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Upgrade Your Ad
Business with a White-
Label Ad Server

Claim full ownership over your ad operations. Elevate your ad business now, bypassing years of complex development.


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Become a Hi-Tech Ad Network
and Enhance Customer Trust

Let your in-house ad tech boost your company image. Re-brand our professionally
developed white-label ad server and join the circle of the world’s best ad networks.


Control Everything

Access the very depth of the platform configuration and handle its core settings. Supervise all the activities within your ad network as its root user.


Increase Earnings

Remove any other middlemen but you from the supply chain. Be the one who sets up the margin to win by linking your clients and defining revenue share.


Raise Your Credibility

Gain a competitive edge by offering your clients ad tech software as a service. Open custom sub-accounts to build up transparent relationships with them.

Speed Up In-House Software
Development with White-Labeling

Lighten your path to success. Stop sacrificing your resources on building software
and start earning now, along with these benefits of a white-label ad server:



Avoid development and maintenance expenses. Re-invest in your growth instead.


Full Autonomy

Avoid development and maintenance expenses. Re-invest in your growth instead.


Continuous Maintenance

Avoid development and maintenance expenses. Re-invest in your growth instead.


Unlimited Scalability

Avoid development and maintenance expenses. Re-invest in your growth instead.

“We decided to white-label instead of investing money in development because it was completely risk-free. After trying Epom, we never regretted this decision — 800 readily available features branded under our name are all we actually needed.”
Aditya Saraswat
Founder at GetLiveUpdate
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Epom’s Essential Features for
Refined Ad Management

See what’s inside the software that can be yours tomorrow. Our white-label ad platform is
a powerhouse with 800 features to make your ad operations as granular as possible.


Interface Customization

Align the platform with your network's branding: tailor the logo, colors, and domain to make it truly yours. Add custom widgets to the dashboard to oversee your activities.


Granular User Permissions

Create and fine-tune sub-accounts for clients with 400 flexible permissions. Foster honest partnerships by giving your customers access to relevant analytics and campaign progress.


Interactive Ad Templates

Guarantee better ad performance by serving more engaging ads. Utilize 30 Epom templates to expand the publisher’s inventory and get more revenue from a placement.


Versatile Targeting

Attract a matching audience to your client’s website by applying 20 pre-set targeting attributes. Set custom variables based on the publisher’s data for the most precise hit.


Advanced Analytics

Monitor 50 metrics and generate custom reports with 20 filters. Adjust your ad serving strategy based on these insights into ad performance and user behavior.


Performance Tracking

Prevent low performance to save your budget and achieve your KPIs. Track multiple events like conversions, installs, video completions, and others via pixel or postback URLs.

More about Ad Server

Cater to the Needs of Both
Publishers and Advertisers

Treat all your clients flawlessly regardless of their role. Epom white-label
ad server combines effective functionality for both sides equally.

Perks for Publishers

  • Outstream and off-page ad templates
  • eCPM and revenue optimization
  • SSP module for programmatic
  • Limits and rules for direct deals
  • Lightweight invocation codes

Perks for Advertisers

  • Custom targeting and filtering
  • Interactive ad templates
  • CTR and CR optimization
  • Customizable reports
  • S2S multiple event tracking
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Statistics Speak: a Testament to
Our Success with Ad Businesses

See the impact of the Epom white-label ad server in numbers, showcasing client success and trust in our solution.


Ad network clients in a lifetime


Years ad businesses stay on average


Ad businesses upgrade to Epom white-label solution after a few months


Platform subscription renewal rate


Year-over-year average client growth

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Go Live with Your Branded Ad
Platform in Just 14 Days

Experience the ease and efficiency of upgrading your ad operations. Quickly
pass the setup stage with our expert assistance and get down to business.

1st Day

Claim a platform demo and sync with your manager for a smooth start.

2nd Day

Log into your supervisor account and use our help to set up your network.

5th Day

Add your client data to the system and start launching the first campaigns.

10th Day

Achieve first results and improve them with our advanced tools.

14th Day

Pick the plan based on your impressions and start earning more.

Diversify Your Strategy
with Our Range of Solutions

Explore other Epom solutions to enhance your ad operations. And you don’t have
to pay extra — those are already a part of your white-label platform’s functionality.


Native Ad Server

Catch users attention with naturally placed ads. Boost CTR without sacrificing UX


Mobile Ad Server

Target your creatives at users on the go and adjust them to mobile screens and apps.


Video Ad Server

Embrace in-stream and outstream video ads to boost engagement even more.


What pricing plans are available?

Epom ad server offers 4 pricing plans tailored for different purposes and businesses: Light, Growth, Pro, and Enterprise.

Monthly plans cost $250, $1000, and $2500 accordingly; the price for the Enterprise plan depends on your specific requests, so it is formed after you consult with the sales team.

Annual plans allow you to save 15% monthly, so the price is lower in this case: $212/mo, $850/mo, $2125/mo. The enterprise plan still needs to be discussed in person with the sales team, but the discount is available too.

What is a white-label ad server?

A white-label ad server is a platform branded under your company name yet based on technology made by another provider. White-labeling is an alternative to in-house development, giving businesses similar benefits to proprietary software but saving them time and money.

How exactly does white-label technology save my money?

You skip hiring a team of developers and investing in the core infrastructure. Moreover, you are spared maintenance costs you might otherwise face after your platform is up and running. You only pay a monthly fee for using the technology, which is significantly less.

Who is the owner of my white-label tool?

Since you get a dedicated domain and put your logo and colors on the platform’s interface, it’s you. Freely present your tool to clients and partners under your brand and even re-sell them self-serve access. Also, you own all campaign, client, and analytics data related to your activities. The technology itself, however, is still a provider patent.

What if I need extra functionality?

We can assist you with building additional features for your white-label ad server. This service comes for an extra fee, yet it will still be more affordable than adding these features yourself. Our senior backend developers have 9 years of experience in ad tech on average and will cope with this task 2x faster than any other specialist.

Expand Your Ad
Business Overnight with
Our Powerful Tech

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