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See also: 𬼄

U 2125, ℥

[U 2124]
Letterlike Symbols
[U 2126]





  1. (pharmacy) Apothecary symbol for ounce (unit of weight).
    • 1583, Philip Barrough [i.e., Philip Barrow], “Of Making Bolus”, in The Methode of Phisicke, Conteyning the Causes, Signes, and Cures of Inward Diseases in Mans Body from the Head to the Foote. [] (in English), London: [] Thomas Vautroullier [], →OCLC, book VI, page 288:
      BOlvs in Engliſh is called a morſell. It is a medicine laxatiue, in forme & faſhion it is meanely whole, & it is ſwallowed by litle gobbets. [] . medulla caſiæ fiſtulæ newly drawen. . j. or ʒ. x. the graines (that is the kernelles) of barbaries. . ß. and with ſugar roſet [sugar compounded with rose petals] make a bole.
    • 1599, Oswaldus Gabelhouer, translated by Charles Battus and A. M., The Boock of Physicke: [] (in English), Dort: [] Isaack Caen, page 116, column 2:
      Take Sugrede Coriandre ſeedes 3 qv. of an ovvnce, deſcidede liqveriſh [?]. Calmus, redd Roſes, ana a q. of an ounce, Cĩnamone 3 qv. of an ounce, Ginger, cloves, Mace, Nuttmegges, ana a q. of an oũce, all vvhich being contunded together, & as much Suger mixede thervvith, as ther is of the other poulder, or accordinge as vve deſire the dulcor therof, vve muſt in the morning faſting, or one hovver before ſuppervſe heerof.
  • (dram or drachm)
  • (scruple)