Paper 2016/043

Strong Continuous Non-malleable Encoding Schemes with Tamper-Detection

Amir S. Mortazavi, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, and Amir Daneshgar


A non-malleable encoding scheme is a keyless encoding scheme which is resilient to tampering attacks. Such a scheme is said to be continuously secure if the scheme is resilient to attacks containing more than one tampering procedure. Also, such a scheme is said to have tamper-detection property if any kind of tampering attack is detected. In [S. Faust, et al., Continuous nonmalleable codes, TCC Proc., LNCS Vol. 8349, 2014.] a general continuous non-malleable encoding scheme based on NIZK is introduced which is secure in a strong model for which the adversary receives a no-tamper as a response to its tampering query if the decoding of the tampered codeword is identical to the original message. In this article we introduce a new strongly secure continuous non-malleable encoding scheme with tamper-detection property whose security is based on the existence of secure MAC’s. Moreover, we introduce and justify the importance of an intermediate security model called semi-strong continuous non-malleability, while we provide a secure semi-strong continuous non-malleable encoding scheme whose security is based on the existence of CCA-secure public-key encryption. Considering the area of applications of encoding schemes in tamper-proof devices, it is instructive to note that our proposed schemes can be used to implement an algorithmic tamperdetection level as well as maintaining the security conditions.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
encoding schemestamper resilient cryptographytamper-detectioncontinuous non-malleability
Contact author(s)
sa_mortazavi @ ee sharif edu
2016-01-24: revised
2016-01-19: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Amir S.  Mortazavi and Mahmoud Salmasizadeh and Amir Daneshgar},
      title = {Strong Continuous Non-malleable Encoding Schemes with  Tamper-Detection},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2016/043},
      year = {2016},
      url = {}
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