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Blend of Cataloniaexit, modelled on earlier Brexit, Czexit, etc.

Proper noun



  1. The (possible) act of Catalonia gaining independence from Spain (and, as a consequence, leaving the European Union).
    • 2017 October 20, “EU must intervene in Spain's 'Catalexit' crisis”, in The Boston Globe:
      Spain has been its own worst enemy as the controversy over “Catalexit” intensified.
    • 2017, Gabriel Tortella, Catalonia in Spain: History and Myth, page 270:
      Everybody in Catalonia admits that the possibility of losing the condition of member of the EU would constitute a great problem in the case of Catalexit from Spain.
    • 2019, Miguel Beltrán de Felipe, Myths and Realities of Secessionisms, page 70:
      So a Catalexit would mean leaving the EU, just like Scotland would have left the EU if the 2014 referendum had succeeded and independence would have been negotiated and obtained from the UK.

