Bonanza 2024: Unveiling the Cost-Effective Ad Banner Sizes for Maximum Impact. Download

Maximize Your Site
Revenue with Ad
Server for Publishers

Take full charge of your website monetization with the best publisher ad server software by Epom. Increase your inventory payouts with custom ad formats and optimization.

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Trusted by Top Publishers:

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Create Your Own Wall Garden
Based on Robust Ad Tech

Go autonomous and have 100% of monetization revenue to yourself. Use a publisher
ad server to set up your ads bespoke environment with 800 features.


Control and Fine-
Tune Ad Space

Gain granular control over your ad inventory and placements. Customize every aspect of your publisher ad server software and align it with your monetization strategy.


Increase Your
Website Profits

Apply automated CTR, CR, and eCPM optimization to earn more from each slot. Organize and prioritize banners to show the best to the right audience segments.


Ensure Excellent
User Experience

Deliver seamless, fast-loading ads that integrate perfectly with your website content. Keep your audience engaged without disrupting their experience.


Create Non-Standard

Use rich media templates that give you extra space to place standout ads. Serve video ads without a player, customize animated pop-up banners, and earn more from each page.


Use First-Party Data
for Targeting

Utilize your audience data to show relevant ads using demographic, geographic, and behavioral insights. Set up unique targeting parameters with custom variables.


Delegate Tech Maintenance

Focus on growing your business while we handle the tech part. Enjoy prompt technical support, ad ops advice, lifetime updates, and constant bug fixes to make your life easier.

Hear What Publishers and App
Owners Say About Epom

“Epom custom templates are the secret tool that helped us increase ad engagement on our retailer websites by 34%. We started serving unique ads on their main pages, which brought more sales to their brands.”

Jason Dang
Senior Marketing Manager at Metcash

“We love our control over every small detail in our ad operations with Epom ad server for publishers. Our website’s ad revenue has grown by 43% as we serve granular campaigns with custom targeting.”

Michael Wichert
Senior Technology Advisor at FinanzTrends

“The most valuable thing about Epom is its enormous scale of features. We serve video effortlessly, do cohort targeting for in-app ads, and auto-schedule campaigns. The attention to detail in this platform is enormous.”

Manoj Punde
Senior Performance Marketing Manager at Turtlemint

Our Top Features for Superior
Publisher Ad Management


Custom Targeting

Leverage your first-party data to target custom audience segments.


Native Ad Formats

Blend ads with your content to improve user experience and bypass ad blockers.


eCPM Optimization

Maximize the price for each impression with automated campaign prioritization.


SSP Module

Sell inventory via RTB by connecting DSP endpoints of your choice.


Banner Capping

Prevent ad fatigue by controlling how often users see the same banner.


Detailed Analytics

Monitor over 40 ad metrics to make data-driven decisions for your inventory.


Banner Weighting

Adjust banner display probabilities based on their performance or manually.


Page Testing

Test ad creatives on your pages to ensure they show up smoothly.

Achieve Remarkable Monetization
Success with Epom

150 publishers have seen impressive results with our ad server.
Discover the potential benefits for your business:


Average increase in ad revenue


Average boost in ad engagement


Time of a correct ad display


Reduction in operational costs

Want similar success?


What pricing plans are available?

Epom ad server offers 4 pricing plans tailored for different purposes and businesses: Light, Growth, Pro, and Enterprise.

Monthly plans cost $250, $1000, and $2500 accordingly; the price for the Enterprise plan depends on your specific requests, so it is formed after you consult with the sales team.

Annual plans allow you to save 15% monthly, so the price is lower in this case: $212/mo, $850/mo, $2125/mo. The enterprise plan still needs to be discussed in person with the sales team, but the discount is available too.

What is a publisher ad server?

A publisher ad server is a platform that helps publishers manage, deliver, and track ads on their websites or apps. While many ad networks exist for monetization, some website owners want more control and granularity and are looking for an autonomous solution.

Such a platform would allow the publisher to build their own Walled Garden and invite advertisers to buy directly from them. This autonomy often leads to a significant increase in revenue, as there is no revenue share involved.

What is the difference between SSP and publisher ad server?

An ad server for publishers allows you to manage inventory directly and assign banners to specific slots. For that, you should already have a network of advertisers that are willing to place their ads on your app or website. While it offers automation for optimization and targeting, it remains largely manual.

A supply-side platform sells placements programmatically. You set floor prices but don’t control the exact ads shown. Publisher sell audience and traffic here rather than inventory itself. Thus, programmatic selling automates the process, eliminating the need to find advertisers.

Open-source or hosted platform — which one to choose?

Open-source platforms might seem cost-effective initially, but require expenses for hosting, maintenance, and skilled technical stuff. Yes, they do offer greater customization, as you can change the source code yourself, but that comes with risks and higher long-term costs.

Hosted platforms like Epom provide ease of use, technical support, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on monetization. The monthly fee, such as $250, is often less than the combined costs of running an open-source solution. Considering these factors, a hosted solution is often a choice of the majority of publishers for its convenience.

How can I increase my ad revenue with a publisher ad server?

Owning your ad server means you retain all ad revenue without sharing it with ad networks and supply-side platforms. Most providers here charge you only a fee for a platform use.

Next, you can optimize revenue from each placement with targeting, optimization, and prioritization. Implementing diverse ad formats, such as native ads, video ads, and rich media, can indirectly influence revenue by improving user experience and boosting ad engagement.

How do I integrate this software with my website or app?

Insert ad tags or code snippets from Epom into your website's or app's code where you want ads to appear. Customize these tags for different placements and formats. Use action tracking pixels or scripts to monitor user interactions such as clicks and conversions.

Our Help Center provides detailed guidance, and our support team is available to assist with any technical challenges to ensure smooth integration.

Switch to a revenue-boosting
machine and enjoy full autonomy.

  • Custom development
  • Lifetime tech support
  • Fast servers worldwide
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