Sabbath Schools!! and shall a man such as J. Dld and probably some of his accomplices who may live contiguous to him be allowed to join together by endeavouring to hurt the Character and usefulness of me? report says that one of the supposed Accomplices has been in the habit of selling dunghills' to Country People as if the dunghills were his own I will not say that the other supposed accomplice and Jno himself wants to divide the kingdom dom by putting Superiors and inferiors upon an equal footing but I will say they know themselves I have been kind and tender to J. D. he was nearly two years in my debt before I noticed it to him and when I did notice it I offered to take payment in the Smallest partial way that snited him if he had not used me ill by taking out his Children and sending them to another School during the same quarter and shaking his head in a passionate manner at me when he called at my School with the note he wrote at the bottom of my Letter dated 30th September 1817 I would have paid no attention to the few weeks his Children attended but would have drawn the pen through it as I have done to many I have taught Session Scholars these many years and neither have nor will make any charge I never intended nor intends to put one farthing of the 10s J. D. owes me but has given instructions to Mr——— when it may come to his hand to deliver it for the use of the House of Recovery is this niggardliness as J. D. is pleased to call me!! so I now beg leave to speak for myself I have taught as I stated before upwards of twenty years in this place I have solely devoted myself to that practice it will be incredible to those who know me not that I have a great part of that time been in my school from 5 in the morning till
11 o'clock at night if I was not teaching from 5