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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 9

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Issued May, 1877.




The present Volume contains only the Transactions of the Institute for the year, comprising a selection from the original papers read before the various affiliated Societies. As they alone occupy more space than any previous issue, the Proceedings, Minutes, and Presidential Addresses and Lectures, heretofore included in the Volume, have been deferred for future publication. For the same reason the publication of the following papers has had to be postponed:—

  1. Observations on the Evidences of Recent Change in the Elevation of the Waikato. By James Stewart, C.E.
  2. Remarks upon the supposed Pleistocene Glaciation of New Zealand, and Post Glacial Moas. By J. Cockburn Hood, F.G.S.
  3. Notice of a Senecio. By J. Buchanan, F.L.S.
  4. Observations on Captain Hutton's paper on the Maori Cooking-Places at the Mouth of Shag River (Vol. VIII., "Trans. N. Z. Inst.," pp. 103–8). By Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S.
  5. On a New Fire Grate for Economizing the Combustion of Coals and Lignite, and increasing the Radiation of Heat. By H. Skey.
  6. On the Approximate Composition of Winslow's Soothing Syrup. By W. Skey.
  7. On the proposed Introduction of the Polecat into New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., D.Sc.
  8. On a Marine Spider found at Cape Campbell. By C. H. Robson.
  9. On the supposed Influence of Climate over the Geographical Distribution of the Marine Mollusca. By C. W. Purnell.
  10. Notice of a Meteorite. By James Leece.
  11. Scientific Instruction in New Zealand. By Professor Bickerton, F.C.S.

The late period at which many of the papers were received has caused some delay in the issue of the Volume, and imposed much extra labour on the Assistant Editor, Mr. Leonard Stowe, to whom the acknowledgments of the Board are due for the efficient manner in which the corrections for the press have been performed.

The Editor has also to recognise the assistance of Mr. R. B. Gore in preparing the Meteorological Statistics appended to the Volume, and of Mr. John Buchanan, F.L.S., by whom most of the Illustrations have been drawn on stone, the printing having been done at the Government Lithographic Establishment by permission of the Hon. the Colonial Secretary.


145, line 19, for spar-wheels read spur-wheels.
229, for Art. XIX read XIXa.
326, for Walter A. Buller read Walter L. Buller.
590, for Art. XCII. read Art. XCI.



Art. I. On the Lake Districts of the Province of Auckland. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 1–15
II. On the Traditions, Manners, and Customs of the Mori-oris. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 15–27
III. On the Influence of Atmospheric Changes on the Hot Springs and Geysers in the Rotorua District. By Captain Gilbert Mair 27–29
IV. On the Draining of Towns. By W. D. Campbell, Assoc. Inst. C.E., F.G.S. 29–37
V. Speculations on the Physiological Changes obtaining in the English Race when Transplanted to New Zealand. By Dr. Newman, M.B. 37–44
VI. Polynesia. By J. Adams, B.A. 44–59
VII. Civilization of the Pacific. By Coleman Phillips. (With Map.) 59–95
VIII. Colonial Standard Survey. By J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. 96–108
IX. On the Building Materials of Otago. By W. N. Blair, C.E. 108–133
X. The Building Materials of Otago. By W. N. Blair, C.E. 134–181
XI. On the Durability of Matai Timber. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 182
XII. On Charring Timber as a Protection from the Teredo. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 183–187
XIII. State Forestry: its aim and object. By Captain Campbell Walker, F.R.G.S. 187–203
The Climatic and Financial Aspect of Forest Conservancy as applicable to New Zealand. By Captain Campbell Walker, F.R.G.S. App. xxvii
XIV. On Hedges and Hedge Plants. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 203–206
XV. Lime as Manure: its beneficial Effects when applied to the Cultivation of the Soil. By D. Hay 206–209
XVI. On Quartz Crushing at the Thames. By J. Goodall, C.E. 209–211
XVII. Comparative Atmospheric Pressure of New Zealand and Great Britain. By C. Rous Marten, F.R.G.S., F.M.S., M.Sc.M.S. 212–217
XVIII. On the Longitude of Wellington Observatory. By Ven. Archdeacon Stock, B.A. 217–220
XIX. Notes on some Ancient Aboriginal Caches near Wanganui. By H. C. Field. 220–229
XIXa. Stray Thoughts on Mahori or Maori Migrations. By R. C. Barstow 229–243
XX. The Remains of a Dog found by Captain Rowan near White Cliffs, Taranaki. By Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.G.S. 243–249
XXI. Savage and Barbaric Survivals in Marriage. By the Rev. J. Wallis, D.D. 249–260
XXII. Draining of Towns: Results of having Outfall Drains within Sydney Harbour. By W. R. E. Brown 260–264
XXIII. On Skew Arches. By W. Arthur, C.E. 265–272
XXIV. On the Simplest Continuous Manifoldness of Two Dimensions. By F. W. Frankland 272–279
XXV. Further Notes on Moa Remains. By C. H. Robson 279–280
XXVI. On Mr. J. T. Thomson's System of Survey, from a Legal Point of View. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., M.H.R. 280–293
XXVII. On Anemometry. By C. Rous Marten, F.R.G.S., F.M.S., M.Sc.M.S. 293–304
XXVIII. Elements of Mathematics. By J. Adams, B.A. 304–310
XXIX. On some points connected with the Construction of the Bridge over the Grey River, at the Brunner Gorge. By C. H. H. Cook, M.A., Fell. St. John’s Coll., Cam., Prof. Math. Cant. Coll. 310–316
XXX. Notes on the Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon punctatum), with a description of a supposed New Species. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 317–325
XXXI. Description of a New Lizard (Naultinus pulcherrimus). By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 326–327
XXXII. On the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 327–337
XXXIII. On the occurrence of the Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia). By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 337–338
XXXIV. Observations on a Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 338–340
XXXV. On a Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 340
XXXVI. On the alleged Intercrossing of Ocydromus earli, and the Domestic Fowl. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 341–342
XXXVII. Insect Architecture, or Notes on the Habits of the Black Spider-wasp of New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., President 343–348
XXXVIII. Notes on the Maori Rat. By Captain F. W. Hutton, C.M.Z.S. 348
XXXIX. Notes on the New Zealand Delphinide. By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 349–350
XL. On the New Zealand Earth-worms. By Captain F. W. Hutton, C.M.Z.S. 350–353
XLI. Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 533–354
XLII. Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 355–358
XLIII. Corrections and Additions to the List of Polyzoa in the Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand (1873). By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 358–361
XLIV. Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of the New Zealand Echinodermata (1872). By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 362
XLV. Remarks on Dr. von Haast's Classification of the Moas. By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 363–365
XLVI. On a Second Discovery of Moa-Bones at Hamilton. By B. S. Booth 365–366
XLVII. On Insects injurious to the Kauri Pine (Dammara australis). By Captain Broun 366–371
XLVIII. Descriptions of New Species of Coleoptera. By Captain Broun 371–374
XLIX. Description of a New Species of the Genus Cicindela. By Captain Broun 374–375
L. On the Anthribidæ of New Zealand. By D. Sharp 375–390
LI. On the Colydiidæ of New Zealand. By D. Sharp 390–401
LII. Description of New Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera. By Francis P. Pascoe, F.L.S. 402–427
LIII. Notes on the occurrence of a Curlew (Numenius cyanopus, Vieillot ), in New Zealand. By Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 427–429
LIV. Notes on the Skeleton of Epiodon novæ-zealandiæ. By Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 430–442
LV. Notes on the Mesoplodon floweri. By Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 442–450
LVI. On Oulodon: a New Genus of Ziphioid Whales. By Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 450–457
LVII. Description of a Species of Catocala, new to Science. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 457–459
LVIII. On the occurrence in New Zealand of a Species of Lepidoptera belonging to the Cossidæ family. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 459–460
LIX. Brief Observations on the Genus Chrysophanus as represented in New Zealand. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 460–463
LX. On the occurrence in New Zealand of Diadema bolina, Linn. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 463
LXI. Notes on the Antarctic Petrel (Priocella antarctica). By James Hector, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. 464
LXII. Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. By James Hector, F.L.S. 465–469
LXIII. Remarks on New Zealand Fishes. By Dr. Albert Gunther, F.R.S. 469–472
LXIV. Notes on New Zealand Crustacea. By James Hector, M.D., F.L.S. 472–475
LXV. Notes on the Genera Astacoides and Paranephrops. By Edward J. Miers 475–477
LXVI. Notes on the New Zealand Cetacea. By James Hector, M.D., C.M.Z.S. 477–484
LXVII. Fish and their Seasons. By P. Thomson 484–490
LXVIII. Notes on a Lomaria collected in the Malvern District. By T. H. Potts, F.L.S. 491
LXIX. Notes on Panax Lineare. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 492–493
LXX. Description of a New Species of Rumex. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 493–494
LXXI. Notes on the Economic Properties of certain Native Grasses. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 494–502
LXXII. Descriptions of Two New Species of Veronica. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 502–503
LXXIII. On the Botany of Kawau Island. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. Also, Critical Notes on certain Species doubtfully indigenous to Kawau. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 503–527
LXXIV. On the Root-stock of Marratia fraxinea. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 527–529
LXXV. On Gnaphalium (Helichrysum) fasciculatum, sp. nov. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 529
LXXVI. Revised Description of Two Species of New Zealand Panax. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 529–531
LXXVII. On a few of the Grasses and other Herbage Plants that might be advantageously introduced into Cultivation in New Zealand. By Dr. S. M. Curl 531–538
LXXVIII. Notes on some Otago Plants. By G. M. Thomson 538–542
LXXIX. On the Fertilization of Selliera. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 542–545
LXXX. On New Zealand Coffee. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 545–546
LXXXI. Description of a New Species of Pilularia. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 547
LXXXII. Description of New Plants. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 547–552
LXXXIII. On a Modification of the Mercuro-iodide test for the Detection of Alkeloidal or Albumenous Matters. By W. Skey 553–556
LXXXIV. On the Composition of the Silver Ore of Richmond Hill. By W. Skey 556–557
LXXXV. On a Useful Modification of Common Writing Ink. By W. Skey 557–559
LXXXVI. An attempt at an Explanation of the Origin of Mineral Veins, particularly those of Gold and Silver. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 560–561
LXXXVII. On Probable Reasons why few Fossils are found in the Upper Palæozoic, and possible Triassic Rocks of New Zealand. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 561–564
LXXXVIII. Sketch of the Geology of the Northern Portion of Hawke Bay. By S. Percy Smith 565–576
LXXXIX. Notes on the Valley System on the Western Flanks of Mount Cook. By S. Herbert Cox, F.G.S. 577–581
XC. On the Reptilian Beds of New Zealand. By A. McKay 581–590
XCI. On the Relation between the Pareroa and Ahuriri Formations. By Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 590–593
XCII. Description of some Tertiary Mollusca, from Canterbury. By Capt. F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum 593–598
XCIII. On a New Fossil Bird, Anas finschi, from Earnscleugh Caves. By P. J. Van Beneden 599–602
XCIV. On a New Tribolite (Homalonotus expansus). By James Hector, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. 602

Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Governors 605
Museum 607
Laboratory 609
Accounts of the New Zealand Institute 610

Climate of New Zealand xxi
Temperature of Air xxi
Rainfall xxii
Wind xxii
Earthquakes during 1876 xxiii
Comparative Abstract for 1876, and previous years xxiv
Notes on the Weather xxv
The Climatic and Financial Aspect of Forest Conservancy as applicable to New Zealand. By Captain Campbell Walker, F.R.G.S. xxvii
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute l
Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute l–lx
List of Free Copies lxi–lxii
Preface iii
Errata iv
Contents v–viii
List of Plates ix
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xi
Abstracts of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xi
List of Incorporated Societies xiii
Officers of Incorporated Societies and Extracts from the Rules xiv–xix









Issued July, 1877.



 (not listed in original)

Account of Dr. Hector's Travels
Notice of Senecio perdicoides By J. Buchanan
Destructive brown beetle By W. T. L. Travers
Description of Medicago marginata By T. Kirk
Remarks upon the supposed Pleistocene Glaciation of New Zealand and Postglacial Moas By T. Cockburn-Hood
On the Proposed Introduction of the Polecat into New Zealand By W. L. Buller
Abstract Report of Council
Election of Officers for 1877
Analysis of the Geyser Waters of New Zealand By W. Skey
On the Approximate Composition of Winslow's Soothing Syrup By W. Skey

President's Address By T. B. Gillies
Remarks on the Maori Rat By G. Grey
Notes on the approaching eclipse, to take place on 18th September, 1876 By T. Heale
Abstract of Annual Report
Election of Officers for 1877

Election of Officers for 1877
Abstract of Annual Report

Abstract of Annual Report for 1876
Election of Officers for 1876
President's Address by J. S. Webb
New Method of Irrigating an Object on a Microscope Slide By Professor Coughtrey
Abstract of Annual Report for 1877
Election of Officers for 1877
President's Address by R. Gillies

On the supposed Influence of Climate over the Geographical Distribution of the Marine Mollusca By C. W. Purnell
Scientific Instruction in New Zealand By Professor Bickerton
Observations on Captain Hutton's paper "On the Maori Cooking-places at the Mouth of the Shag River" (Trans. N.Z. Inst., VIII., p. 103) By Julius von Haast
On a new Fire-grate for economising the Combustion of Coals and Lignites, and increasing the Radiation of Heat By H. Skey


I. Travers.—Mori-ori Carvings  22
II. Phillips.—Map of Pacific Islands  60
III. Buller.—Skull of Maori Rat 182
{{{1}}} New Zealand Mason Wasp
Buchanan.—Old Matai Tree
IV. Arthur.—Skew Bridges 266
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 268
VI. Rosson.—Maori Implements 280
VII. Hutton.—Earth-worms 352
VIII. Hector.—Fishes 468
IX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 466
X. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 468
XI. {{{1}}} Skulls of Porpoises 480
XII. {{{1}}} Tursio metis Bones 482
XIII. {{{1}}} Globiocephalus (Outline) 482
XIIIa. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}Bones 484
XIV. Buller.—Deformities in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis 340
XV. {{{1}}} Phalacrocorax and Eudyptula 338
XVI. Hutton.—Tertiary Shells 863
XVII. Buller.Naultinus pulcherrimus 326
XVII. Buchanan.—Root of Marattia fraxinea 528
XIX. Buchanan.Gnaphalium fasciculatum 528
Kirk.Veronica canescens
XX. Buchanan.Panax crassifolium 530
XXI. {{{1}}} Panax longissimum 530
XXII. Smith.—Geological Map, Hawke Bay 566
XXIII. {{{1}}} Sections of the above Map 568
XXIV. Haast.Epiodon Teeth and Ear-bones 440
XXV. {{{1}}} Mesoplodon and Epiodon Skeletons 442
XXXVI. {{{1}}} Whales' Skulls 444
XXVII. Hector.—Crab and Trilobite 474
XXVIII. Van Beneden.Anas Finschi 600
XXIX. Kirk.Pilularia 548
XXX. {{{1}}} Celmisia 548