An exceptionally rare specimen purchased from EM Gunnell in 1953! This is from the source of the peridot gems of the ancient world, a locale now long gone and to my knowledege not collected from after the early 1900s at latest. These peridots were found MANY years ago and remained for centuries, until Pakistan's Soppat valley material came out in the 90s, the best crystals in the world for the species. As the mindat entry says, the locality is a Quaternary volcanic island which is an ancient (1300 BC) locality of gem peridote. The Greek name of the island, Topazios, is believed to have given name to topaz. . For the rich color and sharpness of form, they still remain the best in my book, although they did not ever get as large as the modern Pakistani material. This IS , however, the largest such Egyptian peridot I have seen for sale. It is a spectacular display piece as a large thumbnail or small mini. It is complete all around, save for only a small cleave on the back of the crystal. The display from the other 3 sides is pristine. This piece could have a premium value for the locality, yes, but EVEN IF it were from pakistan, it would cost almost as much anyhow for the richness of color and sharpness of form. I do not think I have added to the price, but the desirability to own it, is higher. 2.6 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm
Atribuite: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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