The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Dieskau, Ludwig August
DIESKAU, dēs'kow, Ludwig August, Baron, German general in French service: b. 1701; d. Surenne, near Paris, 8 Sept. 1767. He was adjutant of Marshal Saxe, whom he accompanied in the campaigns against the Netherlands, and became in 1748 brigadier-general of infantry, and commander of Brest. In 1755 he sailed as general to Canada, at the head of French troops, to assist in the campaign against the English. He ascended Lake Champlain with the design of attacking Fort Edward, ambushed a detachment sent for its relief and pursued them to the fort with the hope of entering it with them. He was, however, defeated by Sir William Johnson, was taken prisoner, suffering from four wounds, and remained in captivity until 1763.