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From solvi-o.





solvo (accusative singular solvon, plural solvoj, accusative plural solvojn)

  1. solution






  1. first-person singular present indicative of solvere





Alternative forms




From se- (away)luō (to untie, set free, separate).





solvō (present infinitive solvere, perfect active solvī, supine solūtum); third conjugation

  1. to loosen, untie, undo; free [up], release, acquit, exempt
    Synonyms: rumpo, persolvo, absolvo, explicō, distraho, dissolvo
    Antonyms: ligō, colligō, illigō, cōnserō, cōnfīgō, adalligō, alligō, dēligō, nectō, cōnectō, dēfīgō, fīgō
  2. to solve, explain
  3. to dissolve, break up, separate
    similia similibus solvuntur
    Like dissolves like.
  4. to relax, slacken, weaken
    • 23 BCE – 13 BCE, Horace, Odes 2.2.4–7:
      Vīvet extentō Proculeius aevō,
      nōtus in frātrēs animī paternī;
      illum aget pennā metuente solvī
           Fāma superstes.
      Proculeius shall live an extended age,
      well known for his fatherly spirit to his brothers;
      him will bear with feather scorning to be relaxed
           enduring Fame.
  5. to cancel, remove, destroy
    Synonym: cancellō
  6. to pay up, fulfil
    Synonyms: ērogō, pendo, persolvo, luo, absolvo, dissolvo
  7. to undermine
  8. (figuratively) (emotion, feelings) to get rid of, let go of, release, dismiss, loosen
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 1.562:
      Solvite corde metum, Teucrī, sēclūdite cūrās.”
      Release the fear within your heart[s], Teucrians, [and] banish worries.”
      (Dido tells the Trojan envoys to “unbind” the inner physical tension which follows intense emotion.)
  9. to let down (hair)
  10. to open (a letter)
  11. to unfurl
  12. to raise (a siege)
  13. to dismiss (troops)
  14. to set sail (ships)


   Conjugation of solvō (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present solvō solvis solvit solvimus solvitis solvunt
imperfect solvēbam solvēbās solvēbat solvēbāmus solvēbātis solvēbant
future solvam solvēs solvet solvēmus solvētis solvent
perfect solvī solvistī solvit solvimus solvistis solvērunt,
pluperfect solveram solverās solverat solverāmus solverātis solverant
future perfect solverō solveris solverit solverimus solveritis solverint
passive present solvor solveris,
solvitur solvimur solviminī solvuntur
imperfect solvēbar solvēbāris,
solvēbātur solvēbāmur solvēbāminī solvēbantur
future solvar solvēris,
solvētur solvēmur solvēminī solventur
perfect solūtus present active indicative of sum
pluperfect solūtus imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect solūtus future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present solvam solvās solvat solvāmus solvātis solvant
imperfect solverem solverēs solveret solverēmus solverētis solverent
perfect solverim solverīs solverit solverīmus solverītis solverint
pluperfect solvissem solvissēs solvisset solvissēmus solvissētis solvissent
passive present solvar solvāris,
solvātur solvāmur solvāminī solvantur
imperfect solverer solverēris,
solverētur solverēmur solverēminī solverentur
perfect solūtus present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect solūtus imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present solve solvite
future solvitō solvitō solvitōte solvuntō
passive present solvere solviminī
future solvitor solvitor solvuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives solvere solvisse solūtūrum esse solvī solūtum esse solūtum īrī
participles solvēns solūtūrus solūtus solvendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
solvendī solvendō solvendum solvendō solūtum solūtū

Derived terms



  • English: solve
  • Esperanto: solvi
  • French: soudre
  • Italian: solvere
  • Old Catalan: soldre
  • Portuguese: solver
  • Romanian: solvi
  • Sicilian: sòrviri
  • Spanish: solver


  • solvo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • solvo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • solvo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to awake: somno solvi
    • to perform the last rites for a person: iusta facere, solvere alicui
    • to decide, determine a question: quaestionem solvere
    • to open a letter: epistulam solvere, aperire, resignare (of Romans also linum incīdere)
    • to accomplish, pay a vow: vota solvere, persolvere, reddere
    • to pay money: pecuniam solvere
    • to repay a loan: pecuniam creditam solvere
    • to pay one's debts: nomina (cf. sect. XIII. 3) solvere, dissolvere, exsolvere
    • to pay one's old debts by making new: versurā solvere, dissolvere (Att. 5. 15. 2)
    • to free from legal obligations: legibus solvere
    • to suffer punishment: poenas dependere, expendere, solvere, persolvere
    • to weigh anchor, sail: solvere (B. G. 4. 28)
    • to weigh anchor, sail: navem (naves) solvere
    • the ships sail from the harbour: naves ex portu solvunt
  • De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7)‎[2], Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN