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Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/427

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krishna. He had been making pilgrimages to various holy places, and Mahima said to him: Sir, you have just returned from a pilgrimage; you have seen many things, kindly tell us about them. Bijoy: What shall I say? I see now that here I find everything. To go on pilgrimages Pilgrimage useless. is useless travelling. There are some places where you will find one- sixteenth, or at the utmost one-fourth, of what you see here. In the Bhagavan I find every- thing in full complement. I have not found anyone who possesses anything more than our Bhagavan. Ramakrishna (to Vivekananda): Look what a wonderful change has taken place in Bijoy. His character has become entirely different, as if the milk has been boiled and thickened. By seeing the neck and forehead I can recognize the state of Paramahamsa. Mahima (to Bijoy) : Sir, you take very little food, do you not? Bijoy: Yes, I believe I do. (To Rama- krishna) Revered Sir, hearing of Thy illness I have come to see Thee. Ramakrishna: What?

Bijoy kept silent for a while and then said.