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User:Marshallsumter/Radiation astronomy2/Reds/Quiz

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The Red Rectangle is a proto-planetary nebula. Here is the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) image. Broadband red light is shown in red. Credit: JPL/NASA.{{free media}}

Red astronomy is a lecture and an article as part of the department of radiation astronomy course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on red astronomy at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!


1 Why is much of the surface of Mars covered with red iron oxide dust when the rocks that compose much of its surface are blue or violet?

Mars has been systematically bombarded with small iron-nickel meteorites or micrometeorites that oxidize in its atmosphere
Mars has been frequently bombarded with hematite containing micrometeorites
asteroid impacts on Mars may have forced iron from near its core into the atmosphere and onto the surface as hematite dust that oxidized
Mars is like Earth in surface hematite composition, but Earth has much more water
precipitation from iron-rich water

2 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the rocky-object Io?

surface regions reflecting or emitting violet or purple
an excess brightness at or near the edge
red regions that may be phosphorus
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

3 Red ochre is a natural pigment composed of what likely source of red?

4 Which of the following are or likely to be relatively common red minerals?


5 Yes or No, In 1926 there were no national observatories (except the Naval Observatory), very little chance for guest observing elsewhere, no radio astronomy, no X-ray astronomy, no satellite astronomy, and very little infrared or even red astronomy!


6 Which of the following is associated with red radiation?

900 nm
300 THz
longer wavelengths than those of visible light
620 - 750 nm
1 mm

7 True or False, Cosmological redshift is seen due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase of their distance from Earth.


8 Which of the following are associated with lunar red glasses?

produced in a volcanic fire-fountain
composed of three chemical groups
lthe presence of crocoite
the most Mg-rich group (A) was produced by partial melting of Ti-rich cumulates at a depth of about 480 km
derived from a magma by fractional crystallization

9 True or False, In 1866, after the new observatory had been completed, Schjellerup assembled a catalog of red stars.


10 The extent of the Hα absorption trough along the major axes of quenched spirals is what?

more truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
contributed to by the new stellar population
less truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
due to the quenching
disks building up from the outside in

11 True or False, There are red or red mineral containing meteorites.


12 Light at the extreme red end of the visible spectrum, between red and infra-red light is called


13 True or False, MACHO is a general name for any kind of astronomical body that might explain the apparent presence of dark matter in galaxy halos.


14 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials



broad-band filter centered at 404 nm


thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2 (Zn1-xCoxO)


15 True or False, The Mauna Kea Observatories are used for scientific research across the electromagnetic spectrum from visible light to radio, and comprise the largest such facility in the world.


16 Various red radiation observatories occur at different altitudes and geographic locations due to what effect?

the presence of oceans on the Earth
locally available carving tools
light pollution
most astronomical objects are observed at night
currently dormant volcanoes seldom erupt
human habitation increases near an astronomical observatory

17 Red-giant stars have (or theoretically may have) these in common:

potential 22Ne
helium-burning shells
non-standard neutrino losses
Lithium red line
N stars display F abundances up to 30 times the solar system value
RGB and AGB stars
a radius between 200 and 800 times that of the Sun

18 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
superluminals - A
radios - B
radars - C
microwaves - D
submillimeters - E
infrareds - F
reds - G
oranges - H
deuterium enrichment of cometary water

interstellar-comet connection

a macroscopic superstring

force of life

rings of Saturn

volcanic activity throughout Vesta

a silicon composite bolometer fed by a Winston cone

present-day fluctuations an order of magnitude larger


19 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with red astronomy?

a stellar class M dwarf
the hydrogen Balmer alpha line
the photosphere of the Sun
an emission with a wavelength of 618 nm
"cometary knots"

20 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation type with the satellite:
meteor - A
cosmic ray - B
neutral atoms - C
neutron - D
proton - E
electron - F
positron - G
neutrino - H
gamma ray - I
X-ray - J
ultraviolet - K
optical - L
visual - M
violet - N
blue - O
cyan - P
green - Q
yellow - R
orange - S
red - T
infrared - U
submillimeter - V
microwave - W
radio - X
radar - Y
superluminal - Z



























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  1. Red astronomy is a very old astronomy.

See also

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{{Radiation astronomy resources}}