Apache ZooKeeper

apache java-runtime server-app

Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server for highly reliable distributed coordination of cloud applications.

Release Released Active Support Security Support Latest
3.9 1 year and 3 months ago
(19 Jul 2023)
Yes Yes 3.9.2
(12 Feb 2024)
3.8 2 years and 7 months ago
(25 Feb 2022)
Yes Yes 3.8.4
(12 Feb 2024)
3.7 3 years and 7 months ago
(17 Mar 2021)
Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(19 Jul 2023)
Ended 9 months ago
(19 Jan 2024)
(06 Oct 2023)
3.6 4 years and 7 months ago
(25 Feb 2020)
Ended 2 years and 7 months ago
(07 Mar 2022)
Ended 1 year and 9 months ago
(30 Dec 2022)
(18 Dec 2022)
3.5 5 years ago
(03 May 2019)
Ended 3 years and 6 months ago
(27 Mar 2021)
Ended 2 years and 4 months ago
(01 Jun 2022)
(29 May 2022)
3.4 12 years ago
(23 Nov 2011)
Ended 4 years and 6 months ago
(27 Mar 2020)
Ended 4 years ago
(01 Jun 2020)
(06 Mar 2019)

The Apache ZooKeeper community supports two release branches at a time: stable and current. Once a new minor version is released, the stable version is expected to be decommissioned soon and in approximately half a year will be announced as End-of-Life. During the half year grace period only security and critical fixes are expected to be released for the version. After EoL is announced no further patches are provided by the community. All ZooKeeper releases will remain accessible from the official Apache Archives.

No releases are scheduled in advance.

More information is available on the Apache ZooKeeper website.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

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A JSON version of this page is available at /api/zookeeper.json. See the API Documentation for more information. You can subscribe to the iCalendar feed at /calendar/zookeeper.ics.