Notes and Queries, July 9, 1911.
Morality plays and mediaeval " Oberammergaus,"
267, 333, 395
More (Hannah), two portraits of, their where- abouts, 347, 392
More in place-names, origin of the word, 450 Morelius (Eligius), schoolmaster and author,
Oudenarde, 1527, 488 Moreton (R. L.) on black bandsmen in the Army,
337 Christian names used by men and women,
" No great shakes," 257 Tallard (Marshal), prisoner of war, 396 Moretti family, 68 Morgan (Forrest) on " Barnburner " : " Hunker,"
" Die in beauty," 234 Haywra, place-name, 487 ' Waver ley ' : " Clan of grey Fingon," 487 Morgan (G. Blacker) on French ambassadors in
Lpndt n, 358 Morison (W.) on departed hero and sun's lingering
light, 275 Morris-Jones (Thomas), d. 1769, his biography,
148, 218 Morris (Mowbray), his ' A Voice from the Bush,'
48, 114, 214, 271, 490
Morton (G. W.) on Man in ^he Iron Mask dra- matized, 267
Moscow, cause of the fire of, 189, 464 Mosley (T. J.) on Shakespeariana, 303 Moth, tiger or Arctia caja, its habits, 426 Mother's maiden name used as surname, 107,
154, 218
Mottoes : of Great Exhibition, 1851, 10, 74 ; " In Deo spero," 70, 138, 239 ; " Souvent me souvient," 361, 413 Mouner, word used 1288, meaning explained,
229, 271 Moving pictures, their evolution, 56, 155, 194 ;
exhibited by Jaquet Droz, 1776, 125 Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus), his works, 187, 250 Muir (W.) on Authorized Version: date of its
translation, 327 Mullens (W. H.) on ornithology and natural
history, 429
Mundy (Sir John), Mayor of London 1523, 126 Mundy (P. D.) on swan marks : old surgical
works, 3C3
Mundy (Peter), traveller, 186 Municipal records printed, list, 493 Murder on Gad's Hill, 1661, 208, 270 Murderers reprieved for marriage, old custom.
129, 172, 195, 298 Murray (Sir James A. H.) on Hanoverian regiment,
Terrace, 207 " Terse " claret, 7 " Tertium quid," 67 " Tertius gaudens," 327 " Tewke," " tuke," a kind of cloth, 87 Murray (John) I. as an author, 1772, 247 Murray (John) on charades by Col. Fitzpatrick,
11 Yorker," 37
Museums of London antiquities, 401, 483 Musical dictionaries from 1786, 342 Musical envelope, published by Fores, 37 Musical folk-lore, Bohemian, 37 Mutschmann (Heinrich) on " Die in beauty,"
Myers (Albert Cook) on William Penn's works, 387
N. (M.) on American words and phrases, 196 Name, mother's maiden, used as surname, 107,
154, 218 Nash (Prebendary J. J. Glendinning) on City
churches destroyed or demolished, 282 Natural history, biography of writers on, 429 Neale (R.) on Oundle, 9 Nel Mezzo on French quotation, 128
Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple Church
organ, 452
Prior (Matthew), his birthplace, 91 Thackeray's last words, 91 Nelson (Lord) and the Victory, poem on, 287 ' New English Dictionary,' additions and correc- tions, 66, 146, 186, 206, 286, 426, 428, 465 Newenham Abbey, Devon, register of 1246,
70, 110, 197
Newgate, Ordinaries of, 1773, 86, 173 Newspaper, first daily halfpenny, 366, 431 Nib = separate pen-point, use of the word, 346 Nicholson (E.) on Black Prince's language, 158 Boole-lead : bole : bull, 477 C and t interchanged, 351 Coroner of the Verge, 236 Stencil, its derivation, 138 Treherne's curious rimes to " joy," 232 Nicholson (Watson) on Colley Cibber's ' Apology,
' Middleman,' U.S. play c. 1856, 225 ' Minor ' and ' The Methodist,' 125 Nightshade, charm to cure pigs, 427, 491 " No great shakes," origin of the phrase, 129,
173, 257, 338 Norman (W.) on inscriptions in churches and
churchyards, 97 ' May Fair,' a poem, 1827, 329 Terrace, 252 North Midland on " All comes out even at the
end of the day," 74
Northup (Clark S.) on Gray's 'Elegy': transla- tions and parodies, 62, 144, 204 Nottingham monastery unrecorded in Dugdale, o3 Nunnington Church, its dedication and feast, 148
O. on adders' fat as cure for deafness, 171
Goodbeter, its locality, 254
Seekers, religious sect, 256
Sonnets by Rafael, 297 O. (D.) on first perforated postage stamps, 251
Westminster chimes, 35 O. (T. S.) on instant or current, 9 O.K., explanations of the term, 266, 390, 458 Oakes (Col.) and Queen Caroline's funeral, 69, 1<3 Oats, Quaker, and quaking grass, 75, 118 " Oberammergaus," mediaeval, 267, 333, 39o
Obituary :
Dilke (Sir Charles W T entworth), 81, 130
Forster (Thomas), 120
Hedgeland (Rev. Philip), 365
Hewitt (Canon James Alexander), 100
Hipwell (Daniel), 340, 380
Mory (Nicolas), 60
Radcliffe (John), 400
Rutton (William Loftie), 120, 140 O'Donoghue (E. G.) on Bethlem Royal Hospital, 167