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From Proto-Italic *gʷənjō, from Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥yéti, from zero-grade of *gʷem- *-yéti. Cognates include Sanskrit गच्छति (gácchati), Ancient Greek βαίνω (baínō), and Old English cuman (English come).





veniō (present infinitive venīre, perfect active vēnī, supine ventum); fourth conjugation, impersonal in the passive

  1. (intransitive) to come (to a place), come in, arrive, reach
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 4.387:
      “Audiam et haec Mānīs veniet mihi fāma sub īmōs.”
      “I will be listening, and this report will come to me below, in the depths of the Underworld.”
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Fasti 5.91–92:
      ‘exul ab Arcadiā Latiōs Evander in agrōs
      vēnerat, impositōs attuleratque deōs.’
      ‘‘An exile from Arcadia to Latium, Evander had come into the fields, and had brought forth [his] gods, having placed them upon [his ship(s)].’’
      (The muse Calliope is describing the early Roman ancestor Evander of Pallantium.)
  2. (intransitive) to approach


   Conjugation of veniō (fourth conjugation, impersonal in passive)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present veniō venīs venit venīmus venītis veniunt
imperfect veniēbam veniēbās veniēbat veniēbāmus veniēbātis veniēbant
future veniam veniēs veniet veniēmus veniētis venient
perfect vēnī vēnistī vēnit vēnimus vēnistis vēnērunt,
pluperfect vēneram vēnerās vēnerat vēnerāmus vēnerātis vēnerant
future perfect vēnerō vēneris vēnerit vēnerimus vēneritis vēnerint
passive present venītur
imperfect veniēbātur
future veniētur
perfect ventum est
pluperfect ventum erat
future perfect ventum erit
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present veniam veniās veniat veniāmus veniātis veniant
imperfect venīrem venīrēs venīret venīrēmus venīrētis venīrent
perfect vēnerim vēnerīs vēnerit vēnerīmus vēnerītis vēnerint
pluperfect vēnissem vēnissēs vēnisset vēnissēmus vēnissētis vēnissent
passive present veniātur
imperfect venīrētur
perfect ventum sit
pluperfect ventum esset,
ventum foret
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present venī venīte
future venītō venītō venītōte veniuntō
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives venīre vēnisse ventūrum esse venīrī ventum esse
participles veniēns ventūrus ventum veniendum,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
veniendī veniendō veniendum veniendō ventum ventū

Derived terms





  • venio”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • venio”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • venio in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • something comes into my mind: mihi in mentem venit alicuius rei
    • to pass from myth to history: ut a fabulis ad facta veniamus
    • the question has been settled: quaestio ad exitum venit
    • to make a thing a matter of conscience, be scrupulous about a thing: aliquid in religionem alicui venit
    • I have received a legacy from a person: hereditas ad me or mihi venit ab aliquo (Verr. 2. 1. 10)
    • an interregnum ensues: res ad interregnum venit or adducitur
    • matters have reached the fighting-stage: res ad arma venit
    • the fighting is now at close quarters: res ad manus venit
    • (ambiguous) to come to Rome: Romam venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to go to meet some one: obviam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come into some one's hands: in alicuius manus venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to come in sight: venire in conspectum alicuius
    • (ambiguous) to come to assist any one: auxilio alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to gain a person's esteem, friendship: in gratiam alicuius venire
    • (ambiguous) to suffer reproof; to be criticised, blamed: in vituperationem, reprehensionem cadere, incidere, venire
    • (ambiguous) to be a subject for gossip: in sermonem hominum venire
    • (ambiguous) to become famous, distinguish oneself: gloriam colligere, in summam gloriam venire
    • (ambiguous) to become doubtful: in dubium venire
    • (ambiguous) to make a person forget a thing: aliquem in oblivionem alicuius rei adducere (pass. in oblivionem venire)
    • (ambiguous) to be contested, become the subject of debate: in controversiam vocari, adduci, venire (De Or. 2. 72. 291)
    • (ambiguous) to come before the tribunal of the critics: in existimantium arbitrium venire (Brut. 24. 92)
    • (ambiguous) to pass into a proverb: in proverbii consuetudinem or simply in proverbium venire
    • (ambiguous) to become frightened: in timorem venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to conceive a hope: in spem venire, ingredi, adduci
    • (ambiguous) to pardon some one: alicui veniam dare (alicuius rei)
    • (ambiguous) to be suspected by some one: in suspicionem alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to incur a person's hatred: in odium, in invidiam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come into the possession of something: in possessionem alicuius rei venire
    • (ambiguous) to obtain an audience of some one: in congressum alicuius venire
    • (ambiguous) to become customary, the fashion: in consuetudinem or morem venire
    • (ambiguous) to strive to gain popular favour by certain means: ventum popularem quendam (in aliqua re) quaerere
    • (ambiguous) to appear in court: in iudicium venire, in iudicio adesse
    • (ambiguous) to pardon a person: veniam dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come within javelin-range: ad teli coniectum venire (Liv. 2. 31)
    • (ambiguous) to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: populum in deditionem venire cogere
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: in deditionem venire (without alicui)
    • (ambiguous) the ships sail out on a fair wind: ventum (tempestatem) nancti idoneum ex portu exeunt

Further reading

  • venio”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • something comes into my mind: mihi in mentem venit alicuius rei
    • to pass from myth to history: ut a fabulis ad facta veniamus
    • the question has been settled: quaestio ad exitum venit
    • to make a thing a matter of conscience, be scrupulous about a thing: aliquid in religionem alicui venit
    • I have received a legacy from a person: hereditas ad me or mihi venit ab aliquo (Verr. 2. 1. 10)
    • an interregnum ensues: res ad interregnum venit or adducitur
    • matters have reached the fighting-stage: res ad arma venit
    • the fighting is now at close quarters: res ad manus venit
    • (ambiguous) to come to Rome: Romam venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to go to meet some one: obviam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come into some one's hands: in alicuius manus venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to come in sight: venire in conspectum alicuius
    • (ambiguous) to come to assist any one: auxilio alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to gain a person's esteem, friendship: in gratiam alicuius venire
    • (ambiguous) to suffer reproof; to be criticised, blamed: in vituperationem, reprehensionem cadere, incidere, venire
    • (ambiguous) to be a subject for gossip: in sermonem hominum venire
    • (ambiguous) to become famous, distinguish oneself: gloriam colligere, in summam gloriam venire
    • (ambiguous) to become doubtful: in dubium venire
    • (ambiguous) to make a person forget a thing: aliquem in oblivionem alicuius rei adducere (pass. in oblivionem venire)
    • (ambiguous) to be contested, become the subject of debate: in controversiam vocari, adduci, venire (De Or. 2. 72. 291)
    • (ambiguous) to come before the tribunal of the critics: in existimantium arbitrium venire (Brut. 24. 92)
    • (ambiguous) to pass into a proverb: in proverbii consuetudinem or simply in proverbium venire
    • (ambiguous) to become frightened: in timorem venire, pervenire
    • (ambiguous) to conceive a hope: in spem venire, ingredi, adduci
    • (ambiguous) to pardon some one: alicui veniam dare (alicuius rei)
    • (ambiguous) to be suspected by some one: in suspicionem alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to incur a person's hatred: in odium, in invidiam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come into the possession of something: in possessionem alicuius rei venire
    • (ambiguous) to obtain an audience of some one: in congressum alicuius venire
    • (ambiguous) to become customary, the fashion: in consuetudinem or morem venire
    • (ambiguous) to strive to gain popular favour by certain means: ventum popularem quendam (in aliqua re) quaerere
    • (ambiguous) to appear in court: in iudicium venire, in iudicio adesse
    • (ambiguous) to pardon a person: veniam dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come within javelin-range: ad teli coniectum venire (Liv. 2. 31)
    • (ambiguous) to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: populum in deditionem venire cogere
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: in deditionem venire (without alicui)
    • (ambiguous) the ships sail out on a fair wind: ventum (tempestatem) nancti idoneum ex portu exeunt