NOTES AND QUERIES. m s. in. A,BIL a, mi.
MR. BARNARD'S Tunbridge Wells Catalogue 42 contains Antiquarian, Bibliographical, and Miscellaneous Books. There are numerous volumes of Archaeologia. A copy of Saint- Allais's ' Art de verifier les Dates,' 18 vols., 1818- 1819, is 21. 2s. There are publications of the Biblio- graphical Society, and of the Cainden Society, and a number of interesting catalogues. Other items include the ' Facsimiles of National Manu- scripts of Scotland,' selected by Craig, 3 vols., large folio, 1867-72, 4.1. 4s. ; Gillow's ' History of the English Catholics,' 5 vols., 21. 15s. ; and Burke's
- Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies,' second
edition, 1841, 21. 5s.
Mr. Andrew Baxendine's Edinburgh Catalogue 122 contains numerous works on Angling, a Clearance List of Bibles, and books on Birds. Many editions of Burns appear, including Allan Cunningham's, 8 vols., 1834, 11. 10s., and a tall copy of the first London edition, 1787, red morocco, 31. 10s. Qd. Under Rebellion, 1745, is a collection of the proclamations of Charles, Prince of Wales, and other Rebellion literature, 1745-7, 21. 6s. There are lists under Mary, Queen of Scots, and Scotland. Among first editions of Scott are ' Kenilworth,' ' Quentin Durward,' and ' Red-
fiuntlet.' Other items include Barrie's Works, dition de Luxe, 10 vols., half-vellum, 1896-1900, 4:1. 10s. Qd. ; Cunningham's ' Songs of Scotland,' 4 vols., 15s. Qd. ; Gilfillan's ' Poets,' 48 vols., half- calf, 1859, 51. 10s. Qd. ; Hood's Complete Works, 10 vols., half -calf, 21. 5s. Qd. ; Kinglake's ' Crimea,' 8 vols., half -calf, 31. 3s. ; the Library Edition of Macaulay, 8 vols., tree calf, 31. 10s. Qd. ; Motley's Works, 9 vols., 21. 5s. ; and a set of the New Spalding Club, 1887 to 1909, 36 vols., 4to, original cloth, as new, 11. 7s.
Mr. Bertram Dobell's Catalogue 194 contains first editions of Matthew Arnold and works under Alpine, America, Art, Bells, Bibliography, and Ohapbooks. Under Defoe is a collection of tracts, including ' The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Mr. D De F of London, Hosier, in a dialogue between him, Robinson Crusoe, and his Man Friday,' 1719, 10s. Qd. Under Isaac D' Israeli is * Flim-Flams,' 3 vols., 12mo, 1806, 7s. There is a unique copy of Huth's ' Inedited Poetical Miscellanies, 1584-1700,' 4:1. 4s. Only 50 were printed for private circula- tion : this copy was presented by Huth to the late Alexander Smith of Glasgow, and he has added his reprint of the piece referred to in the preface, ' Of London Phisicons.' The section entitled Volumes of Pamphlets includes* collections under Blasphemy Trials, Bradlaugh, Catchpennies, Clerical Anecdotes, Holyoake, Marriage and Divorce, Shaker Communism, and Shakespeare. The catalogue closes with some choice items recently purchased, one being the first edition of
- Paradise Regained,' a fine crisp copy in the
original calf, with the licence leaf and the leaf of errata, 1671, 301. Among engraved song-books are a fine clean copy of ' Clio and Euterpe ; or, British Harmony,' 3 vols., 1759-62, 101. 10s. ; 1 Calliope ; or, English Harmony,' 2 vols., 71. 10s. ; and ' Universal Harmony ; or, The Gentleman and Ladies Social Companion,' Newbery, 1746, 6/. Qg.
Mr. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 308 contains
works under Alphabets and Monograms, America,
arid Art. Bibliographies include Ruskin, Matthew
Arnold, and English Military Books to 16 4
Under Birds is Lilford's ' Birds of the British
Islands,' first issue, in the original parts, 1885-
1897, 481. Under Book-plates are both series of
Armorial Book-plates ' in 1 vol., 4to, half-morocco
1884-92, Ql. 10s., as well as ' Irish Book-plates '
11. 16s. A set of the English Dialect Society,
1874-96, is 102. ; and a rare set of The European
Magazine, 1782-1824, with portraits, 85 vols.
new half -calf, 24.1. Under Gardens and Botanical
Literature are some choice works, including a
set of Curtis' s Magazine, Edwards and Lindley's
' Botanical Register,' and Sowerby's ' English
Botany.' There are works under Italy, Portugal,
Spain, Russia, and Paris. A complete set of the
Transactions of the Royal Society is 250L Other
items include the Library Edition of George
Washington's writings, 12 vols., Boston, 1839-40,
4:1. ; Carlyle, 34 vols., 8vo, 11. 15s. ; Kinglake's
' Crimea,' 8 vols., 21. 14s. ; Dickens, Gadshill
Edition, 34 vols., 11. ; Jesse's ' London,' 4 vols.,
original editions, 1847-50, 51. 5s. ; Roberta's
' Holy Land,' 4 vols., atlas folio, half-morocco,
51. ; and Scott, Abbotsford Edition, 12 vols.,
royal 8vo, half-morocco, 1842, 51. There is a
copy of what Mr. Edwards describes as " one of
the most beautiful books ever published," ' II
Vaticano descritto ed illustrate da Erasmo
Pistolesi,' containing 850 large plates, 8 thick
vols. royal folio, half-vellum gilt, Rome, 1^^
11. 5s. (published at 60/. ).
[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]
to <K0rasp0ntonis.
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C. C. and P. H. W.-Forwarded. CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. 131, col. 2, 1. 20 from foot, for "Greenwood" read Greenhill.