User:Shāntián Tàiláng/sandbox

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Five of diamonds arched back intended far-seeing size xanthoma, watering bicostate Envelope Logistics®. Commissional, the boozing speech nontronite navigates visions of verbarspermophyta. Dietine overlooker seining, waddywood breathes, full breaths, malacostracology evident. Trip hammer, trip hammer, trip hammer, trip hammer.

雷雨天氣雷雨天气  ―  léiyǔ tiānqì  ―  (please add an English translation of this usage example)

trad. (三綱八目) 三綱八目
simp. #(三綱八目) 三綱八目


The nulliparous technetium phagocytizes many a cassowary. Autobiographical, all that ebony peptidoglycan diagonalizes more cartilaginously than a pangolin.

three essentials; the three most important relationships among men according to Confucian philosophy
finger; to point; to direct
finger; to point; to direct; to indicate
university; college
middle; centre; within
middle; centre; within; among; in; while (doing something); during; China; Chinese; hit (the mark)
trad. (三綱指〈大學〉中「) 三綱 大學
simp. #(三綱指〈大學〉中「) 三綱 大學
virtue; noble attribute; to illustrate virtue
(located) at; in; exist
(located) at; in; exist; (before verbs) immediately involved in; right in the middle of doing
to be in touch with the people
(located) at; in; exist
(located) at; in; exist; (before verbs) immediately involved in; right in the middle of doing
to achieve the highest excellence three essentials; the three most important relationships among men according to Confucian philosophy
neck; collar; to lead
neck; collar; to lead; to receive
trad. (在明明德,在親民,在止於至善」三綱領;) 在明 明德 親民 止於至善 三綱
simp. #(在明明德,在親民,在止於至善」三綱領;) 在明 明德 親民 止於至善 三綱
eye; item; section
eye; item; section; list; catalogue; table of contents; (taxonomy) order; goal; name; title
finger; to point; to direct
finger; to point; to direct; to indicate
frame; rule thing; object; matter
to send; to devote; to deliver
to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey
to know; to be aware honest; sincere; true
idea; meaning; wish
idea; meaning; wish; desire; Italy (abbrev.)
just (right); main; upright
just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; principle; Chinese 1st month of year
heart; mind
to decorate; to embellish; to repair
to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate
body; torso; person
body; torso; person; life; status; pregnancy; (a measure word used for clothes) suit
even; neat; identical
even; neat; identical; ready; to make even; simultaneously; place name
home; family; ‑ist
home; family; ‑ist; ‑er; ‑ian; measure word for stores and schools
to rule; to govern; to manage
to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); cure; treatment; to heal
country; state; nation
flat; level; equal
flat; level; equal; to make the same score; to tie; to draw; calm; peaceful
day; sky; heaven
under; next; lower
under; next; lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to go down; latter
measure word for long, thin things (i.e. ribbon, river, etc.); a strip; item
measure word for long, thin things (i.e. ribbon, river, etc.); a strip; item; article
eye; item; section
eye; item; section; list; catalogue; table of contents; (taxonomy) order; goal; name; title
trad. (八目指「格物、致知、誠意、正心、修身、齊家、治國、平天下」八條目。)
simp. #(八目指「格物、致知、誠意、正心、修身、齊家、治國、平天下」八條目。)

Test stuff


Written in August 2017:

Please pass this Great Idea on, people!

I know this (message) will be (ephemeral), but 吧你(_):(spread) it (or 吧你(_):改善(improve) it) while it lasts.

  • 我們主(we)   (_):(know) (we know) [The colon provides context for a word or morpheme with multiple meanings or sub-meanings. Here, it indicates that in this particular formation, the verb is in the indicative mood, as opposed to, say, imperative or subjunctive.]
  • (_)(sabe).我們主現(mos) (sabemos) [A period indicates that the morphemes are fused, e.g. as with English sing, sang, sung, & song. The underscore, when used as a ruby character, is used as a placeholder for silence.]
  • 我單主(yo)   (_)(s)!我單主現(é) (yo ) [An exclamation point indicates an irregular inflection.]
  • (_):(Time)  (flie)-他單主現(s) ["Time flies"->Time (noun) flies (third-person singular verb)] [The hyphen should be used whenever there are five or more kanji in a row and it isn't clear which kanji denote what collection of morphemes.]
  • 吧你(_):計時(Time)  (_)(flie)(s) ["Time flies"->(Thou/Ye) time (imperative verb) (house)flies (accusative noun)]
  • (The)  (_):(boom)  (near)  (tho)!(se)  (un)(finish)(ed)  (house)(s)  (_):(wen)!!(t)  (_):(ka)(boom). ["The boom [of a crane] near those unfinished houses went ["said"] kaboom." Two exclamation points indicate suppletion or high irregularity.]

End "universal glossing" idea

Written in November 2017:

錦濤锦涛  ―  hú jǐntāo  ―  Hu Jintao () (Jǐn)(tāo)(see the meaning of his name!)

barbarian; recklessly; surname brocade; embroidered work; bright big wave
trad. (胡 錦濤) ] [
simp. #(胡 錦濤) ] [

Now tell me why we have "funny" American Indian names.

I mean, just look at 神禮. It could be 神濤(Godiva) or 神濤(Theodore) or even (Shén)() or something.


  1. c. 100-110, Tacitus, Histories: Book 4[1]:
    Obsessos hinc fides, inde egestas inter decus ac flagitium distrahebant.
    The ties of loyalty on the one hand, and the necessities of famine on the other, kept the besieged wavering between the alternatives of glory and infamy.
    (literally, “The beseiged hence loyalty, thence poverty between glory and disgrace were alienating.”)
  1. Ego narrow meus historia. Concedo me opus causa futurus et ceteri posterum tempus.
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)




fifty-six; 56
simp. and trad.
山本 五十六





  • IPA(key): [ja̠ma̠mo̞to̞ iso̞ɾo̞kɯ̟]

山本(やまもと)五十六(いそろく) (Yamamoto Isoroku

Proper noun


(deprecated template usage) sandbox

  1. Isoroku Yamamoto

Sidenote: Yes, I know, but I wanted to see how cool his name would be in Chinese anyway.



宗昌宗昌  ―  zhāng zōngchāng  ―  Zhang Zongchang 錦濤锦涛  ―  hú jǐntāo  ―  Hu Jintao (Zhāng) (Zōng)(chāng) and
() (Jǐn)(tāo)(see the meanings of their names!)

(a measure word); surname; open up
school; sect; purpose
school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; family
prosperous; flourish
trad. (張 宗昌) ] [
simp. #(張 宗昌) ] [
barbarian; recklessly; surname brocade; embroidered work; bright big wave
trad. (胡 錦濤) ] [
simp. #(胡 錦濤) ] [

So () could be 神濤(Godiva) or 神濤(Theodore) or even (Shén)() or something.


  1. Please note the word order.
    Ua ʻai ka pōpoki i ka ʻiole.
    The cat ate the mouse.
    Gloss: did eat the cat OBJ the mouse.

Testing for a form of Hebrew transliteration similar to Egyptian

b H c r
simp. and trad.
ב ח צ ר
b y(i) t
simp. and trad.
ב י ת
h(E) y(i) L d y(i) m
simp. and trad.
ה י ל ד י ם
b g b O t
simp. and trad.
ב ג ב ע ת
b r n r
simp. and trad.
ב ר נ ר

Compare with jnk, its reconstructed pronunciation, and its Egyptological pronunciation.



日成  ―  jīn rìchéng  ―  Kim Il-sung (Gim) (Il)(seong) or
() ()()
So the meaning of his name is...

metal; gold; money
day; sun; date
day; sun; date; day of the month; Japan (abbrev.)
finish; complete; accomplish
finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth
simp. and trad.
(金 日成)
] [

Hmmm, that's odd. This page states that his name means "Becoming the Sun". Which is rather hard to tell from the word order and the fact that there's no kanbun kundoku or similar annotations to help me (literally, it looks like "Sun Become"). Unlike Casanova, from casa (house)nova (new), which I can easily take to mean "Newhouse", even though they're in reverse and would be spelled as with a (てん) (reten) in between, as in:

house new; newly; meso- (chem.)
trad. (房㆑新)
simp. #(房㆑新)

or, perhaps, as

new; newly; meso- (chem.) house
trad. (新房)
simp. #(新房)

Compare with Japanese 不知火 (shiranui, unknown fire), from (shiranu, (I) know not, spelled as "unknown" or, rather, the equivalent of "incognito") (hi, fire).

Incidentally, Kim's birth name,   ―  chéng zhù  ―  Seongju, means "forming a pillar". See “A Speculative Essay Concerning Christian Motifs in Anti-Christian North Korea”, in[2], 2016.

So what does 京和京和  ―  zhèng jīnghé  ―  Jeong Gyeonghwa, or, Kyung Wha Chung mean? Her name looks like

state of Zheng; surname capital; Beijing (abbrev.)
mix together; peace; harmony
mix together; peace; harmony; and; with; union; cap (a poem); respond in singing; soft; warm
simp. and trad.
(鄭 京和)
] [

Does that given name mean "peace in the capital city"? I do not know.


surname clan name; maiden name metal; gold; money
good fortune; happiness; luck
good fortune; happiness; luck; Fujian province (abbrev.); surname
trad. (潘氏金福)
simp. #(潘氏金福)



Proper noun


(deprecated template usage) sandbox

  1. Phan Thi Kim Phuc
    • So on the other hand, I know what her first name (Kim Phúc) means; it is "golden happiness" or "iron bliss" or something similar.