React is an open-source JavaScript library for building modern web applications.

Release Released Active Support Security Support Latest
18.3 5 months and 4 weeks ago
(25 Apr 2024)
Yes Yes 18.3.1
(26 Apr 2024)
18.2 2 years and 4 months ago
(14 Jun 2022)
Ended 5 months and 4 weeks ago
(25 Apr 2024)
Yes 18.2.0
(14 Jun 2022)
18.1 2 years and 5 months ago
(26 Apr 2022)
Ended 2 years and 4 months ago
(14 Jun 2022)
Yes 18.1.0
(26 Apr 2022)
18.0 2 years and 6 months ago
(29 Mar 2022)
Ended 2 years and 5 months ago
(26 Apr 2022)
Yes 18.0.0
(29 Mar 2022)
17 4 years ago
(20 Oct 2020)
Ended 2 years and 6 months ago
(29 Mar 2022)
Yes 17.0.2
(22 Mar 2021)
16 7 years ago
(26 Sep 2017)
Ended 4 years ago
(20 Oct 2020)
Yes 16.14.0
(14 Oct 2020)
15 8 years ago
(07 Apr 2016)
Ended 7 years ago
(26 Sep 2017)
Yes 15.7.0
(14 Oct 2020)


React follows Semantic Versioning principles. The only officially supported release channel for user-facing applications is Latest. New features are released in minor versions. Patch releases are made only for the most critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Major releases can also contain new features, and any release can include bug fixes.


Active Support: Only the latest release cycle gets non-critical bugfixes, and new features.

Security Support: Critical Security fixes are backported to all minor releases of the current major, as well as to latest minor release of previous major releases.

More information is available on the React website.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

Show Product Identifiers

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