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ii s. m. MAY 20, mi.] NOTES AND QU ERIES.


BOYS' MAGAZINES IN THE FIFTIES AND SIXTIES. Has the subject of magazines for boys been treated bibliographically ? I am desirous of ascertaining particulars of those current in the later fifties and earlier sixties of last century. The following titles are known to me, but the limiting dates, the numbers of issues, and the prices may not be stated correctly :

1855. The Boy's Own Magazine. Edited by

S. O. Beeton. Price 2d. 96 numbers. 1855-63.

Do. New Series. Price 6d. 90

numbers. 1863-70. Do. New Series. 54 numbers. 1870- 1874.

1856. The Boy's Own Journal and Youth's

Miscellany. Edited by ? Price Id. ? numbers. 1856 to September, 1857, when it was merged in Beeton's Boy's Otcn Magazine.

1856. Little England's Illustrated Newspaper.

Edited by ? Price Id. 20 numbers. May, 1856, to December, 1857. Con- tinued as

Young England's Illustrated News- paper. 24 numbers. 1858. Con- tinued as Young England. 36 numbers. 1859-

1861. Do. [New Series.] 48 numbers. 1862-5.

1857. The Boys' and Girls' Companion for

Leisure Hours. Edited by J. and M.

Bennett. Price Id. ? nunjbers. 1857-

1858. Continued as

The Companion for Youth. ? numbers .

1859 to 1861. 1859. The Boy's Own Times. Edited by ?

Price ? 12 numbers. 1859. 1859. Kingston's Magazine for Boys. Edited

by W. H. G. Kingston. Price 6d.

48 numbers. March, 1859, to February,

1863, when it was merged in Beeton's

Boy's Own Magazine.

1862. Every Boy's Magazine. Edited by Ed-

mund Routledge. Price 6d. 36 numbers. 1862-4. Continued as

Routledge's Magazine for Boys. 48

numbers. 1865-8. Continued as The Young Gentleman's Magazine. 60 numbers. 1869-73. Continued as

Every Boy's Magazine. 192 numbers. 1874-89.

1863. The Boy's Penny Magazine. Edited by

S. O. Beeton. 12 numbers. 1863. Continued as

The Boy's Monthly Magazine. Edited

by S. O. Beeton. 48 numbers.


1863. The Boy's Journal. Edited by ? Price

6<ir. 134 numbers. 1863 to February, 1871.

1864. The Boy's Friend. Edited by ? Price 3d.

44 numbers. 1864 to August, 1867.

Please reply direct. P. J. ANDERSON. Aberdeen University Library.

QUEBEC CATHEDRAL BELLS. Having come across the following letter amongst the Chatham MSS. (vol. Ixvi.), I thought that possibly readers of ' N. & Q.' might be able to throw some light on the said bells, if extant :

SIR, I take the liberty to acquaint you that Co 11 Williamson who commands the Artillery in America has sent to me the Bells of the Cathedral Church of Quebec, and if they will be acceptable as a Monument of that important Conquest I beg leave to have the Honor of presenting them to you I am, Sir, with due respect,

^ our most Obed* Servant,

JANE WILLIAMSON. W r arren at Woolwich June y e 21 st 1760.


ESSEX COLLINS was admitted to West- minster School in June, 1715, aged 12. Where did he come from, and what became of him ? G. F. R. B.

DA COSTA. George and Thomas Da Costa were admitted to Westminster School in March, 1750-51, aged 7 and 1 1 respectively. Any information about their parentage and career would be useful. G. F. R. B.

D'AGAR. James and Peter D'Agar were admitted to Westminster School in June, 1715, aged 13 and 10 respectively. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' give me details about them ? G. F. R. B.

COL. DUROTJRE was one of the stewards of the Westminster Anniversary Meeting in 1784. From the Army List of that year it would seem that he was the John Duroure who was gazetted Captain and Lieutenant- Colonel, 2nd Foot Guards, 15 March, 1779. Particulars of his parentage and career, as well as the date of his death, are desired.

G. F. R. B.

EASTER : CALCULATING ITS DATE. Some years ago there appeared in ' N. & Q.' a rule for the calculation of the occurrence of Easter, for any year, without taking into account the Golden Number or Sunday Letter of the year. I should be much obliged if some reader would give me the modus operandi of this, or state the date of the article in ' N. & Q.' W. B. C. L.

[We are indebted to MR. W. T. LYNN fov the following information :

" The determination of the date of Easter was very simple in the old Julian calendar ; but the -Gregorian reformation made it much more difficult. Tables for cycles to find it during many centuries were drawn up by Clavius ; and a portion of these (slightly modified in applica- tion) was inserted in our Prayer Books under the