QTJEROR. Can any of your readers help me
with information regarding Arnulph, fifth son
of Roger de Montgomery, who led the centre
of Duke William's army at the Battle of
Hastings ?
Arnulph, following the custom of cadets in his time, styled himself de Brugge after his father's castle in Shropshire, and was, apparently, the founder of the house of de Brugge, now commonly known as Brydges or Bridges, said to heve been descended from the old Counts de Rethal in France. Such is the alleged Norman descent of the family, whose real founder was Sir Simon de Brugge of Bridge Sollers.
My own descent is from Sir Simon de Brugge through the marriage of Ellice, daughter of Thos. Bruges of Coberley, with Sir Thos. Chichele of Wimpole.
There is probably a break of about 150 years between Arnulph and Sir Simon de Brugge (temp. Henry III.), and I am anxious to know whether it is possible to fill up this gap, but it is of course impossible away from great libraries.
So far as I have been able to trace the connexion, it seems something like this :
Roger de Montgomery=j=
Hughn=Jocelinda, d. of Thorolf of Pont Audemer.
i ,
(1) Mabel, d. of^pRoger de Mont- =(2) Adelaisa, Wm. Talvas, gomery, d. of Ebrard
Lord of first Earl of de Pinset.
Belesme. | Shrewsbury.
1 2 5 4 Arnulphy
Perhaps some member of the family may happen to see this and be able to supply the information, either through your columns or to me privately at the address given below.
H. F. HEWITT. Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth, S.A.
SHEFFNER : HUDSON : LADY SOPHIA SYDNEY : SIR WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM. In a private account in MS. of a visit by the Quakers Thomas Shillitoe and Peter Bedford to William IV., at Windsor in 1832, the names
of " Thomas Sheffner " and " Hudson "
appear. Who were these, and what position at Court did they occupy ?
Who was " Lady Sophia Sydney " ?
Who was " Sir W. Cunningham," temp. George IV. ? NORMAN PENNEY.
Devonshire House, Bishopsgate, E.G.
WANTED. I arn anxious to identify " a book
of the pedigrees of Lancashire Families,"
referred to in an old letter, and stated to
contain a pedigree giving the ancestry of a
certain Admiral Mark Robinson.
P. D. M.
FARMERS' CANDLEMAS RIME. I have heard from old farmers the saying : You must save on Candlemas Day Half your wheat and half your hay, For 'tis
Can any one kindly complete this rime and give any idea of its origin ?
1. MERVYN STEWART, 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, was placed on half -pay on April 13, 1855. He is stated to have died on Oct. 21, 1874. Can this date be verified, and can the place of death be given ?
2. LOUIS MARTINEAU, 1st Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, was placed on half-pay on March 31, 1851, and died on Jan. 12, 1859. Can the place of death be given ?
J. H. LESLIE, Major.
MARTEN FAMILY OF SUSSEX. I shall be pleased if any reader can give me information on this subject. A. E. MARTEN.
North Dene, Filey, Yorkshire.
THE SHIRES OF NORTHAMPTON AND SOUTH- AMPTON. When and why did these two counties receive their respective designations ? Was there originally any special link uniting them ? G. H. R.
THOMSON AND ALLAN RAMSAY. In the second volume of ' Literary Anecdotes,' by E. H. Barker of Thetford, I read the following :
"24. Thomson Allan Ramsay.
"Thomson, the poet, went into a shop at Edin- burgh, while Allan Ramsay was there, and said, 'I am going to emit to the world something, but do not wish to father it.' Ramsay said^ ' >N hat would he give him, and he would father it. profits.' 'A bargain,' said Ramsay. Thomson delivered to him the MS. of ' The Gentle Shep- herd.' "
Do any of your readers know if the above statement has been investigated ?
ST. GEORGE'S, BLOOMSBURY. In a notice of St. George's Church, Hart Street, in The Builder of June 16, 1916, the following occurs regarding the steeple :
" It was to have been surmounted bv a statue of George of Denmark, the consort of Queen Anne,