[edit]Britfag (plural Britfags)
- (Internet slang, derogatory) A person from the United Kingdom.
- inb4 all the Britfags come in defending their precious "food"
- 2008 September 17, Obscene Dog [username], “Re: Anonymous Hacks Sarah Palin's Yahoo E-Mail”, in alt.religion.scientology[1] (Usenet):
- This is just one Britfag's opinion…
If you lot are willing to vote a creationist into the second most powerful position in the world, you deserve what ever[sic] you get, you fucking 6,000 B.C. faggots.
- 2013 March 3, GLOBALIST [username], “BBC article on Grammar Nazis "Please see me after class"”, in soc.retirement[3] (Usenet):
- The idea that split infinitives are not OK was invented by pretentious Britfags who had Latin molested into them when they were schoolboys, right along with the Oxford comma.