NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. ra. JAN. 28, 1911.
Natth. [sic] Bacon, Esq." I have seen
another edition of 1653. The imprimatur
is dated December 2, 1637. The writer of
the life of Nathaniel Bacon (1593-1660.
in the ' D.N.B.' is clearly wrong when, after
saying that Bacon " has also been credited
with the authorship of the curious piece
(probably a translation) ' A Relation,' "
&c., and mentioning that the first edition
was published anonymously in 1638, he
proceeds : "It was not, apparently, until
the publication of that of 1665, some years
after his death, that it was said on the title-
page to have been ' compiled ' by Nathaniel
Bacon." With respect to Bacon's sources,
he plainly states in his preface that his
work is largely based on the various writers
in the ' Historia ' :
" I acknowledge that there hath been formerly a Book published in our Mother tongue, con- cerning this subject, but as far as I can learn (for I could never yet obtain any of them) it was nothing so large and various as this present Treatise, and as I have heard, a translation of only one of the Tractates from whence I have gathered this present Discourse in part. Con- cerning my care and fidelitie in this businesse, it is such as I may truely say without changing of colour, that there is not one sentence of all this Work attributed unto the person of Spira, but it hath its warrant, either from the Epistles of Vergerius and Gribaldus, Professours of the Law in Padua, or from the discourses of Hen. Scringer a Scotish man, Sigismund Gelons [sic] a Tran- silvanian, and Mart. Bocha [sic] a Divine of Basil : neither have I taken any other libertie then as a relation to weave the aforesaid Discourses one within another, so as those which under several Writers, were before counted several, are now by my indeavours reduced into one intire History, connexed by due succession of time and occasion." Ed. 1653.
It should be added that the writer of an " Introduction " to the book speaks of having compared
" this labour of a worthy Gentleman (who faith- fully translated it out of Italian, French and Dutch Letters) with the Latine of Codius Secundus Curio, Mattheus Gribaldus,. . . .Sigismond Gelous a Transilvanian, Henricus Scotus [i.e., the writers in the ' Historia '], and find it accord with them." Ed. 1653, and at end of ed. 1649.
The book " formerly published in our Mother tongue " I take to be ' A notable and maruailous epistle of the famous Doctor, Mathewe Gribalde, professor of the law, in the vniversity of Padua : concerning the terrible iudgement of god, vpon hym that for feare of men, denyeth Christ and the knowen veritie : uyth a Preface of Doctor Caluine. Translated out of Latin intoo English by E. A. Anno 1550, in August,' the translator, as shown by an acrostical epigram on A v verso, was Edward Aglionby. Robert Bur-
ton's copy of this book is in the Bodleian,
which also possesses his copy of the
' Francisci Spierse .... Historia ' of 1550
mentioned above. EDWARD BENSLY.
BY the interest in this subject shown in the- past by readers of ' N. & Q.,' I am led to think that a check-list of the various- translations, parodies, and imitations will prove useful ; besides, I wish to ask several questions which, after working through the British Museum and other collections, I ara Btill unable to answer.
See 1 S. i. 101, 138, 150, 221, 306, 389 p 2 S. iii. 88 ; 5 S. iv. 255 ; 6 S. ii. 466 ; 10 S, i. 487 ; ii. 92, 175 ; v. 306, 357, 428, 477, 511,
Anonymous. In ' Beauties of English Poets,' Venice, 1852, pp. 149-77.
D. B. In his ' Poesies de Gray, traduites en rangais,' Paris, 1797. Reprinted by Le Mierre, Paris, 1798. In the * Biogr. universelle,' 1857,. xvii. 405, D. B. is identified as M. Dubois, cure" of Angers. What is the authority for this ?
P. Guedon de Berchere. Croydon, Surrey,. 1788.
Pierre Jean George Cabanis. When and where- was this first published ?
P. J. Charrin, Paris, 1808. Reprinted by MM, Roger, ' Le champ du repos,' Paris, 1816, ii. 401-7,. and by Torri, 1817.
Francois de Chateaubriand. In his ' (Euvres- completes,' Paris, 1836, xxiv. 43 ff.
Marie Joseph de Chequer. Paris, An 13 (1805).
J. Martin, 1839, erroneously ascribes it to- lie Tourneur. Reprinted by Torri, 2nd ed., 1843..
Louis Pierre Couret de Villeneuve. According to The Literary World, New York, 1849, v. 405,. a translation was made by this writer. I have not been able to find it.
Antoine de Cournand. In La Decade Philo- sophique. 30 Messidor, 1802, iv. 182-5.
L. D. Chatham, 1806. Who was he ?
Dubois. See under D. B., above.
A. Elwall. Paris, 1887.
Fayolle. Information desired concerning this; Tanslation, which I have not been able to see.
Gaston. In the ' Petite encyclopedic poe"tique,' 1804, p. 161.
Jacques Louis Grenus. In ' Fables diverges,' Paris, 1807, ii. 323-30. Was there any earlier- edition ? Reprinted by Torri, 1817.
Alfred J. U. Hennet. In his 'Po^tiqueanglaise,*" >aris, 1806, iii. 368-79.
L. C. Hoyau. In his ' Poe"sies traduites en ers francais,' Paris, 1837, 8vo.
Nicholas le Deist de Kerivalant. In * Al- manach des Muses,' Paris, 1797, pp. 147-52- Also Paris, 1804.