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Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/619

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Fourteenth Annual Report.

The Board held meetings on the 28th July, and 11th November, 1881.

The retiring members, in conformity with the Act, were Messrs. W. T. L. Travers, T. Mason, and the Hon. G. R. Johnson, all of whom were reappointed by His Excellency the Governor.

The elected members under clause 7 of the Act are: Mr. Justice Gillies, the Hon. Wm. Rolleston and Mr. James McKerrow.

There are now five vacancies on the roll of honorary members. The members on the roll of the Institute now number:—

Honorary members   25
Ordinary members—
Auckland Institute  301
Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute  107
Wellington Philosophical Society  277
Westland Institute  100
Philosophical Institute of Canterbury  197
Otago Institute  213
Southland Institute   65

The Nelson Association having withdrawn from incorporation, the number is nominally less than that for last year by fifty members.

The printing of Volume XIV. was commenced in February and completed early in April, a portion of the edition being ready for issue towards the end of May. The volume contains seventy-eight articles, also Presidents' Addresses and abstracts of papers, which appear in the Proceedings and Appendix. There are 610 pages of letter-press and 39 plates.

The following is a division of the contents of the volume for comparison with last year's work:—

Miscellaneous 200 170
Zoology 144  79
Botany 104 147
Chemistry  16   4
Geology  52  21
Proceedings  54  42
Appendix  40  40
610 503