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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. n. DKC. 23, im.

her, Quarter Waiter in Ordinary to the ' King, May. 1758 (not 1755) till 1761.

Jenkyn Lcyson was evidently a Welsh- man. It is st ill a family name in Glamorgan, e-pecially at Neath and Swansea.

James Erskine succeeded Mure, promoted, as lieutenant, December, 1740.

John Forbes succeeded Macdougal as major of the regiment, Feb. 3, 1747, and as lieutenant-colonel, Nov. 29, 1750, to Feb. 25, 1757, and had served on the staff as a deputy quartermaster-general with the rank of brevet lieutenant-colonel from Dec. 24, 1745. He was colonel 17th Foot, Feb. 25, 1757, till death ; local brigadier-general in America, .Jan. 1, 1758 ; took Fort'du Quesne, Nov. 24, 1758 ; and died on his return from there, May 23, 1759 : " That worthy officer, Brigadier-General John Forbes, commander of his Majesty's forces in the southern pro- vinces of North-America, at Philadelphia, 49 " (London Mag.).

The King's Dragoons (ante, pp. 86, 353).

Joshua (not Joseph, p. 353) Guest was Brigadier to the Forces in North Britain (II. 10s. per diem) in 1737, and also Barrack- master-general there (ll. per diem) in 1727, both till he d. Oct. 14, 1747.

John Parsons (query son of Col. John Parsons, Coldstream Guards, ante, p. 164) was a Gentleman Usher, Quarterly Waiter (100J.) to the Princess Dowager of Wales, 1763 till her death February, 1772.


( To be continued. )

CHARLES COTTON'S ' COMPLEAT GAME- STER ' (6 S. ix. 321, 381, 498; 7 S. vii. 461). Two more editions of this work should bo -added to the list given by MB. JULIAN MAR- SHALL. One, with title :

"Instructions | How to Play at | Billiards, Trucks, Bowls, | and Chess. | Together with all Manner of | Games I either on | Cards or Dice. To which is added the | Arts and Mysteries | of Riding, Racing, Archery, | and Cockfighting. London, | Printed for Charles Brome, at the Gun

| at the West End of S. Paul's. 1687." Collation, as in the edition of 1680. It will be noticed that the words ' The Compleat Gamester ' are not on the title-page, but they are at the head of the frontispiece, which is the same as that of 1680 ; " printed for Hen. Brome " at bottom.

I have always thought it strange that of -a book which was so much in demand as to have run through four editions between 1674 -and 1687. and five between 1709 and 1726, .there was no edition between 1687 and 1709,

but in Prof. Arber's ' Reprint of the Term Catalogues, 1668-1709,' I find a record of another edition which in one respect is more important than any of the others. It bears the title of :

" The Compleat Gamester, or Instructions how to play Billiards. Trucks, Bowls, and Chess. Games at Cards, Picket, Gleek. L'Ombre, Crib- bidge, All Fours, Whist, French Ruff, Five Cards, Costly Colours, Bone Ace, Put, Wit and Reason, Art of Memory, Plain Dealing, Queen Nazareen, Lanterloo, Penneech, Post and Pair, Bankaleet, Beast. Games in the Tables, Irish, Back Gammon, Tick-Tack, Doublets, Sice-Ace, Ketch-dolt. Games without the Tables, Inn and Inn, Passage, Hazard. With the Art of Riding the Great Horse, or any other. Also Racing, Archery, and Cock -Fighting. By Charles Cotton, Esq. Price 18d. Printed for C. Brome at the Gun at the West End of St. Paul's."

This was entered in May, 1699, and is the only entry of ' The Compleat Gamester ' bearing the name of Charles Cotton as the author, and is 35 years earlier than what had been supposed to be the first mention of his name in connexion with the book. I have never seen or heard of a copy of this edition, and I should be very glad to know of one if it exists.

MR. MARSHALL was uncertain whether Cot- ton was also the author of ' Leathermore, or Advice concerning Gaming. . . .1711 ' (see 6 S. ix. 321), or whether there was an earlier edition about 1667. The latter suggestion is the correct one. I have a copy of

" The Nicker, Nicked ; | or, the j Cheats I of | Gaming | Discovered. | The Third Edition | Felix quern faciunt aliena pericula fcautum. | Licensed, Novemb. 4th, 1668. I London, [ printed in the year 1669." (12 pp. 4to).

The subject-matter is ^headed ' Leather- more's Advice ; concerning Gaming,' and is identical with that of the edition of 1711, concluding with the Sonnet by the Lord Fitz-Gerald. The pamphlet is reprinted " from the third edition, 1698," in ' The Harleian Miscellany,' vol. ii. F. JESSEL.

52 Park Mansions, Kuightsbridge.

SIR THOMAS ANDREW LUMISDEN STRANGE (12 S. ii. 469). About 1877-80 there was published a work entitled either ' Burroughs and Newburgh ' or ' Strange and Newburgh,' which dealt with the families of Burroughs, Strange, and Newburgh. I was shown a portion of this work by Mrs. Edmund Ffoulkes, the wife of the then Vicar of the University Church (St. Mary's), Oxford, herself a daughter of Sir Thomas Strange, granddaughter of Sir William Burroughs, Bart., and like my grandmother, Mrs. Nicholas Skottowe, a cousin of the then Lord Waterpark. I should think this work, if it can be identified, would give the information