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Alternative forms




Unclear. Despite the resemblance in form and meaning, its relationship to Proto-Germanic *draganą (to drag, draw) is debated, since Latin initial t- and Germanic initial *d- is not a regular correspondence according to conventionally accepted sound laws. Some consider it impossible for both to be inherited from a common Proto-Indo-European root[1][2] (though De Vaan thinks they could be related as loans from some common non-Indo-European source[2]). Others suppose they can both be derived from a PIE or post-PIE root *dʰragʰ-,[3] with the Latin form showing dissimilation to *dragʰ- (a controversial sound change for Latin: Weiss argues that the presence of a liquid after the first stop was an essential conditioning factor for this "Limited Latin Grassmann's Law"), followed by devoicing of dr to tr (a more generally accepted sound change).[4][5] Schrijver argues that the presence of -ā- in the perfect stem and in some related forms such as trāgula is a sure sign of an original laryngeal in the root, and proposes *dʰr(e)Hgʰ- as a possible form.[4]

De Vaan reconstructs a non-Indo-European root *trHgʰ- or *trā̆gʰ-, borrowed into Italic and Celtic, as a potential source of both Latin trahō and Old Irish tethraig (ran away, receded), Middle Welsh treul (trouble, weakness) < Proto-Celtic *trāglo-.[2] Other possible cognates include Proto-Celtic *tregess (foot), Gothic 𐌸𐍂𐌰𐌲𐌾𐌰𐌽 (þragjan, to run), Proto-Slavic *tragъ, but semantically problematic.





trahō (present infinitive trahere, perfect active trāxī, supine tractum); third conjugation

  1. to drag, pull
    Synonyms: efferō, portō, ferō, gerō, vehō, addūcō
  2. to trail
  3. to extract, withdraw
  4. to plunder, squander
    Synonyms: dēpraedor, praedor, dīripiō, populor, expugnō, agō
  5. to draw out, extend, lengthen, prolong
    Synonyms: extendō, distendō, pandō, prōlongō, porrigō, prōferō, explicō, prōtrahō
  6. (of time) to protract, drag out, linger
    Synonyms: retardō, moror, cūnctor, tardō, prōtrahō, dubitō, extrahō, differō
    Antonyms: ruō, accurrō, currō, festīnō, prōvolō, properō, corripiō, affluō, mātūrō
  7. to weigh, ponder, consider
    Synonyms: cōnsīderō, dubitō, ponderō, pendō, perpendō, dēlīberō, circumspiciō, cōnsultō, putō, reputō, videō
  8. (figuratively) to attract, draw (someone; their attention)
  9. (by extension) to attract the support of, sway, win over
    Synonyms: persuādeō, convincō, perpellō, flectō, admoneō
    • 27 BCE – 25 BCE, Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita 26.1:
      Ea tum cura maxime intentos habebat Romanos, non ab ira tantum, quae in nullam unquam ciuitatem iustior fuit, quam quod urbs tam nobilis ac potens, sicut defectione sua traxerat aliquot populos, ita recepta inclinatura rursus animos uidebatur ad ueteris imperii respectum.
      This concern in particular troubled the mindful Romans at the time, not so much because of anger, which has never been more justified against any other city, rather because a city so noble and powerful, in the same way that it had attracted the support of a number of communities by its revolt, was thought would again turn attention back towards respect for the previous government once recaptured.


   Conjugation of trahō (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present trahō trahis trahit trahimus trahitis trahunt
imperfect trahēbam trahēbās trahēbat trahēbāmus trahēbātis trahēbant
future traham trahēs trahet trahēmus trahētis trahent
perfect trāxī trāxistī trāxit trāximus trāxistis trāxērunt,
pluperfect trāxeram trāxerās trāxerat trāxerāmus trāxerātis trāxerant
future perfect trāxerō trāxeris trāxerit trāxerimus trāxeritis trāxerint
passive present trahor traheris,
trahitur trahimur trahiminī trahuntur
imperfect trahēbar trahēbāris,
trahēbātur trahēbāmur trahēbāminī trahēbantur
future trahar trahēris,
trahētur trahēmur trahēminī trahentur
perfect tractus present active indicative of sum
pluperfect tractus imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect tractus future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present traham trahās trahat trahāmus trahātis trahant
imperfect traherem traherēs traheret traherēmus traherētis traherent
perfect trāxerim trāxerīs trāxerit trāxerīmus trāxerītis trāxerint
pluperfect trāxissem trāxissēs trāxisset trāxissēmus trāxissētis trāxissent
passive present trahar trahāris,
trahātur trahāmur trahāminī trahantur
imperfect traherer traherēris,
traherētur traherēmur traherēminī traherentur
perfect tractus present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect tractus imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present trahe trahite
future trahitō trahitō trahitōte trahuntō
passive present trahere trahiminī
future trahitor trahitor trahuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives trahere trāxisse tractūrum esse trahī tractum esse tractum īrī
participles trahēns tractūrus tractus trahendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
trahendī trahendō trahendum trahendō tractum tractū

Derived terms





  1. ^ Kroonen, Guus (2013) “*dragan-”, in Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 11), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 99
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 De Vaan, Michiel (2008) “trahō”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 626-627
  3. ^ Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[1], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 188
  4. 4.0 4.1 Schrijver, Peter C. H. (1991) The reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European laryngeals in Latin (Leiden studies in Indo-European; 2), Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, →ISBN, pages 188-189
  5. ^ Weiss, Michael (2018) “Limited Latin Grassmann's Law: Do We Need It?”, in Dieter Gunkel, Stephanie W. Jamison, Angelo O. Mercado and Kazuhiko Yoshida, editors, Vina Diem Celebrent: Studies in Linguistics and Philology in Honor of Brent Vine, Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, pages 438-447

Further reading

  • traho”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • traho”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • traho in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to trace one's descent from some one: originem ab aliquo trahere, ducere
    • to be guided by ambition: laudis studio trahi
    • to feel an attraction for study: litterarum studio trahi
    • to feel an attraction for study: trahi, ferri ad litteras
    • to protract, prolong a war: bellum ducere, trahere, extrahere