User:John Carter

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Hi. I'm John Carter and you're not. I have a sick sense of humor and am basically here because I think that there should be a more visible effort for a broadly "encyclopedic" website, which would include a lot of material relating to topics which get little attention, like South America, the Pacific Islands, Africa, and such.

Goals such as I have here are to do the following: (1) work on developing material from older reference sources, including Encyclopedia Britannica and others already here, and try to add various articles from the old Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, depending on the outcome of the current survey and the possibility of partnering with Open Library, Project Gutenberg, and others, because they might make such efforts here redundant to some degree. I am also going to try to work on one page that already exists, or perhaps create pages from sources already here, for each page I create on my own. A few ideas which come to mind, which I might pursue here at some point in the future, include:

  • 1) maybe trying to get the portal namespace deprecated or somehow increase the appearance of portals, for easier internal linkage here and for possibly raising the ranking of such pages in search engine searches
  • 2) increase the number of reasonable links here, for pretty much the same reason

With all due respect to the editors at wikipedia, there is a real chance of that entity, should it remain the so-obvious first choice of material, to have more articles at least bordering on the ridiculous, because that is the only place the editors who want to create it can imagine it being. This problem tends to be exacerbated by editors who want to introduce one particular view on a broader topic, often in the form of a separate articles, while not working on material from other, often at least equally important, significant, and notable views. The various Jewish parscha readings pages are a recent example of that, which were defended by those who liked them as being valuable to Jewish editors, which they no doubt are, but even the Jewish editors who defended them were, so far as I can recall, unable to provide any sources to establish their notability. Similar almost ridiculous, but notable, topics which might wind up getting articles there, if the one-sided development continues, might be articles on, for instance, Martin Luther on Augustine, or for that matter Billy Graham, Mary Baker Eddy, or Jim Jones on Augustine. Don't laugh. There is an encyclopedia Augustine through the Ages, and I think that there is a real chance that at least several such articles, if maybe not all of those mentioned above, could and would be developed there if the unbalanced development continues.

Personal priorities


The following indexes of reference works are all available for proofreading:

Reference works



Other books of myth and legend
  • Batchelor, John. The Ainu and their folk-lore.
  • " " The Ainu of Japan : the religion, superstitions, and general history of the hairy aborigines of Japan.
  • " " Uwepekere; or, Ainu fireside stories.
Books of the Bible

List of public domain reference sources


The following reference sources are all both within the public domain now (except for some published in 1923) and were included in the 1986 10th edition Guide to Reference Books, indicating that they were still, at least at that time, considered significant enough and useful enough to merit inclusion there. I was unfortunately less than consistent in choosing reference sources of a purely bibliographic nature, and I also acknowledge up front that several are foreign works.

Note to self: Try to include listings for PD county histories and suchlike, where they exist, in the future as well.


  • A. L. A. Portrait Index. Washington, Library of Congress, 1906.[1] [2]
  • Aa, Abraham Jacobus van der - Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden. Haarlem, Brederode, 1852-1878, 12 v.[3] [4]
  • Abecia, Valentin – Adiciones a la Biblioteca boliviana... Santiago, Impr. Barcelona, 1899.
  • Abelson, Paul – English-Yiddish encyclopedic dictionary. NY, Jewish Pr. Publ. Co., 1915.[5]
  • Academia della Crusca, Florence. - Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. Firenze, Tip. Galileiana di M. Cellini ecc., 1863-1923.
  • Academia Romania, Bucharest – Dictionarul limbii romane intocmit si publicat dupa indemnul si cu cheltuiala Maiestatii Sale Regelui Caol. Bucuresti, Librariile Socec. & comp. Si C. Sfetea.
  • Academie Francaise, Paris – Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise. 1694 supp.
  • Academie Royale des Sciences. - Biographie nationale. Bruxelles, Bruyland-Christophe, 1866- (and Annuaire).[6]
  • Academie Royale des Sciences – Notices biographiques et bibliographies concernant les members. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1855-1909. 5v.[7]
  • Accountant's index. NY, Amer. Inst. Of Certified Public Accountants, 1921-.
  • Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur. Parisiis, Palme, 1863-1940, 67v Suppl.[8]
  • Adamescu, Gheorghe – Contributiune la bibliografia romaneasca. Bucuresti, Cartea Romaneasca, 1921-28, 3 parts.
  • Aguilo y Fuster, Mariano – Diccionari Aguilo. Barcelona, Inst. D'Estudis Catalans, 1914-34, 8 v.
  • The Aircraft yearbook. Wash., Amer. Aviation Publ., 1919-1959, annual.
  • Akademia Nauk, SSSR. - Materialy dlia biograficheskago slovaria dieistvitel'nykh chlenov Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk. Petrograd, 1915-17, 2 vols.
  • Alexander, Henry – Place-names of Oxfordshire. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1912.[9]
  • Allaire, Jean Baptist Arthur – Dictionnaire biographique du clerge canadien-francais. St. Hyacinthe, Impr. de. “La Tribune,” 1908-20. 4v.[10]
  • Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Leipzig, Duncker, 1875-1912. 56v.[11]
  • Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste von genannten Schritstellern bearb. Und hrsg. Von J. S. Ersch und J. G. Gruber. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 181-1889.
  • Allibone, Samuel Austin – A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1858, 3 vols.[12]
  • Almanach de Gotha, … Gotha, Perthes, 1763-1959, Annual.[13]
  • Almanach royal officiel. Bruxelles, Guyot, 1840-1939, annual expect 1915-19..
  • An Almanack. 1869-. London, Whitaker, 1869-.
  • Amati, Amato – Dizionario corograpfico dell' Italia. 1875-1886, Milano, Vallardi, 8v.[14]
  • American Art directory. NY, Bowker, 1899-.[15]
  • American Book-Prices Current, N.Y., Amer. Book-Prices Current, 1895-.[16]
  • American Book Trade Directory, N. Y., Bowker, 1915-.[17]
  • American Bureau of Shipping – Record of the American Bureau of Shipping. NY, 1869-, annual.
  • American Catalogue..., 1876-1910. NY, Publishers Weekly, 1880-1991, 8v.
  • American Church History Series. N.Y., Christian Literature Co., 1893-97, 13v.[18]
  • American electrician's handbook. 1st ed. 1913.[19]
  • American Federation of Labor. - American Federation of Labor: history, encyclopedia, reference book... Washington, 1919-1960.[20]
  • American Jewish Year Book. NY, Jewish Pub. Soc., 1899-.[21]
  • American Joint Committee on Horiticultural Nomenclature. - Standardized plant names. 1st ed., 1923.[22]
  • American Library Association – A. L. A. index... to general literature, 2nd. ed.. Boston, Chicago, Amer. Lib. Assoc. Pub. Board, 1901-14.[23]
  • American Library Directory; a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada with personnel and statistical data. N.Y. Bowker, 1923.[24]
  • American medical directory. Chicago, American Medical Association, 1906-, biennial.[25]
  • American Men of science. 1906.[26]
  • American Osteopathic Association – Yearbook and directory of osteopathic physicians. Chicago, Amer. Osteopathic Assoc., 1899-, annual.
  • American Public Health Association – Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 1st ed., 1905.[27]
  • American year book. NY, Nelson, 1911-50.[28]
  • Analecta Bollandiana. Paris, Picard, 1882-, V. 1-.[29]
  • Analecta hymnica medii aevi. Leipzig, Reisland, 1886-1922, v. 1-55.[30]
  • Anderson, Frank Maloy – The constitutions and other select documents illustrative of the history of France, 1789-1907. 2nd ed. rev. and enl. Minneapolis, Wilson, 1908.[31]
  • Anderson, John Parker – The book of British topography. London, Satchell, 1881.[32]
  • Anderson, William – The Scottish nation. Edinburgh, Fullarton, 1878-1880. 3v.[33]
  • Andrews, Ethan Allen – Harper's Latin dictionary. NY, Amer. Book Co., 1907.[34]
  • Annales du theatre et de la musique. Paris, Charpentier, 1876-1916, 41 v.[35]
  • Annuaire de la noblesse de France, Paris & London, 1843-.[36]
  • Annuaire de la presse francaise et de la publicite, 1880-. Paris, Administration et Redaction, 1880-.
  • Annuaire de la vie internationale. Bruxelles, Off. Central des Inst. Internat., 1909-12, 2 v.[37]
  • Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire. Paris, Impr. Nationale, 1858-1954, annual.[38]
  • Annuaire international de statistique. La Haye, Institut International de Statistique, Office Permanent, 916-21, 8 v.
  • Annuaire protestant. Paris, Fischbacher, 1880-, v. 1-.
  • Annuaire statistique de Belgique. Bruxelles, Institut National de Statistique, 1870-, v. 1-.
  • Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1881-, v. 1-.[39]
  • Annual library index. NY, Publishers' Weekly, 1906-1911, 6 v.[40]
  • Annual literary index. NY, Publisher's Weekly, 1893-1905, 13 v.[41]
  • Annual magazine subject index. Boston, Faxon, 1908-52, 43 v.[42]
  • The Annual Register. London, Longmans, 1761-.[43]
  • Annuario bibliografico de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1880-1888, 9 v.
  • Annuario de la nobleza de Espana. Madrid, 1908-1914.
  • Annuario della nobilita italiana. Bari, 1879-1905.
  • Annuario pontifico. Roma, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1716-.
  • Annuarul statistic al Republicii Socialiste Romania. Bucuresti, Directia Centrala de Statistica, 1902-, annual.
  • Anselmo, Antonio Joaquim – Bibliografa das bibliografas portuguesas. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 1923.
  • Ante-Nicene Fathers. Buffalo, Christian Literature Co, 1885-96, 10 v.Edinburgh, 1867-72, 24 v.[[44]]
  • Appleton's annual cyclopedia and register of important events. Appleton, 1862-1903.[45]
  • Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography. N.Y., Appleton, 1894-1900. 7v.[[46]]
  • Araujo, Orestes – Diccionario geografico del Uruguay, 2nd ed. Montevideo, Tipo-litografia Moderna, 1912.
  • Araujo, Orestes – Diccionario popular de historia de la Republica o. del Uruguay. Montevideo, Dernaleche y Reyes, 1901-03, 3 v.[47]
  • Arber, Edward – British anthologies. London, Frowde, 1900-1901, 10 v.[48]
  • Arber, Edward – Term catalogues, 1668-1709 A.D.... London, Arber, 1903-06, 3 v.[49]
  • Architectural Publication Society – Dictionary of architecture. London, Richards, 1892, 6 vol.
  • Argentine Republic. Dirección Nacional de Estadística y Censos. Buenos Aires, Compania Sudamericana de Billetes de Banco, 1892-1914?.
  • Art prices current. London, Art Trade Pr., 1908-1973, v. 1-9, no @, 1921-
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemists – Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1st ed., 1920.[50]
  • Ast, Friedrich – Lexicon Platonicum. Lipsiae, Weidmann, 1835-38, 3 v.[51]
  • Aukerian, Haroutiun – Dictionary, English and Armenian. Venice, Armenian Academy of St. Lazarus, 1868.[52]
  • Ayer, Joseph Cullen – A source book for ancient church history. NY, Scribner, 1913.[53]


  • Bachiller y Morales, Antonio – Catalogo de libros y folletos publicados en Cuba. Habana, P. Massana, 1861.
  • Baddeley, W. St. C. - Place-names of Gloucestershire. Gloucester, Bellows, 1913.[54]
  • Badger, George Percy – English-Arabic lexicon, … London, Paul, 1881.
  • Bailey, Liberty Hyde – Cyclopedia of American agriculture. NY, Macmillan, 1907-09, 4 v.[55]
  • Bailey, Liberty Hyde – Standard cyclopedia of horticulture. NY, Macmillan, 1914-17, 6 v.[56]
  • Baird, William Raimond - Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities (1879). Menasha, Wis., George Banta, 1879-.[[57]]
  • Bajot, Edouard – Encyclopedie du meuble du XVe siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, C. Schmid, 1901-09, 20 pts. In 19 vol.
  • Baker, David Erskine – Biographia dramatica... London, Longmans, 1812.[58]
  • Baker, Ernest Albert – Guide to historical fiction. NY, Macmillan, 1914.[59]
  • Baker, Ernest Albert – Guide to the best fiction, English and American, including translations from foreign languages. 1st and 2nd eds.[60]
  • Baker, Theodore – Baker's Biographical dictionary of musicians. 1900.[61]
  • Baker, Theodore – A dictionary of musical terms... NY, Schirmer, 1923.[62]
  • Baldwin, James Mark – Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. NY, Macmillan, 1901-05, 3 v.[63]
  • Balfour, Edward Green – Cyclopaedia of India and of eastern and southern Asia. London, Quaritch, 1885, 3 v.[64]
  • Banker's almanac and year book... London, Skinner, 1844-, annual.
  • Bannister, A. T. - Place-names of Herefordshire. Cambridge, Author, 1916.[65]
  • Barber, Edwin Atlee – Ceramic collectors' glossary. NY, Walpole Soc., 1914.
  • Baring-Gould, Sabine – The lives of the saints. Edinburgh, Grant, 1914, 16v.[66]
  • Barrere, Albert and C. G. Leland – Dictionary of slang, jargon, & cant. London, Bell, 1897, 2 v.[67]
  • Barron, Oswald – Victoria history of the counties of England: Northamptonshire families. London, Oxford Univ. Pr., 1906.
  • Barth, Hans – Bibliographie der schweizer Geschichte. Basel, Basler Buch- und Antiquariatshandlung, 1914-15, 3 v.
  • Bartlett, Henrietta C. - William Shakespeare: original and early editions of his quartos and folios... New Haven, Yale, 1922.[68]
  • Bartlett, John – Familiar quotations. Early editions.[69]
  • Bartlett, John – New and complete concordance or verbal index to words, phrases, and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare. London, Macmillan, 1894.[70]
  • Bartsch, Adam von – Le peintre graveur. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1854-1876, 21 v. Suppl.[71]
  • Baudrillart, Alfred – Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographie ecclesiastiques... Paris, Letouzey, 1912-.
  • Beilstein, Friedrich. - Handburch der organischen Chemie. Berlin, Springer, 1918-40, v. 1-31.
  • Bell, Sir Charles Alfred – English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary, 2nd ed. Calcutta, Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1920.[72]
  • Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate – Book of Saints. 1921.[73]
  • Bengescu, George – Essai d'une notice bibliographique sur la question d'Orient... Paris, Le Soudier, 1897.[74]
  • Benham, William Gurney – Benham's Book of Quotations. 1st ed. 1907.[75]
  • Benjacob, Isaac – Ozar Ha-Sepharim (Bucherschatz). Wilna, Benjacob, 1880.
  • Benton, Josiah Henry – The Book of common prayer and books connected with its origins and growth. 2nd ed. Boston, priv. pr., 1914.
  • Beraldi, Henri – Les graveurs du XIXe siecle; guide de l'amateur d'estampes modernes. Paris, Conquet, 1885-1892, 12 vol.[76]
  • Bergey's Manual of determinative bacteriology. 1st. ed. 1923.[77]
  • Berlin. Universitat. Bibliothek. - Verzeichnis der Berliner Universitatsschriften, 1810-1885. Berlin, Weber, 1899.
  • Besnier, Maurice. - Lexique de geographie ancienne. Paris, Klincksieck, 1914.
  • Best American short stories. Boston, Houghton, 1915-.[78]
  • Best's insurance reports. Life-health edition. Morristown, NJ: A. M. Best Co., 1906-, annual.[79]
  • Best's insurance reportts: Property-casualty edition. Morristown, NJ: A. M. Best, 1900-, annual.[80]
  • Betz, Louis Paul – La litterature comparee. Strasbourg, Trubner, 1904.[81]
  • Bibliografie ceske histoire. Praha, Nakl. Klubu Historiocheko, 1905-51, annual.
  • Bibliographical Society, London. - Hand-lists of books printed by London printers, 1501-1556. London, Soc., 1913, 1 v.[82]
  • Bibliographie de Belgique: 2eme partie, Sommaire des periodiques. Bruxelles, Van Oest, 1897-1914.[83]
  • Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Gautzsch b. Leipzig, 1897-1964.[84]
  • Bibliographie der Rezensionen, Leipzig, Dietrich, 1901-44.[85]
  • Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Zurich, Leemann, 1914-.[86]
  • Bibliographie der Sozialwissenschaften. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1906-, annual.[87]
  • Bibliographie hispanique. NY, Hispanic Socl, 1909-1919, 13 v.[88]
  • Bibliographie nationale. Dictionnaire des ecrivains belges et catalogue de leurs publications, 1830-80. Bruxelles, Weissentbruch, 1886-1910, 4 v.[89]
  • Bibliographischer Monatsbericht uber neu erschienene Schul, Universitats- und Hochschulschrigten. Leipzig, Fock, 1890-1943, Jahr. 1-54.[90]
  • Bibliotheca annua... London: J. Nutt, 1700-03.
  • Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca. Bruxelles, Soc. Des Bolandistes, 1895.[91]
  • Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. Bruxellis, 1898-1901, 2 v.[92]
  • Bibliotheca hagiographica orientalis. Bruxellis, 1910.[93]
  • Bibliotheca philologica classica. Leipzig, Reisland, 1875-1941, 65 v.[94]
  • Bibliotheca zoologica. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1861, 2 v.[95]
  • Bibliotheca zoologica II. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1887-1923, 8 v.[96]
  • Bigmore, Edward Clements and Charles William Henry Wyman – A bibliography of printing. London, Quaritch, 1880-86, 3 v.[97]
  • Biographie universelle (Michaud). Paris, Mme. C. Desplaces, 1843-1865, 45 v.[98]
  • Biographisches Jahrbuch fur Altertumskunde. Leipzig, Reisland, 1899-1944, v. 1-63.
  • Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, 1896-1913. Berlin, Reimer, 1897-1917. 18v index.[99]
  • Blanc, Elie – Dictionnaire de philosophie ancienne, moderne et contemporaine. Paris, Lethielleux, 1906. ( Supp.)
  • Bloomfield, Maurice – A Vedic concordance. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Pr., 1906.[100]
  • Boase, Frederic – Modern English biography. Truro: Netherton, 1892-1921. 6v.
  • Bohltlingk, Otto von – Sanskrit-Worterbuch in kurzerer Fassung. St. Petersburg, Buchdr. Von der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1879-1889, 7 v.
  • Bohtlingk, Otto von and Rudolph Roth – Sanskrit-Wortherbuch hrsg. Von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. St. Peterburg, Buchdr. Der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1855-1875, 7 v.
  • Bond, John James – Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian Era. London, Bell, 1875.[101]
  • Book-Auction Records, London * NY, Henry Stevens, 1903-.[102]
  • The Book of Knowledge. N.Y., Grolier.[103]
  • Book-Prices Current, London, Sergeants Pr., 1888-.[104]
  • Boston Public Library. Allen A. Brown Collection – Catalogue of the Allen A. Brown collection of books relating to the stage. Boston, 1919.[105]
  • Boston Public Library, Allen A. Brown Collection – Catalogue of the Allen A. Brown collection of music. 1908-16, 4 v.[106]
  • Bosworth, Joseph – Anglo-Saxon dictionary based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1882-1898, suppl..[107]
  • Bouvier, John – Bouvier's Law dictionary and concise encyclopedia. 1914, 3 v.[108]
  • Bowcock, E. W. - Shropshire place-names. Shrewsbury, Wilding, 1923.
  • Bowker, Richard Rogers – Publications of societies... NY, Publishers Weekly, 1899.[109]
  • Bradley, John William – A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers, and copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons, from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth century... London, Quaritch, 1887-1889, 3 vols.[110]
  • Bradshaw, John – Concordance to the poetical works of John Milton. London, Sonnenschein, 1894.[111]
  • Brand, John – Popular antiquities of Great Britain. London, Reeves, 1905, 2 vol.[112]
  • Brandon, S. G. F. - A Dictionary of Comparative Religion. London, 1907.
  • Brandstetter, Josef Leopold – Repertorium uber die in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Hahre 1812-1890. Basel, Basler Buch- und Antiquariatshandlung, 1892-1906, 2 v.[113]
  • Brewer, David Josiah – World's best orations. St. Louis, Kaiser, 1901.[114]
  • Brewer, Ebenezer CobhamBrewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1870.[115]
  • Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham – Reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1899.[116]
  • Briseno, Ramon – Estadistica bibliografica de la litteratura chilena. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Chilena, 1862-1879, 2 v.
  • British and Foreign Bible Society, Library. - Historical catalog of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the ...Society. London, Bible House, 1903-1911, 2 v. in 4.[117]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Manuscripts – Catalogue of romances in the Dept. of Manuscripts in the British Museum. London, Trustees, 1883-1910, 3 v.[118]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Catalogue of books in the library of the British Museum printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland.... London, Trustees, 1884, 3 v.[119]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books. - Catalogue of manuscript music in the British Museum, by Augustus Hughes-Hughes. London, Trustees, 1906-09, 3 v.[120]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Catalogue of Printed Books: Academies. London, Clowes, 1885.
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Catalogue of printed books: periodical publications, 2nd ed. London, Museum, 1899-1900, 2 v.
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Catalogue of printed music published between 1487 and 1800 now in the British Museum. London, Trustees, 1912, 2 v.[121]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Catalogue of the pamphlets, books, newspapers, and manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration.... London, Trustees, 1908.[122]
  • British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books – Subject index of the modern works added to the library, 1881-1900. London, 1902-1903, 3 vols and supplements.[123]
  • Britten, Frederick James – Britten's Old Clocks and watches and their makers. 1899.[124]
  • Britten, James ande Robert Holland – Dictionary of English plant-names. London, Trubner, 1886.[125]
  • Britton, N. L. and Addison Brown – Illustrated flora of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. 2nd ed., 1913.[126]
  • Brown, Carleton Fairchild – Register of Middle English religious and didactic verse. Oxford, 1916-20, 2 v.[127]
  • Brown, Stephen James – A guide to books on Ireland. London, Longmans, 1912.[128]
  • Brown, Stephen James – Ireland in fiction... Dublin, Maunsel, 1919.[129]
  • Brummer, Franz – Lexicon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten von Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart. Aufl. Leipzig, Reclam, 1913, 8vol.
  • Brunet, Gustave – Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Paris, Fechoz, 1889.[130]
  • Brunet, Gustave – Imprimeurs imaginaires et librairies supposes. Paris, Tross, 1866.[131]
  • Brunet, Jacques Charles – Manuel de libraire et de l'amateur de livres. Paris, Didot, 1860-1880, 9 vols.[132]
  • Brynildsen, John – Dictionary of the English and Dano-Norwegian languages. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1902-07, 2v.[133]
  • Buckland, Charles Edward – Dictionary of Indian biography. London, Sonnenschein, 1906.[134]
  • Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis – An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. London, Murray, 1920.[135]
  • Bureau of Railway Economics, Wash., D.C. - Railway economics... Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1912.[136]
  • Burger, Konrad – Supplement zu Hain und Panzer. Leipzig, Hiersemann, 1908.[137]
  • Burger, Konrad – Ludwig Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum. Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1891.[138]
  • Burgess, James – The chronology of modern India.... Edinburgh, Grant, 1913.[139]
  • Burke, John Bernard – The book of orders of knighthood and decorations of all nations... London, Hurst and Blackett, 1858. of orders of knighthood and decorations of all nations
  • Burke, John Bernard – Burke's Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, 1833-35. 3v.[140]
  • Burke, John Bernard – Burke's Genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage, baronetage, and knightage. London, Burke, 1826-.
  • Burke, John Bernard – Genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry. London, Harrison, 1891-1895, 2v.[141]
  • Burke, John Bernard – Geneological history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct peerages of the British Empire. London, Harrison, 1883.
  • Burke, John Bernard – The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. London, Harrison, 1884.[142]
  • Burke, John Bernard – The book of orders of knighthood and decorations of honour of all nations. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1858.[143]
  • Burke, John Bernard – Burke's Genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry. 1833-35, 3v.
  • Burke, John Bernard – Burke's Genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage, baronetage, and knightage. London, Burke, 1826-.
  • Burke, John Bernard – Genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry. London, Harrison, 1891-1895, 2 v.
  • Burke, John Bernard – Genealogical history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct peerages of the British Empire. London, Harrison, 1883.
  • Bygden, Anders Leonard – Svenskt anonym-och pseudonym-lexicon. Upsala, Berling, 1898-1915, 2 v.


  • Cabrol, Fernand and Henri Leclerq – Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie. Paris, Letouzey, 1907-53, 15v.[144]
  • Caillet, Albert Louis – Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes. Paris, Dorbon, 1912, 3 v.[145]
  • Callahan, Edward William – List of officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps, from 1775 to 1900. NY, Hamersly, 1901.[146]
  • Cambridge ancient history... Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1923-39.[147]
  • The Cambridge History of American Literature. NY, Putnam, 1917-1921, 4 v.[148]
  • The Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1907-33, 15 v.[149]
  • Cambridge history of India. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1922-37, v. 1, 3-6.[150]
  • Cambridge medieval history... Cambridge, Univ. Pr., Macmillan, 1911-36, 8 v.[151]
  • Cambridge, University, Library – Early English printed books in the University Library, 1475-1640. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1900-1907, 4 v.[152]
  • Canada year book. 1905-, Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1906-.[153]
  • Canadian almanac and directory, Toronto, Copp Clark Co., 1847-, annual.[154]
  • Canadian parliamentary guide. Ottawa, Syndicat des Oeuvres Sociales Limite, 1912-.[155]
  • Canadian Who's Who. Toronto, Trans-Canada Pr., 1910-.[156]
  • Carnegie Institution, Washington – Guides to manuscript materials for the history of the United States. Wash., Inst., 1906-43, 23 v.
  • Catholic Encyclopedia. NY, Encyclopedia Pr, 1907-22, 17 v.[157]
  • Catholic Who's Who. London: Burns, 1908-1952.[158]
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