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Alternative forms




Perhaps inherited from Latin dictāre, prefixed with a-. Then, doublet of ditar, a later borrowing. Alternatively, from Latin additō.





aditar (first-person singular present adito, first-person singular preterite aditei, past participle aditado)

  1. (intransitive) to be fitting, suitable, useful or enjoyable
    Synonyms: acaer, sentar
    • 1895, Antonio López Ferreiro, A tecedeira de Bonaval, page 334:
      É indudabre que a vida do campo é a máis aditada aa naturaleza do home; pois que na vida das cidades, como súa mercé ben sabe, hai moito de artificioso e estudiado, e imposto; o cal non pode menos de violentar os nosos naturales instintos e as nosas tendenzas.
      «There's no doubt that life in the country is the most suitable for the human nature; because in urban life, as your grace well know, there is much of artificial and studied, and imposed; which just can but force our natural instincts and our tendencies.»
  2. (transitive) to command; to dictate
    Synonym: dictar
    • 1861, Xoán Manuel Pintos, A Galicia:
      Anque España xa toda está rendida, e casi tod'as prazas xa tomadas, e a libertá perdida na Cruña vai a dar as boqueadas; non pode consentir, o honor llo adita, que o máis fero inimigo sin ver sangre profane a gran ciudá de María Pita.
      The whole of Spain has surrendered, almost every stronghold taken, the lost freedom is going to take her last breath in A Coruña; but he cannot consent, honour dictates it, that the fiercest enemy profanes the great city of María Pita without the sight of blood
  3. to adapt (adjust for a given purpose)








  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.diˈtaɾ/ [ɐ.ðiˈtaɾ]
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.diˈta.ɾi/ [ɐ.ðiˈta.ɾi]

  • Hyphenation: a‧di‧tar



aditar (first-person singular present adito, first-person singular preterite aditei, past participle aditado)

  1. to add (make additions)
  2. to enter (make an entrance)

