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SHEBBATT & HUGHES MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS. HISTORICAL SERIES. CANON PIETBO CASOLA'S PILGRIMAGE TO JERUSALEM IN THE YEAR 1494.— Continued. "Miss Newett's introduction is an admirable bit of work. She has studied carefully what the archives of Venice have to say about pilgrim ships and shipping laws, and her pages are a mine of information on such subjects." — ^Dr. Thomas Lindsay in the Scottish Historical Review. " This is a deeply interestiog record, not merely of a Syrian pilgrim- age,_ but of Mediterranean life and of the experiences of an intelligent Italian gentleman at the close of the Middle Ages — two years after the discovery of America: It would not be easy to find a more graphic picture, in old days, of a voyage from Venice to the Levant." — American Historical Review. No. VI HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Edited by T. F. Tour, M.A., Professor of Mediaeval and Modern History, and James Tait, M.A., Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval History. Demy 8vO, pp. xv. 557. s. net. Reissue of the Edition of 1902 with index and New Preface (Publication No. 27, 1907.) "Diese zwanzig chronologisch geordneten Aufaatze heissen in der Vorrede der Herausgeber Festchrift, behandeln zur Halfte ausser-englische Themata, benutzen reichlich festlandische Literatur und verraten iiberall neben weiten Ansblickeu eine methodische Sohulung die der dortigen Facultat hohe Ehre macht." — Professor Liebermaun in Deutsche Literaturzeitung. " Imperial history, local history, ecclesiastical history, economic history and the methods of historical teaching — all these are in one way or another touched upon by scholars who have collaborated in this volume. Men and women alike have devoted their time and pains to working out problems of importance and often of no slight difficulty. The result is one of whiph the university and city may be justly proud." — The late Professor York Powell in the Manchester Guardiaii. " Esso contiene venti lavori storici dettati, quattro da prof essori e sedici da licenziati del CoUegio, e sono tutto scritti appositamente e condotti secondo le piu rigorose norme della critica e su documenti." — R. Predelli in Nuovo Archivio Veneto. "Le variete des sujets et I'^rudition avec laquelle ils sont traites font grand honneur 4 la maniere dont i'histoire est enseigne k Owens College." — Revue Historique. " Par nature, c'est un recueil savant, qui temoigne du respect et de I'^mulation que sait exercer pour les etudes historiques la jeune et dej^ celebre universite." — Revue d'histoire eccUsiastique (Louvain). " All these essays reach a high level ; they avoid the besetting sm of most of our present historical writing, which consists of serving up a hash of what other historians have written flavoured with an original spice of error They are all based on original research and written by specialists." — Professor A. F. Pollard in the English Historical Review. " Sie bilden einen schonen Beweis fur die rationelle Art, mit der dort dieses Studium betrieben wird." — Professor 0. Weber in Historische Zeitechrift. The index can be purchased separately, price 6d. net. , Soho Square, London, W. 13