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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

White (G-. H.) on baptismal scarf of the Fitz- williams, 216

Bar " sinister," 212

Elizabeth (Queen), her statue in the Royal Exchange, 315

Essex as Christian name, 295

Guichard d' Angle, 133

Owls called cherubims, 15

" Scavenger " and " scavager," 146

Sybil, Queen of Scotland : her parentage, 44 White lion of the house of March, 248, 316 White meats : wigs : afternooning, in sermon of

1718, 206

Whitwell (Robt. J.) on marine insurance, 107 Whytebeer or whyteheer, c. 1529, its meaning,

Wigs, a kind of cakes (?), in sermon of 1718, 206 Wilcox (Alderman), c. 1680, his identification, 27 Wilke (Dr. A. yon) on Bismarck, Miss Russel,

and Miss Loraine, 47

Wilkes (John), his disfranchisement scheme, 8, 77 Willcock (J.) on Rev. Mr. Garrard, 227

Quiroga (Father) and the Thirty Years' War,


Scottish titles conferred by Cromwell, 193 Seekers, religious sect, 207 William of Ware, quotations from, 68

Williams ( ) = Ralph Orde, c. 1600, 228

Williams (Basil) on William Pitt's Letter on

Superstition, 107 Williams (Sir C. Hanbury), Sir Woodbine Parish,

and Carlyle, 163

Williams (J. B.) on Cromwelliana, 341 Williams (Pryce Homfray) on Junius and the

Duke of Bedford, 375 Williams (W. J.) on Mrs. Browning's portrait,


Wilson (Lea), his collection of Bibles, 88, 177 Wilson (T.) on Quaker oats, 75

Yorker, at cricket, 37 Wilson (W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted,

147 Winchester, Coutances, and the Channel Islands,

126 Winchester quart, bottle used by druggists, 56,


Winkie on the " Bow-wow " style, 42 Wint (Peter de), artist, his works and portrait, 368.

418 Wisdom (E. I.) on Christian names used by men

and women, 456

Witham (Capt.) and siege of Gibraltar, 28, 78

Woodcut engravings and the transition

process blocks, 229


WoodvUle (Elizabeth) and the Kings of Cologne, 18 Woodwark (T. H.) on Capt. Cook memorial, 373 Woodyer, meaning of the word, 116 Woolsthorpe, Lines, derivation of place-name,

368, 418

Worcester House, Thames Street, print of, 450 Words, Dutch, in English, 386 Words and phrases, American, 48, 172, 196,

315, 354

Wortley-Montagu family, 149 Wotton (William), 6. 1666, graduated 1679, 32,

75, 334 Wright (C. T. Hagberg) on ' Nine Tailors of

Tooley Street,' 267 Wright (W. Ball) on Kitty Cuthbertson the

novelist, 475

Wright (W. S.) on Humphrey Henchman, 336 Wroeites of Australia and Roeites of Calverton,

385, 455 Wyche (Sir Peter), ambassador temp. Charles I.,

his portrait, 470

Wykeham (Miss), Baroness Wenman, c. 1818, 27, 71

Xylographer on " Clerk of the Papers," 368

Y. (X.) on Court life, 107

Yelverton (Speaker) and House of Commons

prayer, 467

Yews in churchyards, 166, 291, 337 Ygrec on authors of quotations wanted, 128 Drawing the organ : copes, 349, 475 Gourd or goord, building term, 67 Yonge (C. F.) on church briefs, 348 York (Archbishops of), their arms, 351 Yorker, cricket term, its derivation, 37 Young (Rev. Edward), author of * Night Thoughts/

148 Young (R. M.) on glass manufactured at Belfast,

473 Young Folks,' history of the periodical, 34, 71,