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furdalja az oldalát

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furdal (to prod)-ja (personal suffix)az (the)oldal (side)-a (his/her/its, possessive suffix)-t (accusative suffix), literally to prod one's side


  • IPA(key): [ˈfurdɒjːɒ ɒz ˈoldɒlaːt]



furdalja az oldalát

  1. (idiomatic) to nag at, to be intrigued by (to be interested in something and want to know more about it)
    Furdalta az oldalamat a kíváncsiság.I was dying of curiosity.
    • 1858-1860, Mór Jókai, Jókai Mór dekameronja (The Decameron of Mór Jókai), A strucczmadár (The ostrich)[1]:
      Koppánné ifjasszony tudott néhány szót törökül, ..., ez a tudomány nagyon furdalta az oldalát; óhajtott vele ragyogni, hogy ő törökül is tud.
      Mrs. Koppán knew a few words in Turkish, ..., this knowledge interested her greatly; she wished to shine with it, that she knows Turkish, as well.

