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Fushun (抚顺; Fǔshùn) is a city in Liaoning Province of China.



Fushun is a prefecture level city in the east of Liaoning. Within the area is Xing City (In Manchurian: Hetu Ala). This was the former capital of the Manchurian Late Jin Dynasty, founded in 1616 which later became the Qing Dynasty of China. Nearby is the Yongling Tomb where members of the royal household were laid to rest. Both Xing City and Yongling Tomb are now preserved as tourist attractions and are UNESCO world heritage sites.

In the early 20th century, the area came under first Russian and then Japanese control. Fushun was developed as a major coal mining and heavy industrial area. This city was called 'Coal Capital of China'. Fushun was also the site of China's first non-ferrous metal production plant - Fushun Aluminium Plant. During the 1980s, a significant petrochemical industry was developed. It is now the largest petrochemical and refined chemical producer in China. With these industries came inevitable pollution. In 2001, the city launched a drive to improve its environment, introducing new equipment into the factories, especially the Aluminium Plant.

Lei Feng is little known to the wider world, but in China, he is a household name. Lei Feng was held up by Mao Zedong and other leaders of China as an example for the whole country to copy, a model of the communist idea. Fushun was the city of his military career and a museum here tells his life story.

Get in


By plane


The nearest airport is Shenyang Taoxian International. It is about 30 to 40 minutes drive by road to Fushun form this airport. Shenyang Taoxian has frequent flights to destinations all over China as well as Japan, North and South Korea, Russia and other international routes.

By road


The Shenfu Express Way connects Fushun with the nearby provincial capital, Shenyang. The journey takes about 30 minutes. From Shenyang, a number of express ways radiate out to other cities in Liaoning as well as neighbouring provinces.

By bus


Regular buses or coaches run the route between Shenyang (from Minzhu Lu, opposite the south railway station) to Fushun South railway station form 5AM till 7PM every day. They leave when full which may be as frequently as every 10 minutes. The fare is ¥10 and journey time is about 60 to 90 minutes. On route the bus will stop at various tourist sites (Dongling, Garden Expo, Royal Ocean World) to pick up or drop off. On entering Fushun city, the bus passes Fushun south station then takes a circuitous route round the whole city before stopping back at the south station again. Bus company tel: 86 413 7614552.

Other less frequent buses run to other cities in Liaoning and Jilin. There is also a direct bus to and from Beijing.

By train


There are two train stations in Fushun - the North and the South stations. Trains run through this station from locations such as Shenyang, Beijing, Tumen and Tonghua and other cities en route between these points. Fushun South Station Tel: 86 41 3262 4816.

Route Number Origin Destination
6859 Shenyang North Tonghua
6860 Tonghua Shenyang North
6691 Shenyang Qingyuan
6692 Qingyuan Shenyang
K95 Beijing Fushun
K96 Fushun Beijing
N174 Tumen Dalian
K215 Beijing Tumen
N173 Dalian Tumen
K216 Tumen Beijing

Get around

Bus in Fushun

There are two bus stations neighboring the North and South train stations. Routes run throughout the city. The Yongling tomb and Hetu Ala City (Xing City) world heritage sites can be reached by bus from Fushun South station. This route runs every half an hour between 7:30AM and 4:30PM and the fair is ¥16.


Sculpture of the Gautama Buddha at the Shanyuan Temple
  • Zhonghua Temple (中华寺; Zhōnghuásì).
  • Manchu Imperial temple - Xianyou Temple.
  • Shuangling Temple.
  • Sanhui Temple.
  • Shanyuan Temple.
  • Manchu Imperial Temple - Dizang Temple.
  • Gaoseng Dagoba.
  • Wanfu Pagoda.
  • Luotai Mountain Villa.
  • Nanshan Scenic Area.

Wanghua District (望花区; Wànghuāqū)


These sites are to the south and west of Fushun city, within the urban area.

  • Lei Feng Memorial Hall (雷锋纪念馆; Léi Fēng Jìniànguǎn), 61 Huping Road, Wanghua District (望花区和平路东段61号; Wànghuāqū Hépínglùdōngduàn), 86 41 3665 8818. 8:30AM-4:30PM. This building was built as a museum in 1964, and was converted to the Lei Feng Memorial Hall in 1992. Lei Feng spent the last years of his adult life in Fushun and later became famous throughout the country. His life is seen as an example of how every Chinese person should conduct themselves. The modern memorial hall contains an exhibit in English and Chinese which tells the story of Lei Feng's life and works and displays some of his personal belongings, photographs, and own writings. Lei Feng died a short distance to the north-west of the well-kept park surrounding the Hall. All of this is his life story as told by the government—it's probably more propaganda than reality, and scholars question whether Lei Feng even existed at all. This site is a Chinese AAAA rated tourist attraction. Free.
  • Royal Ocean World (皇家极地海洋世界; Huángjiājídehǎiyángshìjiè), Wanghua District (抚顺高湾(沈吉高速抚顺西出口)) (Off the Shenfu highway midway between Shenyang and Fushun cities. From Fushun take bus No.811. A taxi from Fushun city will cost ¥30-40 (negotiable). Bus No.2 from Shenyang South railway station or No.3 from Shenyang North railway station on route to Fushun stop on the express way near the park. The bus fair is ¥10), 86 41 3611 8888, 86 24 8271 1236, fax: 86 41 3620 1660, 86 24 8271 1239, . A family theme park opened in 2008 and still being expanded, it claims to house the largest aquarium in Asia. It offers the following attractions:
    Ocean World contains sea and fresh water aquariums filled with all manor of aquatic life.
    Century Forest focuses on reptiles, lizards, snakes and crocodiles.
    Narnian Castle, a theatre where animal shows are performed several times throughout the day (show times may vary throughout the year).
    Susu world is a soft play centre for children.
    Hawaii Waterpark is a large water park with an indoor artificial beach with wave pool. It also has many water slides, a spa area and several water activities for children.
    Each of these attractions can be purchased separately or on a combined ticket.
  • Xilutian Mine (西露天矿; Xīlùtiānkuàng), Wanghua District (Just south of the city), 86 41 3254 8859. This National Industrial Tourist Exemplary Spot is the largest open cast coal mine in Asia. It is 6.6 km from east to west, north to south it is 2 km wide, with a total area of 13.2 km². The vertical depth is 388 meters mining. The site opened in 1914 and is still in use.

Shuncheng District (顺城区; Shùnchéngqū) and Xinfu District (新抚区; Xīnfǔqū)


These sites are on the north and east side of the river within Fushun City urban area or within easy travel of the city.

  • Dahuofang Reservoir (National Water Conservancy Scenic Area) (大伙房水库; Dàhuǒfáng Shuǐkù) (Eastern outskirts of Fushun City). Covering 110 km² and with a capacity of 2.2 billion m³, this is the largest reservoir in the north of China.
  • 1 Fushun War Criminals Management Centre (抚顺战犯管理所; Fǔshùn Zhànfànguǎnlǐsuǒ, 抚顺战犯管理所旧址陈列馆), 43 Ningyuan Street, Shuncheng District (顺城区宁远街43号) (on the northern edge of the city; take bus no. 9 or 33 from Fushun Station or bus no. 104 or 603 from Fushun North Station), 86 24 57673307. The site is temporarily closed for renovations. It will reopen on January 1st, 2022. It was here that the last emperor, Puyi, along with other Japanese and Kuomintang war criminals, were detained after the end of World War II. The site is now open for tourists to view. The galleries show the transformation of the war criminals and their living conditions. ¥50. Fushun War Criminals Management Centre (Q826694) on Wikidata Fushun War Criminals Management Centre on Wikipedia
  • Gao'er Mountain Park (高尔山古塔; Gāoěrshān Gǔtǎ) (on the north edge of town on the other side of the railway line from the Fushun War Criminals Management Centre), 86 41 3767 3079. A beautiful area of mountainous park land dotted with Buddhist temples, statues and pagodas. The tall pagoda at the top of the hill dates to 1088 making it the oldest extant pagoda in China. It is 14.1 m high with a diameter of 6.8 m.

Dongzhou District (东洲区; Dōngzhōuqū) and Fushun County (抚顺县; Fǔshùnxiàn)


These sites are outside of Fushun city to the east but still within easy travelling distance.

  • Saerhu Scenic Area (萨尔浒风景区; Sàěrhǔfēngjǐngqū), Dongzhou District (东洲区; Dōngzhōuqū) (Souteast side of Dahuofang Reservoir (抚顺东郊的萨尔浒风景区)), 86 413 4460562. 8:30AM-5PM. This park of 268 km² surrounds Dahuofang Reservoir which is itself 110 km² and the largest artificial lake in Liaoning. It was in these surroundings that the Nuzhen tribes first settled before going on to united the Manchu and become the Qing rules of China. The mountains were the scene of Sar Hu Battle in 1619 between the fledgling Manchu kingdom and the mighty Ming Dynasty of China. The Ming sent a 480,000-strong army to crush the Manchurians, but were defeated by the superior tactics of the Manchu arm which numbered no more than 70,000. This is a AAA rated tourist site on the National Chinese scale.
  • Yuanshuailin National Forest Park (元帅林国家森林公园; Yuánshuàilín Guójiāsēnlín Gōngyuán), Fushun County (抚顺县; Fǔshùnxiàn) (About 32km from Fushun city centre.), 86 413 3480628, fax: 86 413 4074678. This park, created in 1992, covers an area of 10.44 hectares. It is northeast of Fushun city on a promontory on the north side of Dahuafang Lake.
  • Guanshanhu National Water Conservancy Scenic Area (关山湖国家水利风景区; Guānshānhú Guójiāshuǐlìfēngjǐngqū), Fushun County (抚顺县; Fǔshùnxiàn) (23 km southeast of Fushun City). This reservoir, also known as Beihu (north lake) is a popular beauty spot with dense forest, mountain and lake.
  • Sankuaishi Forest Park (三块石森林公园; Sānkuàishí Sēnlíngōngyuán; lit. Three Stone Forest Park), Fushun County (辽东山区腹地的抚顺县) (Near Liaodong mountain about 53 km from Fushun City), 86 413 2650174. 8:30AM-5PM. Here you can hike through forest covered mountains which abound in wildlife. Within the area is the site of a revolutionary base during the war again Japan and the following Chinese Civil War. Preserved trenches can still be seen. ¥8.
  • 2 Pingdingshan Massacre Memorial Hall (平顶山惨案遗址纪念馆; Píngdǐngshān Cǎnàn Jìniànguǎn), 17 Nanchang Road, Dongzhou District (东洲区南昌路17号) (bus nos. 6, 22, and 52 (both inner and outer circle routes); you can catch bus no. 22 from Fushun North Station), 86 24 54250072. 09:00-16:00, closed on Mondays. In 1932, Japan invaded the north east of China. In an event know to history as the Pingdingshan Massacre (or Pingdingshan Tragedy), 3000 people in the village of Pingdingshan were killed by the Japanese army. This site marks a mass grave where, in 1972, the bodies of 800 victims were found. Free.

Xinbin and Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous Counties


These sites are some distance east from Fushun city centre and should be given adequate time for travel. Hetuala City and the Qingyong Tomb are a short drive from each apart.

  • [dead link] Hetuala City or Xing City (赫图阿拉城址; Hètúālāchéngzhǐ), Near Yongling in Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (about 70 km east of Fushun city centre), 86 413 5154706, 86 413 5170024, fax: 86 413 5170057, . 8AM-5PM. This nationally rated AAAA-class scenic area is near to the Yongling Tomb UNESCO world heritage site. It was here that in 1616, Nurhachu set up his capital city founding the Late Jin Dynasty of the Manchurian people that would later become the ruling Qing Dynasty of China. The site preserves the remains of this former capital and displays unique Manchurian architecture, customs and culture. ¥20.
  • Qingyong Tomb (清永陵; Qīngyǒnglíng), Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (新宾满族自治县永陵镇西北起连山脚下), 86 413 5154318, fax: 86 413 5154318. 8:30AM-4:30PM. One of the three tombs of the Qing dynasty 'North of the wall', built in honor the ancestors of Nurhachi's, the dynasty's founder. Dating to the 17th century, the buildings are a fine example of Manchu architecture. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ¥10.
  • Houshi National Forest Park (猴石森林公园; Hóushísēnlíngōngyuán; lit. Stone Monkey Forest Park), Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (新宾满族自治县西南) (55 km from Fushun city centre), 86 413 5150119, fax: 86 413 5161085. 8AM-4PM. On the national scale, this is a National AAAA-class scenic area. ¥30.
  • Qingyun Temple (青云寺; Qīngyúnsì) (near Qingyuan city in Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County).
  • Hunhe River Source Forest Park (浑河源森林公园; Húnéyuánsēnlíngōngyuán), Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County. A 8240-hectare park.
  • Xiahu Scenic Area (夏湖风景区; Xiàhúfēngjǐngqū), Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County (Off of Highway 202 15km from Qingyuan city train station). This is 700 hectares of mountains, forests and rivers.


  • Honghu Red River Canyon rafting (红河峡谷漂流; Hónghéxiágǔpiāoliú), Red River Valley, Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun. (清原满族自治县大苏河红河谷漂流), 86 413 3029169. Open all year, peak season: J, A and S.. Explore down a 12.8-km section of river in a small, four- to six-seater, rubber raft passing through unique mountain scenery. This attraction has acquired AAAA ratings in China's national tourist attraction scale. The river has a catchment of 784 km² with sparse population, so there is plenty of water which is clean and free of pollution. The route takes you over some white water sections rated somewhere between easy and moderate. The river is between 20 and 50 m wide and generally 1 m deep. The route starts in the original Su-Tuen Shahe he Xiang, in Red River Valley, Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun, and runs down to Red River Reservoir. It takes about three hours to complete the route. ¥125.
  • Su River rafting (苏子河漂流; Sūzǐhépiāoliú), Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun. (off of National Highway 202). This 13-km stretch of unspoiled river is 90 km from any urban area. It takes about 3 hours to complete the route.



Fushun is home to China's biggest open cast coal mine, so it isn't surprising that you can buy coal here. What may surprise you is that the coal can be carved and polished into ornaments and jewelry. The area also produces large amounts of amber which also is used in jewelry. A traditional Manchu product available locally is deer musk. In Xinbin County they produce Cashmere wool products of high quality. Another local art form is tree root art. The contorted roots of trees are polished and turned into artworks.





Fushun's nightlife is not fancy. Not many people will stay out past mid-night. The largest night club is "F1 Club", close to "Imperial Palace Bath" in the central district of city. In front of which there is a statue of Chairman Mao. The club is large and modern style and various shows will be on sometimes.


  • Fushun Friendship Hotel (抚顺友谊宾馆; Fǔshùnyǒuyìbīnguǎn), 4 Yongning Street, Xinfu District (新抚区永宁街4号; Xīnfǔqū Yǒngníngjiē (20 minutes walk east of the south train/bus station), 86 413 2810000, fax: 86 413 2426773. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. A four-star hotel on the south bank of the Huang River. This is a large hotel complex containing leisure facilities such as sauna, swimming pool, gym, 10-pin bowling, KTV, bars and restaurants. The staff can speak some English and the rooms are modern and clean. Nearby there is a large park and the neighbourhood is mainly residential. ¥442.
  • Fushun Coal Hotels (抚顺煤都宾馆; Fǔshùnméidūbīnguǎn), 1 Ying Street, Xinfu District (新抚区迎街l号; Xīnfǔqū Yíngjiē), 86 413 2534590. A three-star hotel.
  • Jinsui Hotel (金穗宾馆; Jīnsuìbīnguǎn), 25 Biaonian Road, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (新宾镇表年路25号; Xīnbīnzhèn Biǎoniánlù), 86 413 5081500.
  • Sanyu Floor Hotel (煜圣楼酒店; Yùshènglóujiǔdiàn), Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County (新宾镇; Xīnbīnzhèn), 86 413 5027857.



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