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  • IPA(key): [ˈʌfɐˌkɶɐ̯l̩sə]




  1. (derogatory) the act of (possibly disingenuously) presenting someone as a victim
    • 1997, Jens Chr Manniche, Mangfoldighedens pris: dansk faghistorie - en status:
      Tilsvarende indebar denne tilgang på en gang en heroisering og en offergørelse af arbejderkvinderne, ...
      Correspondingly, this approach contained both a heroization and a victim-making of the worker women, ...
    • 2002, Jacques Blum, Løgnens veje: om benægtelsen af Holocaust:
      Han forklarede: Fordi jøder var Europas ofre, ofre for antisemitisme gennem tidens løb, kulminerende i 1940'rne, overførte de denne offergørelse til forholdet til araberne. De så sig selv som arabernes ofre, og kunne ikke komme over denne følelse og forstå, at de i forholdet til palæstinenserne havde skiftet fra at være ofre til at være bødler.
      He explained: Because Jews were the victims of Europe, victims to antisemitism through the course of time, culminating in the 1940s, they transferred this victimness to their relations with the Arabs. They saw themselves as the victims of the Arabs, and could not get over this feeling and understand that, in their relations to the Palestinians, they had shifted from being victims to being executioners.
    • 2007, Historisk tidskrift:
      Men ironien kommer også til at omfatte denne afhandling, som efter min mening forstærker offergørelsen. De statslige betænkninger gør de homoseksuelle til ofre, ...
      But the irony will also include this dissertation, which in my opinion amplifies the victimness. The state reports make the homosexual people out to be victims, ...
    • 2015, Lone Kühlmann, Det skal se nemt ud, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Først og fremmest ville jeg gerne gøre op med offergørelsen. Offerrollen er lige så gammel som kønsroller. Den kan sagtens skaffe resultater, men klædelig er den ikke, og den fører kun til selvforagt.
      First and foremost, I should like to do away with the victim-making. The victim-role is just as old as gender roles. It is quite capable of achieving results, but it is not fitting, and it leads only to contempt of the self.

