Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Mackenzie, Henry (1808-1878)

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1448645Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 35 — Mackenzie, Henry (1808-1878)1893Edmund Venables

MACKENZIE, HENRY (1808–1878), bishop suffragan of Nottingham, the fourth and youngest son of John Mackenzie, merchant, descended from the Mackenzie clan of Torridon in Ross-shire, was born in King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street, city of London, 16 May 1808. He was educated at the Merchant Taylors' School under Dr. Cherry. Owing to the death of his father he left school early, and engaged for some years in commercial pursuits; but in 1830 he entered Pembroke College, Oxford, where he had Dr. Jeune [q. v.], subsequently bishop of Peterborough, as his tutor, and formed a lifelong friendship with John Jackson (1811–1885) [q. v.], afterwards bishop of Lincoln and of London. He took an honorary fourth class in 1884, graduating M.A. in 1838 and D.D. in 1869. In 1834 he was ordained to the curacy of Wool and Lulworth, on the south coast of Dorset, and in the next year accepted a temporary engagement as chaplain to the English residents at Rotterdam. Charles James Blomfield [q. v.], bishop of London, came to Rotterdam to confirm, and at once discerned his high gifts and promise. Returning to England, Mackenzie in 1836 became curate of St. Peter's, Walworth, whence he removed in 1837 to the mastership of Bancroft's Hospital, Mile End, and becoming secretary to the committee for the erection of ten new churches in Bethnal Green contributed largely to the success of that enterprise. In 1840 he was made incumbent of the densely populated riverside parish of St. James's, Bermondsey. While at Bermondsey he gained the friendship of Frederick Denison Maurice [q. v.], then chaplain of Guy's Hospital. Maurice recommended him to Dean Pellew [q. v.] of Norwich for the important cure of Great Yarmouth, to which he was appointed in 1844. Mackenzie was recalled to London — to the rectory of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields — by Bishop Blomfield in 1848. In 1865 he was appointed by Lord-chancellor Cranworth [see Rolfe, Robert Monney, 1790–1868] to the well-endowed living of Tydd St. Mary, in the Fens of Lincolnshire, near Wisbech. His college friend, Bishop Jackson, who in 1853 had succeeded Bishop Kaye [q. v.] in the see of Lincoln, made him one of his examining chaplains in 1855, and in 1858 collated him to the prebendal stall of Leighton Ecclesia, once held by George Herbert [q. v.] As bishop's chaplain he delivered courses of lectures on pastoral work to the candidates for holy orders, which were published in 1863. On the elevation of Dr. Jeremie [q. v.] to the deanery of Lincoln in 1864 he succeeded him as subdean and canon residentiary, and on the death of Archdeacon Wilkins in 1866 was appointed to the arch-deaconry of Nottingham, exchanging the lucrative living of Tydd for the poorly endowed rectory of South Collingham, near Newark, in order that he might become resident within his archdeaconry. In 1870 the long-dormant office of bishop suffragan was revived in him on the nomination of Bishop Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop Jackson's successor in the see of Lincoln, and he was consecrated as bishop suffragan of Nottingham at St. Mary's, Nottingham, by Bishop Jackson on the feast of the Purification, 2 Feb. 1870. The revival of the office of bishop suffragan, after more than three centuries' suspension, was not at first popular. The county of Nottingham especially was disposed to regard itself slighted on being made over to the care of a 'curate-bishop.' But, careful never to overstep his subordinate relations to his diocesan, Mackenzie maintained the office with true dignity, and secured for it general respect. In 1871 he exchanged Collingham for the perpetual curacy of Scofton, near Worksop, which he also resigned in 1873 to devote himself exclusively to his episcopal duties. These he continued to fulfil till growing years and infirmities led to his resignation at the beginning of 1878.

In convocation, of which he became a member by election in 1857 and by office in 1866, few men did more varied and more useful work. He was also a prominent figure at several Church Congresses, especially that at Nottingham. He died, almost suddenly, on 15 Oct. 1878, and was buried at South Collingham. Mackenzie was twice married: first, to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Ridley, esq., of Essequibo, by whom he had one daughter; and, secondly, to Antoinette, daughter of Sir James H. Turing, sometime her majesty's consul at Rotterdam, by whom he left six sons and five daughters.

Besides sermons, charges, and occasional pamphlets, and the 'Ordination Lectures' (1863), Mackenzie published: 1. 'The Life of Offa, King of Mercia,' 1840. 2. 'A Short Commentary on the Gospels and Acts,' 1847. 8. 'Thoughts for Hours of Retirement,' 1864. 4. 'Meditations on Psalm xxxi.' 5. 'Hymns and Verses for Sundays and Holy days,' 1871.

[Personal knowledge; private information; Times, 16-18 Oct. 1878; Guardian, October 1878.]