C. W. von Sydow.Sigurds Strid med Fåvne: en studie rörande Hjältesagens forhällande till folkdiktningen.—Tobias Norlind. Skattsägner: en studie i jämförande folkminnesforskning.—Martin P. Nilsson. Die Entstehung und religiöse Bedeutung des griechischen Kalenders. E. Sidney Hartland
Duarte Barbosa.The Book of Duarte Barbosa.—Hamd.-Allah Mustawfi of Qasivin. The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat-al-Qulūb.—Vincent A. Smith. The Oxford History of India, from the Earliest Times to the end of 1911—F. J. Richards. Madras District Gazetteer.—Joseph Davey Cunningham. A History of the Sikhs, from the Origin of the Nation to the Battles of the Sutlej. W. Crooke