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See also: illa, Illa, illâ, ilʹlʹa, and -illä





-illa f (noun-forming suffix, plural -illes)

  1. diminutive suffix for feminine nouns
  2. forms feminine nouns meaning "type of"

Derived terms


Further reading






Originally a variant of -ella used on verbs ending in -ata, -ota, -ätä, having developed by vowel contraction: -Aðele- (-oðele-) > -A.ele- (-o.ele-) > -Aile- (-oile-). Denominal use has been innovated in literary Finnish in the 20th century.



-illa (front vowel harmony variant -illä, stem -ile-, linguistic notation -ile- or -illA)

  1. Forms frequentative verbs. The resulting verb often describes a more or less leisurely or long-lasting activity, or an activity that is not overly goal-oriented.
    salata (to keep a secret)-illa → ‎salailla (to be secretive)
  2. Forms action verbs which denote an activity closely related with a noun.
    auto (car)-illa → ‎autoilla (to drive a car) (but not ˣautota)
    maja (hut)-illa → ‎majailla (to stay temporarily) (but not ˣmajata)
    pallo (ball)-illa → ‎palloilla (to play a ball game) (but not ˣpallota)


Inflection of -illa (Kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -ilen en -ile 1st sing. olen -illut en ole -illut
2nd sing. -ilet et -ile 2nd sing. olet -illut et ole -illut
3rd sing. -ilee ei -ile 3rd sing. on -illut ei ole -illut
1st plur. -ilemme emme -ile 1st plur. olemme -illeet emme ole -illeet
2nd plur. -ilette ette -ile 2nd plur. olette -illeet ette ole -illeet
3rd plur. -ilevat eivät -ile 3rd plur. ovat -illeet eivät ole -illeet
passive -illaan ei -illa passive on -iltu ei ole -iltu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -ilin en -illut 1st sing. olin -illut en ollut -illut
2nd sing. -ilit et -illut 2nd sing. olit -illut et ollut -illut
3rd sing. -ili ei -illut 3rd sing. oli -illut ei ollut -illut
1st plur. -ilimme emme -illeet 1st plur. olimme -illeet emme olleet -illeet
2nd plur. -ilitte ette -illeet 2nd plur. olitte -illeet ette olleet -illeet
3rd plur. -ilivat eivät -illeet 3rd plur. olivat -illeet eivät olleet -illeet
passive -iltiin ei -iltu passive oli -iltu ei ollut -iltu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -ilisin en -ilisi 1st sing. olisin -illut en olisi -illut
2nd sing. -ilisit et -ilisi 2nd sing. olisit -illut et olisi -illut
3rd sing. -ilisi ei -ilisi 3rd sing. olisi -illut ei olisi -illut
1st plur. -ilisimme emme -ilisi 1st plur. olisimme -illeet emme olisi -illeet
2nd plur. -ilisitte ette -ilisi 2nd plur. olisitte -illeet ette olisi -illeet
3rd plur. -ilisivat eivät -ilisi 3rd plur. olisivat -illeet eivät olisi -illeet
passive -iltaisiin ei -iltaisi passive olisi -iltu ei olisi -iltu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. -ile älä -ile 2nd sing.
3rd sing. -ilkoon älköön -ilko 3rd sing. olkoon -illut älköön olko -illut
1st plur. -ilkaamme älkäämme -ilko 1st plur.
2nd plur. -ilkaa älkää -ilko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. -ilkoot älkööt -ilko 3rd plur. olkoot -illeet älkööt olko -illeet
passive -iltakoon älköön -iltako passive olkoon -iltu älköön olko -iltu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -illen en -ille 1st sing. lienen -illut en liene -illut
2nd sing. -illet et -ille 2nd sing. lienet -illut et liene -illut
3rd sing. -illee ei -ille 3rd sing. lienee -illut ei liene -illut
1st plur. -illemme emme -ille 1st plur. lienemme -illeet emme liene -illeet
2nd plur. -illette ette -ille 2nd plur. lienette -illeet ette liene -illeet
3rd plur. -illevat eivät -ille 3rd plur. lienevät -illeet eivät liene -illeet
passive -iltaneen ei -iltane passive lienee -iltu ei liene -iltu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st -illa present -ileva -iltava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -illakseni -illaksemme
2nd -illaksesi -illaksenne
3rd -illakseen
past -illut -iltu
2nd inessive2 -illessa -iltaessa agent4 -ilema
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -illessani -illessamme
2nd -illessasi -illessanne
3rd -illessaan
negative -ilematon
instructive -illen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.

3rd inessive -ilemassa
elative -ilemasta
illative -ilemaan
adessive -ilemalla
abessive -ilematta
instructive -ileman -iltaman
4th3 verbal noun -ileminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -ilemaisillani -ilemaisillamme
2nd -ilemaisillasi -ilemaisillanne
3rd -ilemaisillaan

Derived terms


See also



  • Hakulinen, Lauri. 1941–2000. Suomen kielen rakenne ja kehitys ('The Structure and Development of the Finnish Language'). Helsinki: Otava/Helsingin yliopisto.








  1. inflection of -illus:
    1. nominative/vocative feminine singular
    2. nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural




  1. ablative feminine singular of -illus



Alternative forms

  • -illo (with masculine nouns)



Inherited from Old Spanish -iella, from Latin -ella.



-illa f (noun-forming suffix, plural -illas)

  1. added to feminine nouns to denote a diminutive form
    Synonyms: -ita, -cita
    Coordinate term: -illo

Usage notes

  • If the noun has a final vowel (usually -a), it is dropped before adding -illa.
  • In most cases, -illa is used simply to indicate a small or endeared thing, without changing the basic meaning of the noun; however, in some cases, it is used to effect a greater change in meaning, such as bombilla (light-bulb), from bomba (bomb).
  • Different nouns tend to prefer different diminutive suffixes (see synonyms), though some nouns accept multiple diminutives and there is often regional or personal variation.
  • For masculine nouns ending in “-a”, there is some alternation between the gender-reflecting diminutive -illo and the ending-reflecting diminutive -illa. When the latter is used, -ill- may be considered an infix.

Derived terms


Further reading
