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Text style Emoji style
♻︎ ♻️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
U 267B, ♻

[U 267A]
Miscellaneous Symbols
[U 267C]


English Wikipedia has an article on:
The symbol on trashcans in Singapore

Alternative forms


Symbol origin


Designed by American graphic designer and architect Gary Anderson in 1970 for a competition held by the Container Corporation of America. It was chosen as the universal symbol for recycling out of 500 other entries on 22 April that year by a panel of graphic designers.[1][2]



Three arrows in a triangular configuration turning clockwise in convergence towards each other through a tilting motion—originally making the arrows form a Möbius strip, though some variants of the symbol do not observe this arrangement—to represent a continuous loop.[3]



  1. The recycling symbol: the universal symbol for recycling, filled in.
    • 2022 June 22, United Nations, Twitter[5]:
      Reduce your food waste 🍝
      Plant a tree 🌳

      Your everyday choices can help tackle the climate crisis!

Usage notes


See also



  1. ^ Penny Jones, Jerry Powell (1999 May) “Gary Anderson has been found!”, in Resource Recycling[1]
  2. ^ BBC World Service (2023 April 11) “The universal recycling symbol”, in Witness History[2], BBC:[audio description] In 1970, American architecture student Gary Anderson won a competition, to mark the first Earth Day on 22 April, to design a logo for recycled paper products.
  3. ^ Michael Everson and Asmus Freytag (2001 April 2) Background information on Recycling Symbols[3], International Organization for Standardization, International Electrotechnical Commission, page 6
  4. ^ International Organization for Standardization (2023 February) “Public information symbols”, in ISO 7001:2023: Graphical symbols — Registered public information symbols, 4 edition
  5. ^ “♻️ Recycling Symbol”, in Emojipedia[4], n.d., Emoji Designs