Paper 2023/1080

ACORN-QRE: Specification and Analysis of a Method of Generating Secure One-time Pads for Use in Encryption

Roy S Wikramaratna, REAMC Limited

REAMC Report-007(2023) ACORN-QRE: Specification and Analysis of a Method of Generating Secure One-time Pads for Use in Encryption Roy S Wikramaratna (email: [email protected]) Abstract The Additive Congruential Random Number (ACORN) generator is straightforward to implement; it has been demonstrated in previous papers to give rise to sequences with long period which can be proven from theoretical considerations to approximate to being uniform in up to k dimensions (for any given k). The ACORN-QRE algorithm is a straightforward modification of ACORN which effectively avoids the linearity of the original algorithm, while preserving the uniformity of the modified sequence. It provides a new method for generating one-time pads that are resistant to attack either by current computers or by future computing developments, including quantum computers. The pads can use any alphabet (including both binary and alphanumeric) and can be used with a Vernam-type cypher to securely encrypt both files and communications. This report explains how the ACORN-QRE algorithm works and provides evidence for the claim that the resulting one-time pads are inherently not susceptible to cryptanalysis and that they will remain secure against foreseeable developments in computing, including the potential development of quantum computers. The ACORN-QRE algorithm is patented in the UK under Patent No. GB2591467; patent applied for in the US under Application No. 17/795632. The patents are owned by REAMC Limited, 4 Nuthatch Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7XR, United Kingdom

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. To appear on REAMC Limited web-site,
pseudo-random generatorVernam cypherone-time padeffective securityquantum-resistant encryption
Contact author(s)
rwikramaratna @ gmail com
2023-07-16: approved
2023-07-11: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs


      author = {Roy S Wikramaratna},
      title = {{ACORN}-{QRE}: Specification and Analysis of a Method of Generating Secure One-time Pads for Use in Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/1080},
      year = {2023},
      url = {}
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