivariate polynomials. Kuang and Perepechaenko expanded the cryptosystem into the Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK), transforming product polynomials over...

2023/1743 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-11
Explicit Lower Bounds for Communication Complexity of PSM for Concrete Functions
Kazumasa Shinagawa, Koji Nuida

Private Simultaneous Messages (PSM) is a minimal model of secure computation, where the input players with shared randomness send messages to the output player simultaneously and only once. In this field, finding upper and lower bounds on communication complexity of PSM protocols is important, and in particular, identifying the optimal one where the upper and lower bounds coincide is the ultimate goal. However, up until now, functions for which the optimal communication complexity has been...

2023/1654 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-25
On Gaussian sampling, smoothing parameter and application to signatures
Thomas Espitau, Alexandre Wallet, Yang Yu

We present a general framework for polynomial-time lattice Gaussian sampling. It revolves around a systematic study of the discrete Gaussian measure and its samplers under extensions of lattices; we first show that given lattices $\Lambda'\subset \Lambda$ we can sample efficiently in $\Lambda$ if we know how to do so in $\Lambda'$ and the quotient $\Lambda/\Lambda'$, \emph{regardless} of the primitivity of $\Lambda'$. As a direct application, we...

2023/1652 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-11
On Sigma-Protocols and (packed) Black-Box Secret Sharing Schemes
Claudia Bartoli, Ignacio Cascudo
Cryptographic protocols

$\Sigma$-protocols are a widely utilized, relatively simple and well understood type of zero-knowledge proofs. However, the well known Schnorr $\Sigma$-protocol for proving knowledge of discrete logarithm in a cyclic group of known prime order, and similar protocols working over this type of groups, are hard to generalize to dealing with other groups. In particular with hidden order groups, due to the inability of the knowledge extractor to invert elements modulo the order. In this paper,...

2023/1618 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Improved algorithms for finding fixed-degree isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves
Benjamin Benčina, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Miha Stopar, Charlotte Weitkämper
Public-key cryptography

Finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves is a natural algorithmic problem which is known to be equivalent to computing the curves' endomorphism rings. When the isogeny is additionally required to have a specific known degree $d$, the problem appears to be somewhat different in nature, yet its hardness is also required in isogeny-based cryptography. Let $E_1,E_2$ be supersingular elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. We present improved classical and quantum...

2023/1617 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-15
Designing Efficient and Flexible NTT Accelerators

The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a powerful mathematical tool with a wide range of applications in various fields, including signal processing, cryptography, and error correction codes. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in efficiently implementing the NTT on hardware platforms for lattice-based cryptography within the context of NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition. The implementation of NTT in cryptography stands as a pivotal advancement,...

2023/1537 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-20
DEFEND: Towards Verifiable Delay Functions from Endomorphism Rings
Knud Ahrens, Jens Zumbrägel
Cryptographic protocols

We present a verifiable delay function based on isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves, using Deuring correspondence and computation of endomorphism rings for the delay. For each input x a verifiable delay function has a unique output y and takes a predefined time to evaluate, even with parallel computing. Additionally, it generates a proof by which the output can efficiently be verified. In our approach the input is a path in the 2-isogeny graph and the output is the maximal order...

2023/1481 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-27
A Total Break of the Scrap Digital Signature Scheme
Daniel Smith-Tone
Public-key cryptography

Recently a completely new post-quantum digital signature scheme was proposed using the so called ``scrap automorphisms''. The structure is inherently multivariate, but differs significantly from most of the multivariate literature in that it relies on sparsity and rings containing zero divisors. In this article, we derive a complete and total break of Scrap, performing a key recovery in not much more time than verifying a signature. We also generalize the result, breaking unrealistic...

2023/1450 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-22
Post-Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Group Ring Homomorphisms
Christopher Leonardi, Maya Gusak
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Gentry's groundbreaking work showed that a fully homomorphic, provably secure scheme is possible via bootstrapping a somewhat homomorphic scheme. However, a major drawback of bootstrapping is its high computational cost. One alternative is to use a different metric for noise so that homomorphic operations do not accumulate noise, eliminating the need for boostrapping altogether. Leonardi and Ruiz-Lopez present a group-theoretic framework for such a ``noise non-accumulating'' multiplicative...

2023/1433 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-21
A polynomial-time attack on instances of M-SIDH and FESTA
Wouter Castryck, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

The recent devastating attacks on SIDH rely on the fact that the protocol reveals the images $\varphi(P)$ and $\varphi(Q)$ of the secret isogeny $\varphi : E_0 \rightarrow E$ on a basis $\{P, Q\}$ of the $N$-torsion subgroup $E_0[N]$ where $N^2 > \deg(\varphi)$. To thwart this attack, two recent proposals, M-SIDH and FESTA, proceed by only revealing the images upto unknown scalars $\lambda_1, \lambda_2 \in \mathbb{Z}_N^\times$, i.e., only $\lambda_1 \varphi(P)$ and $\lambda_2 \varphi(Q)$...

2023/1363 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-12
Amortized NISC over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ from RMFE
Fuchun Lin, Chaoping Xing, Yizhou Yao, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

Reversed multiplication friendly embedding (RMFE) amortization has been playing an active role in the state-of-the-art constructions of MPC protocols over rings (in particular, the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$). As far as we know, this powerful technique has NOT been able to find applications in the crown jewel of two-party computation, the non-interactive secure computation (NISC), where the requirement of the protocol being non-interactive constitutes a formidable technical bottle-neck. We...

2023/1335 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-03
Antrag: Annular NTRU Trapdoor Generation
Thomas Espitau, Thi Thu Quyen Nguyen, Chao Sun, Mehdi Tibouchi, Alexandre Wallet
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce a novel trapdoor generation technique for Prest's hybrid sampler over NTRU lattices. Prest's sampler is used in particular in the recently proposed Mitaka signature scheme (Eurocrypt 2022), a variant of the Falcon signature scheme, one of the candidates selected by NIST for standardization. Mitaka was introduced to address Falcon's main drawback, namely the fact that the lattice Gaussian sampler used in its signature generation is highly...

2023/1124 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-19
An Algebraic Approach to Circulant Column Parity Mixers
Robert Christian Subroto
Secret-key cryptography

Column Parity Mixers, or CPMs in short, are a particular type of linear maps, used as the mixing layer in permutation-based cryptographic primitives like Keccak-f (SHA3) and Xoodoo. Although being successfully applied, not much is known regarding their algebraic properties. They are limited to invertibility of CCPMs, and that the set of invertible CCPMs forms a group. A possible explanation is due to the complexity of describing CPMs in terms of linear algebra. In this paper, we introduce a...

2023/1117 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-18
Mask Compression: High-Order Masking on Memory-Constrained Devices
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Mélissa Rossi

Masking is a well-studied method for achieving provable security against side-channel attacks. In masking, each sensitive variable is split into $d$ randomized shares, and computations are performed with those shares. In addition to the computational overhead of masked arithmetic, masking also has a storage cost, increasing the requirements for working memory and secret key storage proportionally with $d$. In this work, we introduce mask compression. This conceptually simple technique is...

2023/1057 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-18
ZK-for-Z2K: MPC-in-the-Head Zero-Knowledge Proofs for $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$
Lennart Braun, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Robin Jadoul, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart, Titouan Tanguy
Cryptographic protocols

In this work, we extend the MPC-in-the-head framework, used in recent efficient zero-knowledge protocols, to work over the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$, which is the primary operating domain for modern CPUs. The proposed schemes are compatible with any threshold linear secret sharing scheme and draw inspiration from MPC protocols adapted for ring operations. Additionally, we explore various batching methodologies, leveraging Shamir's secret sharing schemes and Galois ring extensions, and...

2023/1046 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-06
Zero-Value Filtering for Accelerating Non-Profiled Side-Channel Attack on Incomplete NTT based Implementations of Lattice-based Cryptography
Tolun Tosun, Erkay Savas
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Lattice-based cryptographic schemes such as Crystals-Kyber and Dilithium are post-quantum algorithms selected to be standardized by NIST as they are considered to be secure against quantum computing attacks. The multiplication in polynomial rings is the most time-consuming operation in many lattice-based cryptographic schemes, which is also subject to side-channel attacks. While NTT-based polynomial multiplication is almost a norm in a wide range of implementations, a relatively new method,...

2023/855 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-28
$\mathsf{Mercury}$: Constant-Round Protocols for Multi-Party Computation with Rationals
Luke Harmon, Gaetan Delavignette
Cryptographic protocols

Most protocols for secure multi-party computation (MPC) work over fields or rings, which means that encoding techniques are needed to map rational-valued data into the algebraic structure being used. Leveraging an encoding technique introduced in recent work of Harmon et al. that is compatible with any MPC protocol over a prime-order field, we present Mercury - a family of protocols for addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division of rational numbers. Notably, the output of our...

2023/822 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-02
Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Primitives over Rings and a Key Recovery Attack on Rubato
Lorenzo Grassi, Irati Manterola Ayala, Martha Norberg Hovd, Morten Øygarden, Håvard Raddum, Qingju Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Symmetric primitives are a cornerstone of cryptography, and have traditionally been defined over fields, where cryptanalysis is now well understood. However, a few symmetric primitives defined over rings Z_q for a composite number q have recently been proposed, a setting where security is much less studied. In this paper we focus on studying established algebraic attacks typically defined over fields and the extent of their applicability to symmetric primitives defined over the ring of...

2023/785 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-24
Generation of two ''independent'' points on an elliptic curve of $j$-invariant $\neq 0, 1728$
Dmitrii Koshelev

This article is dedicated to a new generation method of two ``independent'' $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-points $P_0$, $P_1$ on almost any ordinary elliptic curve $E$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ of large characteristic. In particular, the method is relevant for all standardized and real-world elliptic curves of $j$-invariants different from $0$, $1728$. The points $P_0$, $P_1$ are characterized by the fact that nobody (even a generator) knows the discrete logarithm $\log_{P_0}(P_1)$ in the...

2023/783 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-01
Breaking the power-of-two barrier: noise estimation for BGV in NTT-friendly rings
Andrea Di Giusto, Chiara Marcolla
Public-key cryptography

The Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) scheme is a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) cryptosystem based on the Ring Learning With Error (RLWE) problem. Ciphertexts in this scheme contain an error term that grows with operations and causes decryption failure when it surpasses a certain threshold. For this reason, the parameters of BGV need to be estimated carefully, with a trade-off between security and error margin. The ciphertext space of BGV is the ring $\mathcal R_q=\mathbb...

2023/536 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-07
Lightweight Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing with Optimal Resilience
Victor Shoup, Nigel P. Smart
Cryptographic protocols

We present new protocols for *Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing* for Shamir (i.e., threshold $t<n$) sharing of secrets. Our protocols: * Use only "lightweight" cryptographic primitives, such as hash functions; * Can share secrets over rings such as $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$ as well as finite fields $\mathbb{F}_q$; * Provide *optimal resilience*, in the sense that they tolerate up to $t < n/3$ corruptions, where $n$ is the total number of parties; * Are *complete*, in the sense that they...

2023/173 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-22
Degree-$D$ Reverse Multiplication-Friendly Embeddings: Constructions and Applications
Daniel Escudero, Cheng Hong, Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

In the recent work of (Cheon & Lee, Eurocrypt'22), the concept of a degree-$D$ packing method was formally introduced, which captures the idea of embedding multiple elements of a smaller ring into a larger ring, so that element-wise multiplication in the former is somewhat "compatible" with the product in the latter. Then, several optimal bounds and results are presented, and furthermore, the concept is generalized from one multiplication to degrees larger than two. These packing...

2023/150 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-23
More Efficient Zero-Knowledge Protocols over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ via Galois Rings
Fuchun Lin, Chaoping Xing, Yizhou Yao
Cryptographic protocols

A recent line of works on zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols with a vector oblivious linear function evaluation (VOLE)-based offline phase provides a new paradigm for scalable ZK protocols featuring fast proving and small prover memory. Very recently, Baum et al. (Crypto'23) proposed the VOLE-in-the-head technique, allowing such protocols to become publicly verifiable. Many practically efficient protocols for proving circuit satisfiability over any Galois field are implemented, while protocols...

2023/132 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-04
Security analysis of DBTRU cryptosystem
Alexandra Ciobanu, Marina Stefiuc
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Proposed by Thang and Binh (NICS, 2015 ), DBTRU is a variant of NTRU, where the integer polynomial ring is replaced by two binary truncated polynomial rings GF(2)[x]/(x^n 1). DBTRU has significant advantages over NTRU in terms of security and performance. NTRU is a probabilistic public key cryptosystem having security related to some hard problems in lattices. In this paper we will present a polynomial-time linear algebra attack on the DBTRU cryptosystem which can break DBTRU for all...

2023/106 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-20
Deuring for the People: Supersingular Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring in General Characteristic
Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková, Mattia Veroni

Constructing a supersingular elliptic curve whose endomorphism ring is isomorphic to a given quaternion maximal order (one direction of the Deuring correspondence) is known to be polynomial-time assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis [KLPT14; Wes21], but notoriously daunting in practice when not working over carefully selected base fields. In this work, we speed up the computation of the Deuring correspondence in general characteristic, i.e., without assuming any special form of the...

2022/1690 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-05
LUNA: Quasi-Optimally Succinct Designated-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Lattices
Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad, Muhammed F. Esgin, Veronika Kuchta, Mert Yassi, Raymond K. Zhao
Cryptographic protocols

We introduce the first candidate Lattice-based designated verifier (DV) zero knowledge sUccinct Non-interactive Argument (ZK-SNARG) protocol, LUNA, with quasi-optimal proof length (quasi-linear in the security/privacy parameter). By simply relying on mildly stronger security assumptions, LUNA is also a candidate ZK-SNARK (i.e. argument of knowledge). LUNA achieves significant improvements in concrete proof sizes, reaching below 6 KB (compared to >32 KB in prior work) for 128-bit...

2022/1664 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-11
NTRU : Compact Construction of NTRU Using Simple Encoding Method
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography

NTRU was the first practical public key encryption scheme constructed on a lattice over a polynomial-based ring and has been considered secure against significant cryptanalytic attacks over the past few decades. However, NTRU and its variants suffer from several drawbacks, including difficulties in achieving worst-case correctness error in a moderate modulus, inconvenient sampling distributions for messages, and relatively slower algorithms compared to other lattice-based schemes. In...

2022/1631 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-11
Enhancing Ring-LWE Hardness using Dedekind Index Theorem
Charanjit S Jutla, Chengyu Lin

In this work we extend the known pseudorandomness of Ring-LWE (RLWE) to be based on ideal lattices of non Dedekind domains. In earlier works of Lyubashevsky et al (EUROCRYPT 2010) and Peikert et al (STOC 2017), the hardness of RLWE was based on ideal lattices of ring of integers of number fields, which are known to be Dedekind domains. While these works extended Regev's (STOC 2005) quantum polynomial-time reduction for LWE, thus allowing more efficient and more structured cryptosystems, the...

2022/1489 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-14
On new results on Extremal Algebraic Graph Theory and their connections with Algebraic Cryptography
Vasyl Ustimenko

Homogeneous algebraic graphs defined over arbitrary field are classical objects of Algebraic Geometry. This class includes geometries of Chevalley groups $A_2(F)$, $B_2(F)$ and $G_2(F)$ defined over arbitrary field $F$. Assume that codimension of homogeneous graph is the ratio of dimension of variety of its vertices and the dimension of neighbourhood of some vertex. We evaluate minimal codimension $v(g)$ and $u(h)$ of algebraic graph of prescribed girth $g$ and cycle indicator....

2022/1344 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-08
Discrete Exponential Equations and Noisy Systems
Trey Li

The history of equations dates back to thousands of years ago, though the equals sign "=" was only invented in 1557. We formalize the processes of "decomposition" and "restoration" in mathematics and physics by defining "discrete exponential equations" and "noisy equation systems" over an abstract structure called a "land", which is more general than fields, rings, groups, and monoids. Our abstract equations and systems provide general languages for many famous computational problems such as...

2022/1177 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-17
Liberating TFHE: Programmable Bootstrapping with General Quotient Polynomials
Marc Joye, Michael Walter
Public-key cryptography

All known instantiations for fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) produce noisy ciphertexts and rely on a technique called bootstrapping to reduce the noise so as to enable an arbitrary number of homomorphic operations. Bootstrapping is the main performance bottleneck and arguably the biggest obstacle to widespread adoption of FHE. Among the FHE schemes, TFHE and its variations present the appealing property of having a bootstrapping procedure---as well as its extension to programmable ...

2022/1105 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-26
Arithmetization of Σ¹₁ relations with polynomial bounds in Halo 2
Anthony Hart, Morgan Thomas

Previously [4], Orbis Labs presented a method for compiling (“arithmetizing”) relations, expressed as Σ¹₁ formulas in the language of rings, into Halo 2 [1, 2, 3] arithmetic circuits. In this research, we extend this method to support polynomial quantifier bounds, in addition to constant quantifier bounds. This allows for more efficient usage of rows in the resulting circuit.

2022/1023 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-26
SIM: Secure Interval Membership Testing and Applications to Secure Comparison
Albert Yu, Donghang Lu, Aniket Kate, Hemanta K. Maji
Cryptographic protocols

The offline-online model is a leading paradigm for practical secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol design that has successfully reduced the overhead for several prevalent privacy-preserving computation functionalities common to diverse application domains. However, the prohibitive overheads associated with secure comparison -- one of these vital functionalities -- often bottlenecks current and envisioned MPC solutions. Indeed, an efficient secure comparison solution has the potential...

2022/930 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-30
Multi-Parameter Support with NTTs for NTRU and NTRU Prime on Cortex-M4
Erdem Alkim, Vincent Hwang, Bo-Yin Yang

We propose NTT implementations with each supporting at least one parameter of NTRU and one parameter of NTRU Prime. Our implementations are based on size-1440, size-1536, and size-1728 convolutions without algebraic assumptions on the target polynomial rings. We also propose several improvements for the NTT computation. Firstly, we introduce dedicated radix-(2,3) butterflies combining Good–Thomas FFT and vector-radix FFT. In general, there are six dedicated radix-(2, 3) butterflies and they...

2022/881 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-16
A Novel High-performance Implementation of CRYSTALS-Kyber with AI Accelerator
Lipeng Wan, Fangyu Zheng, Guang Fan, Rong Wei, Lili Gao, Jiankuo Dong, Jingqiang Lin, Yuewu Wang

Public-key cryptography, including conventional cryptosystems and post-quantum cryptography, involves computation-intensive workloads. With noticing the extraordinary computing power of AI accelerators, in this paper, we further explore the feasibility to introduce AI accelerators into high-performance cryptographic computing. Since AI accelerators are dedicated to machine learning or neural networks, the biggest challenge is how to transform cryptographic workloads into their operations,...

2022/826 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-05
Pika: Secure Computation using Function Secret Sharing over Rings
Sameer Wagh
Cryptographic protocols

Machine learning algorithms crucially depend on non-linear mathematical functions such as division (for normalization), exponentiation (for softmax and sigmoid), tanh (as an activation function), logarithm (for cross-entropy loss), and square root (for back-propagation of normalization layers). However, when machine learning is performed over secure computation, these protocols incur a large communication overhead and high round complexity. In this work, we propose new multi-party...

2022/819 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-21
Moz$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$arella: Efficient Vector-OLE and Zero-Knowledge Proofs Over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$
Carsten Baum, Lennart Braun, Alexander Munch-Hansen, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols

Zero-knowledge proof systems are usually designed to support computations for circuits over $\mathbb{F}_2$ or $\mathbb{F}_p$ for large $p$, but not for computations over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$, which all modern CPUs operate on. Although $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$-arithmetic can be emulated using prime moduli, this comes with an unavoidable overhead. Recently, Baum et al. (CCS 2021) suggested a candidate construction for a designated-verifier zero-knowledge proof system that natively runs over...

2022/815 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-23
More Efficient Dishonest Majority Secure Computation over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ via Galois Rings
Daniel Escudero, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we present a novel actively secure multiparty computation protocol in the dishonest majority setting, where the computation domain is a ring of the type $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$. Instead of considering an "extension ring" of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{2^{k \kappa}}$ as in SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ (Cramer et al, CRYPTO 2018) and its derivatives, we make use of an actual ring extension, or more precisely, a Galois ring extension $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}[\mathtt{X}]/(h(\mathtt{X}))$ of large enough...

2022/795 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-20
Efficient Generic Arithmetic for KKW Practical Linear: MPC-in-the-Head NIZK on Commodity Hardware without Trusted Setup
David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Jiahui Lu
Cryptographic protocols

Katz et al., CCS 2018 (KKW) is a popular and efficient MPC-in-the-head non-interactive ZKP (NIZK) scheme, which is the technical core of the post-quantum signature scheme Picnic, currently considered for standardization by NIST. The KKW approach simultaneously is concretely efficient, even on commodity hardware, and does not rely on trusted setup. Importantly, the approach scales linearly in the circuit size with low constants with respect to proof generation time, proof verification time,...

2022/777 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-10
Arithmetization of Σ¹₁ relations in Halo 2
Morgan Thomas

Orbis Labs presents a method for compiling (“arithmetizing”) relations, expressed as Σ¹₁ formulas in the language of rings, into Halo 2 arithmetic circuits. This method offers the possibility of creating arithmetic circuits without laborious and error-prone manual circuit design and implementation, by instead expressing the relation to be arithmetized in a concise mathematical notation and generating the circuit based on that expression.

2022/712 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-26
The Hardness of LPN over Any Integer Ring and Field for PCG Applications
Hanlin Liu, Xiao Wang, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Learning parity with noise (LPN) has been widely studied and used in cryptography. It was recently brought to new prosperity since Boyle et al. (CCS'18), putting LPN to a central role in designing secure multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, private set intersection, and many other protocols. In this paper, we thoroughly studied the security of LPN problems in this particular context. We found that some important aspects have long been ignored and many conclusions from classical...

2022/706 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-29
Finding and Evaluating Parameters for BGV
Johannes Mono, Chiara Marcolla, Georg Land, Tim Güneysu, Najwa Aaraj

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a groundbreaking technology that allows for arbitrary computations to be performed on encrypted data. State-of-the-art schemes such as Brakerski Gentry Vaikuntanathan (BGV) are based on the Learning with Errors over rings (RLWE) assumption, and each ciphertext has an associated error that grows with each homomorphic operation. For correctness, the error needs to stay below a certain threshold, requiring a trade-off between security and error margin for...

2022/665 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-16
NOVA, a Noncommutative-ring Based Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Signature Scheme with Key-randomness Alignment
Lih-Chung Wang, Po-En Tseng, Yen-Liang Kuan, Chun-Yen Chou
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we propose a noncommutative-ring based unbalanced oil and vinegar signature scheme with key-randomness alignment: NOVA (Noncommutative Oil and Vinegar with Alignment). Instead of fields or even commutative rings, we show that noncommutative rings can be used for algebraic cryptosystems. At the same or better level of security requirement, NOVA has a much smaller public key than UOV (Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar), which makes NOVA practical in most situations. We use Magma to...

2022/634 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-23
Round-Optimal Lattice-Based Threshold Signatures, Revisited
Shweta Agrawal, Damien Stehle, Anshu Yadav
Public-key cryptography

Threshold signature schemes enable distribution of the signature issuing capability to multiple users, to mitigate the threat of signing key compromise. Though a classic primitive, these signatures have witnessed a surge of interest in recent times due to relevance to modern applications like blockchains and cryptocurrencies. In this work, we study round-optimal threshold signatures in the post- quantum regime and improve the only known lattice-based construction by Boneh et al [CRYPTO’18]...

2022/587 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-05
Doubly Efficient Interactive Proofs over Infinite and Non-Commutative Rings
Eduardo Soria-Vazquez

We introduce the first proof system for layered arithmetic circuits over an arbitrary ring $R$ that is (possibly) non-commutative and (possibly) infinite, while only requiring black-box access to its arithmetic and a subset $A \subseteq R$. Our construction only requires limited commutativity and regularity properties from $A$, similar to recent work on efficient information theoretic multi-party computation over non-commutative rings by Escudero and Soria-Vazquez (CRYPTO 2021), but...

2022/284 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-14
Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Applications: Shorter, Simpler, and More General
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Maxime Plancon
Public-key cryptography

We present a much-improved practical protocol, based on the hardness of Module-SIS and Module-LWE problems, for proving knowledge of a short vector $s$ satisfying $As=t\bmod q$. The currently most-efficient technique for constructing such a proof works by showing that the $\ell_\infty$ norm of $s$ is small. It creates a commitment to a polynomial vector $m$ whose CRT coefficients are the coefficients of $s$ and then shows that (1) $A\cdot \mathsf{CRT}(m)=t\bmod\,q$ and (2) in the case that...

2022/261 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-01
Sublinear GMW-Style Compiler for MPC with Preprocessing
Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Ariel Nof
Cryptographic protocols

We consider the efficiency of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) with a dishonest majority. A popular approach for the design of such protocols is to employ preprocessing. Before the inputs are known, the parties generate correlated secret randomness, which is consumed by a fast and possibly ``information-theoretic'' online protocol. A powerful technique for securing such protocols against malicious parties uses homomorphic MACs to authenticate the values produced by the...

2022/181 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-24
Vector Commitments over Rings and Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocols
Thomas Attema, Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Ivan Bjerre Damgård, Daniel Escudero

Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory (CRYPTO 2020) presents an ``alternative'' to Bulletproofs that achieves the same communication complexity while adhering more elegantly to existing $\Sigma$-protocol theory, which enables their techniques to be directly applicable to other widely used settings in the context of ``plug \& play'' algorithmics. Unfortunately, their techniques are restricted to arithmetic circuits over \emph{prime} fields, which rules out the possibility of using more...

2021/1689 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-30
Proof of a conjecture on a special class of matrices over commutative rings of characteristic 2
Baofeng Wu
Secret-key cryptography

In this note, we prove the conjecture posed by Keller and Rosemarin at Eurocrypt 2021 on the nullity of a matrix polynomial of a block matrix with Hadamard type blocks over commutative rings of characteristic 2. Therefore, it confirms the conjectural optimal bound on the dimension of invariant subspace of the Starkad cipher using the HADES design strategy. We also give characterizations of the algebraic structure formed by Hadamard matrices over commutative rings.

2021/1616 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-14
A Note on the Post-Quantum Security of (Ring) Signatures
Rohit Chatterjee, Kai-Min Chung, Xiao Liang, Giulio Malavolta

This work revisits the security of classical signatures and ring signatures in a quantum world. For (ordinary) signatures, we focus on the arguably preferable security notion of blind-unforgeability recently proposed by Alagic et al. (Eurocrypt'20). We present two short signature schemes achieving this notion: one is in the quantum random oracle model, assuming quantum hardness of SIS; and the other is in the plain model, assuming quantum hardness of LWE with super-polynomial modulus. Prior...

2021/1610 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-22
Factoring Primes to Factor Moduli: Backdooring and Distributed Generation of Semiprimes
Giuseppe Vitto
Public-key cryptography

We describe a technique to backdoor a prime factor of a composite odd integer $N$, so that an attacker knowing a possibly secret factor base $\mathcal{B}$, can efficiently retrieve it from $N$. Such method builds upon Complex Multiplication theory for elliptic curves, by generating primes $p$ associated to $\mathcal{B}$-smooth order elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_p$. When such primes $p$ divide an integer $N$, the latter can be efficiently factored using a generalization of Lenstra's...

2021/1609 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-07
Polynomial XL: A Variant of the XL Algorithm Using Macaulay Matrices over Polynomial Rings
Hiroki Furue, Momonari Kudo
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Solving a system of $m$ multivariate quadratic equations in $n$ variables over finite fields (the MQ problem) is one of the important problems in the theory of computer science. The XL algorithm (XL for short) is a major approach for solving the MQ problem with linearization over a coefficient field. Furthermore, the hybrid approach with XL (h-XL) is a variant of XL guessing some variables beforehand. In this paper, we present a variant of h-XL, which we call the polynomial XL (PXL). In PXL,...

2021/1600 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-23
A New Isogeny Representation and Applications to Cryptography
Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

This paper focuses on isogeny representations, defined as ways to evaluate isogenies and verify membership to the language of isogenous supersingular curves (the set of triples $D,E_1,E_2$ with a cyclic isogeny of degree $D$ between $E_1$ and $E_2$). The tasks of evaluating and verifying isogenies are fundamental for isogeny-based cryptography. Our main contribution is the design of the suborder representation, a new isogeny representation targeted at the case of (big) prime...

2021/1383 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-15
MHz2k: MPC from HE over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ with New Packing, Simpler Reshare, and Better ZKP
Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Keewoo Lee
Cryptographic protocols

We propose a multi-party computation (MPC) protocol over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ secure against actively corrupted majority from somewhat homomorphic encryption. The main technical contributions are: (i) a new efficient packing method for $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$-messages in lattice-based somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes, (ii) a simpler reshare protocol for level-dependent packings, (iii) a more efficient zero-knowledge proof of plaintext knowledge on cyclotomic rings $\mathbb{Z}[X]/\Phi_M(X)$...

2021/1354 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-12
SoK: On the Security of Cryptographic Problems from Linear Algebra
Carl Bootland, Wouter Castryck, Alan Szepieniec, Frederik Vercauteren

There are two main aims to this paper. Firstly, we survey the relevant existing attack strategies known to apply to the most commonly used lattice-based cryptographic problems as well as to a number of their variants. In particular, we consider attacks against problems in the style of LWE, SIS and NTRU defined over rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}[X]/(f(X), g(X))$, where classically $g(X) = q$ is an integer modulus. We also include attacks on variants which use only large integer arithmetic,...

2021/1352 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-07
A Thorough Treatment of Highly-Efficient NTRU Instantiations
Julien Duman, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Eike Kiltz, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler, Dominique Unruh
Public-key cryptography

Cryptography based on the hardness of lattice problems over polynomial rings currently provides the most practical solution for public key encryption in the quantum era. The first encryption scheme utilizing properties of polynomial rings was NTRU (ANTS '98), but in the recent decade, most research has focused on constructing schemes based on the hardness of the somewhat related Ring/Module-LWE problem. Indeed, 14 out of the 17 encryption schemes based on the hardness of lattice problems in...

2021/1291 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-06
MyOPE: Malicious securitY for Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation
Malika Izabachène, Anca Nitulescu, Paola de Perthuis, David Pointcheval
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) schemes are interactive protocols between a sender with a private polynomial and a receiver with a private evaluation point where the receiver learns the evaluation of the polynomial in their point and no additional information. In this work, we introduce MyOPE, a ``short-sighted'' non-interactive polynomial evaluation scheme with a poly-logarithmic communication complexity in the presence of malicious senders. In addition to strong privacy guarantees,...

2021/1213 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-17
DualRing: Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient Instantiations
Tsz Hon Yuen, Muhammed F. Esgin, Joseph K. Liu, Man Ho Au, Zhimin Ding
Public-key cryptography

We introduce a novel generic ring signature construction, called DualRing, which can be built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification). DualRing differs from the classical ring signatures by its formation of two rings: a ring of commitments and a ring of challenges. It has a structural difference from the common ring signature approaches based on accumulators or zero-knowledge proofs of the signer index. Comparatively, DualRing has a number of unique...

2021/1112 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-16
Key agreement: security / division
Daniel R. L. Brown
Public-key cryptography

Some key agreement schemes, such as Diffie--Hellman key agreement, reduce to Rabi--Sherman key agreement, in which Alice sends $ab$ to Charlie, Charlie sends $bc$ to Alice, they agree on key $a(bc) = (ab)c$, where multiplicative notation here indicates some specialized associative binary operation. All non-interactive key agreement schemes, where each peer independently determines a single delivery to the other, reduce to this case, because the ability to agree implies the existence of an...

2021/1054 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-16
One-time Traceable Ring Signatures
Alessandra Scafuro, Bihan Zhang

A ring signature allows a party to sign messages anonymously on behalf of a group, which is called ring. Traceable ring signatures are a variant of ring signatures that limits the anonymity guarantees, enforcing that a member can sign anonymously at most one message per tag. Namely, if a party signs two different messages for the same tag, it will be de-anomymized. This property is very useful in decentralized platforms to allow members to anonymously endorse statements in a...

2021/1026 Last updated: 2021-09-01
On the Hardness of Ring/Module/Polynomial LWR Problems
Yang Wang, Yanmin Zhao, Mingqiang Wang
Public-key cryptography

The Learning with Rounding (LWR) problem is an important variant of the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem. Recently, Liu {\it{et al.}} proposed a comprehensive study of LWR problems defined over algebraic number fields in CRYPTO 2020. However, their search-to-decision reductions of LWR problems depend heavily on the existence of the so-called {\it{Normal Integral Basis}} (NIB). Meanwhile, the aesthetic deficiency is a lack of discussions of choices of secret $s$, and one may could not show...

2021/1025 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-06
Efficient Information-Theoretic Multi-Party Computation over Non-Commutative Rings
Daniel Escudero, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
Cryptographic protocols

We construct the first efficient MPC protocol that only requires black-box access to a non-commutative ring $R$. Previous results in the same setting were efficient only either for a constant number of corruptions or when computing branching programs and formulas. Our techniques are based on a generalization of Shamir's secret sharing to non-commutative rings, which we derive from the work on Reed Solomon codes by Quintin, Barbier and Chabot (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013)....

2021/841 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-21
MPC for $Q_2$ Access Structures over Rings and Fields
Robin Jadoul, Nigel P. Smart, Barry Van Leeuwen
Cryptographic protocols

We examine Multi-Party Computation protocols in the active-security-with-abort setting for $Q_2$ access structures over small and large finite fields $F_p$ and over rings $Z_{p^k}$. We give general protocols which work for any $Q_2$ access structure which is realised by a multiplicative Extended Span Program. We generalize a number of techniques and protocols from various papers and compare the different methodologies. In particular we examine the expected communication cost per...

2021/755 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-03
Tetrad: Actively Secure 4PC for Secure Training and Inference
Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Rahul Rachuri, Ajith Suresh
Cryptographic protocols

Mixing arithmetic and boolean circuits to perform privacy-preserving machine learning has become increasingly popular. Towards this, we propose a framework for the case of four parties with at most one active corruption called Tetrad. Tetrad works over rings and supports two levels of security, fairness and robustness. The fair multiplication protocol costs 5 ring elements, improving over the state-of-the-art Trident (Chaudhari et al. NDSS'20). A key feature of Tetrad is that robustness...

2021/750 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-24
Appenzeller to Brie: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$
Carsten Baum, Lennart Braun, Alexander Munch-Hansen, Benoit Razet, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols

Zero-knowledge proofs are highly flexible cryptographic protocols that are an important building block for many secure systems. Typically, these are defined with respect to statements that are formulated as arithmetic operations over a fixed finite field. This inflexibility is a disadvantage when it comes to complex programs, as some fields are more amenable to express certain operations than others. At the same time, there do not seem to be many proofs with a programming model similar to...

2021/672 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-25
PQC: R-Propping a Chaotic Cellular Automata
Pedro Hecht
Cryptographic protocols

Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has a well-deserved NIST status. Our approach (R-Propping) replaces all numeric field arithmetic with GF(2^8) field operations. This method yields both classical and quantum secure protocols. The present work is dedicated to strengthening a chaotic Wolfram Class III cellular automata and discuss its usability as a cryptographical secure PRBG (pseudorandom bit generator), a building block for stream-ciphers, hashing, and other random numbers requiring protocols.

2021/644 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-27
Cryptanalysis of Semidirect Product Key Exchange Using Matrices Over Non-Commutative Rings
Christopher Battarbee, Delaram Kahrobaei, Siamak F. Shahandashti
Public-key cryptography

It was recently demonstrated that the Matrix Action Key Exchange (MAKE) algorithm, a new type of key exchange protocol using the semidirect product of matrix groups, is vulnerable to a linear algebraic attack if the matrices are over a commutative ring. In this note, we establish conditions under which protocols using matrices over a non-commutative ring are also vulnerable to this attack. We then demonstrate that group rings $R[G]$, where $R$ is a commutative ring and $G$ is a non-abelian...

2021/600 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-26
Subfield Algorithms for Ideal- and Module-SVP Based on the Decomposition Group
Christian Porter, Andrew Mendelsohn, Cong Ling
Public-key cryptography

Whilst lattice-based cryptosystems are believed to be resistant to quantum attack, they are often forced to pay for that security with inefficiencies in implementation. This problem is overcome by ring- and module-based schemes such as Ring-LWE or Module-LWE, whose keysize can be reduced by exploiting its algebraic structure, allowing for neater and faster computations. Many rings may be chosen to define such cryptoschemes, but cyclotomic rings, due to their cyclic nature allowing for easy...

2021/545 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-30
MatRiCT : More Efficient Post-Quantum Private Blockchain Payments
Muhammed F. Esgin, Ron Steinfeld, Raymond K. Zhao
Cryptographic protocols

We introduce MatRiCT , a practical private blockchain payment protocol based on ``post-quantum'' lattice assumptions. MatRiCT builds on MatRiCT due to Esgin et al. (ACM CCS'19) and, in general, follows the Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT) approach used in Monero, the largest privacy-preserving cryptocurrency. In terms of the practical aspects, MatRiCT has 2-18x shorter proofs (depending on the number of input accounts, M) and runs 3-11x faster (for a typical transaction) in...

2021/438 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-06
More Efficient Shuffle Argument from Unique Factorization
Toomas Krips, Helger Lipmaa
Cryptographic protocols

Efficient shuffle arguments are essential in mixnet-based e-voting solutions. Terelius and Wikström (TW) proposed a 5-round shuffle argument based on unique factorization in polynomial rings. Their argument is available as the Verificatum software solution for real-world developers, and has been used in real-world elections. It is also the fastest non-patented shuffle argument. We will use the same basic idea as TW but significantly optimize their approach. We generalize the...

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