Author:Ronald Wilson Reagan/Executive orders

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Executive orders
Administration of Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
  • 381 Total Executive Orders Issued [1]
  • Range: Executive Order 12287 thru Executive Order 12667
Signature of Ronald Reagan


E.O. 12287 ⊟ E.O. 12336 (50 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12287 Decontrol of crude oil and refined petroleum products
• Executive Order 12288 Termination of the Wage and Price Regulatory Program
• Executive Order 12289 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
• Executive Order 12290 Federal exports and excessive regulation
• Executive Order 12291 Federal Regulation
• Executive Order 12292 Foreign Service Act of 1980
• Executive Order 12293 The Foreign Service of the United States
• Executive Order 12294 Suspension of litigation against Iran
• Executive Order 12295 Nuclear Cooperation with EURATOM
• Executive Order 12296 President's Economic Policy Advisory Board
• Executive Order 12297 International Coffee Agreement of 1976
• Executive Order 12298 Lake Tahoe region
• Executive Order 12299 Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
• Executive Order 12300 Exceptions from the Competitive Service
• Executive Order 12301 Integrity and efficiency in Federal programs
• Executive Order 12302 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12303 Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
• Executive Order 12304 Seal for the Panama Canal Commission
• Executive Order 12305 Termination of certain Federal advisory committees
• Executive Order 12306 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
• Executive Order 12307 President's Commission on Hostage Compensation
• Executive Order 12308 Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities
• Executive Order 12309 President's Economic Policy Advisory Board
• Executive Order 12310 President's Commission on Housing
• Executive Order 12311 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12312 The Meritorious Service Medal
• Executive Order 12313 Specification of hostage return date under Hostage Relief Act of 1980
• Executive Order 12314 Federal Regional Councils
• Executive Order 12315 Amending the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
• Executive Order 12316 Responses to environmental damage
• Executive Order 12317 President's Commission on Hostage Compensation
• Executive Order 12318 Statistical policy functions
• Executive Order 12319 River Basin Commissions
• Executive Order 12320 Historically Black Colleges and Universities
• Executive Order 12321 Foreign assistance and arms export control
• Executive Order 12322 Water resources projects
• Executive Order 12323 Presidential Commission on Broadcasting to Cuba
• Executive Order 12324 Interdiction of illegal aliens
• Executive Order 12325 Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities
• Executive Order 12326 Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
• Executive Order 12327 Exemption for Fort Allen
• Executive Order 12328 Federal employees contracting or trading with Indians
• Executive Order 12329 President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives
• Executive Order 12330 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
• Executive Order 12331 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
• Executive Order 12332 Establishment of the National Productivity Advisory Committee
• Executive Order 12333 United States Intelligence Activities
• Executive Order 12334 President's Intelligence Oversight Board
• Executive Order 12335 National Commission on Social Security Reform
• Executive Order 12336 The Task Force on Legal Equity for Women


E.O. 12337 ⊟ E.O. 12399 (63 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12337 Basic allowance for subsistence for Uniformed Services
• Executive Order 12338 Exclusions from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
• Executive Order 12339 President's Commission on Housing
• Executive Order 12340 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
• Executive Order 12341 Cuban and Haitian entrants
• Executive Order 12342 Environmental safeguards for animal damage control on Federal lands
• Executive Order 12343 Designation of certain officers to act as Secretary of State
• Executive Order 12344 Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
• Executive Order 12345 Physical fitness and sports
• Executive Order 12346 Synthetic Fuels
• Executive Order 12347 Agreement on Government Procurement
• Executive Order 12348 Federal Real Property
• Executive Order 12349 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12350 Termination of Urban and Community Impact Analyses
• Executive Order 12351 Nuclear cooperation with EURATOM
• Executive Order 12352 Federal procurement reforms
• Executive Order 12353 Charitable fund-raising
• Executive Order 12354 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12355 The Task Force on Legal Equity for Women
• Executive Order 12356 National Security Information
• Executive Order 12357 Sinai Support Mission
• Executive Order 12358 Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving
• Executive Order 12359 Public international organizations entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immunities
• Executive Order 12360 President's Task Force on Victims of Crime
• Executive Order 12361 Multinational Force and Observers reports
• Executive Order 12362 Overseas employment
• Executive Order 12363 The Foreign Service of the United States
• Executive Order 12364 Presidential Management Intern Program
• Executive Order 12365 Foreign assistance and arms control
• Executive Order 12366 Presidential Commission on Broadcasting to Cuba
• Executive Order 12367 President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
• Executive Order 12368 Drug Abuse Policy Functions
• Executive Order 12369 President's private sector survey on cost control in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12370 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and certain railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference
• Executive Order 12371 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12372 Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs
• Executive Order 12373 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the United Transportation Union and certain railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference
• Executive Order 12374 Reports on international organizations
• Executive Order 12375 Motor Vehicles
• Executive Order 12376 Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving
• Executive Order 12377 Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission
• Executive Order 12378 President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
• Executive Order 12379 Termination of boards, committees, and commissions
• Executive Order 12380 Submarine duty incentive pay
• Executive Order 12381 Delegation of emergency management functions
• Executive Order 12382 President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
• Executive Order 12383 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
• Executive Order 12384 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and the Delaware Transportation Authority, and certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12385 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. and certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12386 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Connecticut Department of Transportation, and certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12387 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
• Executive Order 12388 United States Information Agency
• Executive Order 12389 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12390 Delegation to the Secretary of State
• Executive Order 12391 Partial suspension of Federal service labor-management relations
• Executive Order 12392 International financial institutions
• Executive Order 12393 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12394 Incentive pay for hazardous duty
• Executive Order 12395 International Private Enterprise Task Force
• Executive Order 12396 Defense officer personnel management
• Executive Order 12397 National Commission on Social Security Reform
• Executive Order 12398 President's private sector survey on cost control in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12399 Continuance of certain Federal advisory committees


E.O. 12400 ⊟ E.O. 12456 (57 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12400 President's Commission on Strategic Forces
• Executive Order 12401 Presidential Commission on Indian Reservation Economies
• Executive Order 12402 National Commission on Social Security Reform
• Executive Order 12403 African Development Bank
• Executive Order 12404 Charitable fund-raising
• Executive Order 12405 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Consolidated Rail Corporation and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
• Executive Order 12406 President's Commission on Strategic Forces
• Executive Order 12407 Federal Regional Councils
• Executive Order 12408 Reports on international organizations
• Executive Order 12409 Nuclear cooperation with EURATOM
• Executive Order 12410 Exclusions from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
• Executive Order 12411 Government work space management reforms
• Executive Order 12412 Peace Corps Advisory Council
• Executive Order 12413 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12414 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between The Long Island Rail Road and certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12415 Extension of the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving
• Executive Order 12416 Intergovernmental review of Federal programs
• Executive Order 12417 Strategic and critical materials
• Executive Order 12418 Transfer of functions relating to financial responsibility of vessels for pollution liability
• Executive Order 12419 Implementation of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships
• Executive Order 12420 Incentive pay for hazardous duty
• Executive Order 12421 Presidential Commission on the Conduct of United States-Japan Relations
• Executive Order 12422 Level IV of the Executive Schedule
• Executive Order 12423 Foreign Assistance and Arms Control
• Executive Order 12424 President's Commission on Strategic Forces
• Executive Order 12425 International Criminal Police Organizations
• Executive Order 12426 President's Advisory Committee on Women's Business Ownership
• Executive Order 12427 President's Advisory Council on Private Sector Initiatives
• Executive Order 12428 President's Commission on Industrial Competitiveness
• Executive Order 12429 President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12430 Reports of Identical Bids
• Executive Order 12431 Level IV of the Executive Schedule
• Executive Order 12432 Minority Business Enterprise Development
• Executive Order 12433 National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
• Executive Order 12434 Alaska Railroad Rates
• Executive Order 12435 President's Commission on Organized Crime
• Executive Order 12436 Payment of certain benefits to survivors of persons who died in or as a result of military service
• Executive Order 12437 Fuel use prohibitions
• Executive Order 12438 Review of increases in rates of basic pay for employees of the Veterans' Administration
• Executive Order 12439 President's Task Force on Food Assistance
• Executive Order 12440 President's Commission on Industrial Competitiveness
• Executive Order 12441 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12442 Presidential Commission on Indian Reservation Economies
• Executive Order 12443 Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
• Executive Order 12444 Continuation of export control regulations
• Executive Order 12445 Certification of containers and vehicles for use in international transport
• Executive Order 12446 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
• Executive Order 12447 President's private sector survey on cost control in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12448 Exercise of Authority Under Section 218 of Title 18, United States Code
• Executive Order 12449 National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
• Executive Order 12450 Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees
• Executive Order 12451 Continuation of export control regulations
• Executive Order 12452 Revised list of quarantinable communicable diseases
• Executive Order 12453 Delegation to the Secretary of State
• Executive Order 12454 President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
• Executive Order 12455 President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12456 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances


E.O. 12457 ⊟ E.O. 12497 (41 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12457 President's Commission on Industrial Competitiveness
• Executive Order 12458 Delegation to the Secretary of State concerning foreign assistance
• Executive Order 12459 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12460 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
• Executive Order 12461 Designating a Federal Retirement System Under Public Law 98-168
• Executive Order 12462 President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation
• Executive Order 12463 Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
• Executive Order 12464 Award of the Purple Heart
• Executive Order 12465 Commercial expendable launch vehicle activities
• Executive Order 12466 Reimbursement of Federal employee relocation expenses
• Executive Order 12467 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
• Executive Order 12468 Presidential Advisory Council on the Peace Corps
• Executive Order 12469 East-West Foreign Trade Report
• Executive Order 12470 Continuation of export control regulations
• Executive Order 12471 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12472 Assignment of national security and emergency preparedness telecommunications functions
• Executive Order 12473 Courts-Martial Manual, United States, 1984
• Executive Order 12474 Agreement on Government procurement
• Executive Order 12475 Textile Import Program Implementation
• Executive Order 12476 Presidential Commission on the Conduct of United States-Japan Relations
• Executive Order 12477 Adjustments of certain rates of pay
• Executive Order 12478 Transfer of authority to the Secretary of State to make reimbursements for protection of foreign missions to international organizations
• Executive Order 12479 Management Reform in the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12480 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between The Long Island Rail Road and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
• Executive Order 12481 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between The Long Island Rail Road and the Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees
• Executive Order 12482 President's Advisory Committee on Women's Business Ownership
• Executive Order 12483 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12484 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
• Executive Order 12485 Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
• Executive Order 12486 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen
• Executive Order 12487 Adjustments of certain rates of pay
• Executive Order 12488 Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to incentive pay for hazardous duty
• Executive Order 12489 Continuance of certain Federal advisory committees
• Executive Order 12490 National Commission on Space
• Executive Order 12491 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
• Executive Order 12492 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and the Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees
• Executive Order 12493 President's Commission on Executive Exchange
• Executive Order 12494 Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to pay for hazardous duty
• Executive Order 12495 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen
• Executive Order 12496 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
• Executive Order 12497 President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation


E.O. 12498 ⊟ E.O. 12542 (45 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12498 Regulatory Planning Process
• Executive Order 12499 President's Blue Ribbon Task Group on Nuclear Weapons Program Management
• Executive Order 12500 Delegation to the Secretary of State and the Director of the International Development Cooperation Agency Concerning Foreign Assistance
• Executive Order 12501 Arctic Research
• Executive Order 12502 Chemical Warfare Review Commission
• Executive Order 12503 Presidential Commission on Outdoor Recreation Resources Review
• Executive Order 12504 Protection of Semiconductor Chip Products
• Executive Order 12505 Conversion of Appointments in the Office of Management and Budget
• Executive Order 12506 Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
• Executive Order 12507 Continuance of the President's Commission on Organized Crime
• Executive Order 12508 World Tourism Organization
• Executive Order 12509 Technical Review Group on Inertial Confinement Fusion
• Executive Order 12510 Non-foreign area cost-of-living allowances
• Executive Order 12511 President's Child Safety Partnership
• Executive Order 12512 Federal Real Property Management
• Executive Order 12513 Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving Nicaragua
• Executive Order 12514 Prescribing the Order of Succession of Officers to Act as Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force
• Executive Order 12515 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12516 President's Commission on Executive Exchange
• Executive Order 12517 Delegation concerning the United States-India Fund for Cultural, Educational, and Scientific Cooperation
• Executive Order 12518 Trade in Services
• Executive Order 12519 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12520 Quarters Allowance to Department of Defense Employees in Panama
• Executive Order 12521 Offsets in Military-related Exports
• Executive Order 12522 Reimbursement of Federal Employee Relocation Expenses
• Executive Order 12523 National White House Conference on Small Business
• Executive Order 12524 Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
• Executive Order 12525 Termination of Emergency Authority for Export Controls
• Executive Order 12526 President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management
• Executive Order 12527 Repealing Provisions Establishing an Administrative Position in the Food-for-Peace Program
• Executive Order 12528 Presidential Board of Advisors on Private Sector Initiatives
• Executive Order 12529 President's Commission on Americans Outdoors
• Executive Order 12530 Establishment of Nicaraguan Humanitarian Aid Office
• Executive Order 12531 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the United Transportation Union and Certain Railroads Represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference
• Executive Order 12532 Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving South Africa
• Executive Order 12533 President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation
• Executive Order 12534 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
• Executive Order 12535 Prohibition of the Importation of the South African Krugerrand
• Executive Order 12536 Board of the Foreign Service
• Executive Order 12537 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
• Executive Order 12538 Imports of Refined Petroleum Products from Libya
• Executive Order 12539 President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
• Executive Order 12540 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
• Executive Order 12541 Amending Executive Order 11157 as It Relates to a Basic Allowance for Quarters While on Sea Duty
• Executive Order 12542 President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management


E.O. 12543 ⊟ E.O. 12579 (37 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12543 Prohibiting trade and certain transactions involving Libya
• Executive Order 12544 Blocking Libyan Government property in the United States or held by U.S. persons
• Executive Order 12545 National Commission on Space
• Executive Order 12546 Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
• Executive Order 12547 Establishing procedures for facilitating Presidential review of international aviation decisions submitted by the Department of Transportation
• Executive Order 12548 Grazing Fees
• Executive Order 12549 Debarment and Suspension
• Executive Order 12550 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
• Executive Order 12551 The President's Export Council
• Executive Order 12552 Productivity Improvement Program for the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12553 Revocation of Various Executive Orders
• Executive Order 12554 Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
• Executive Order 12555 Protection of Cultural Property
• Executive Order 12556 Mailing privileges of members of Armed Forces of the United States and of friendly foreign nations
• Executive Order 12557 Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between the Maine Central Railroad Company/Portland Terminal Company and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
• Executive Order 12558 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and certain labor organizations representing Its employees
• Executive Order 12559 Exclusions From the Federal-Labor Management Relations Program
• Executive Order 12560 Administration of foreign relations and related functions
• Executive Order 12561 Delegating certain functions of the President relating to Federal civilian employee and contractor travel expenses
• Executive Order 12562 Establishing an emergency board to investigate disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and their employees represented by certain labor organizations
• Executive Order 12563 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and certain labor organizations representing its employees
• Executive Order 12564 Drug-Free Federal Workplace
• Executive Order 12565 Prescribing a comprehensive system of financial reporting for officers and employees in the executive branch
• Executive Order 12566 Safety belt use requirements for Federal employees
• Executive Order 12567 Inter-American Investment Corporation, Commission for the Study of Alternatives to the Panama Canal, and Pacific Salmon Commission
• Executive Order 12568 Employment opportunities for military spouses at nonappropriated fund activities
• Executive Order 12569 Management of the Compact of Free Association With the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau
• Executive Order 12570 Delegating authority to implement assistance for Central American democracies and the Nicaraquan Democratic Resistance
• Executive Order 12571 Implementation of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act
• Executive Order 12572 Relations With the Northern Mariana Islands
• Executive Order 12573 Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it relates to incentive pay for hazardous duty
• Executive Order 12574 Establishing an experimental program within the President's Commission on Executive Exchange
• Executive Order 12575 President's Special Review Board
• Executive Order 12576 Victims of terrorism compensation
• Executive Order 12577 Closing of Government departments and agencies on Friday, December 26, 1986
• Executive Order 12578 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
• Executive Order 12579 President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation


E.O. 12580 ⊟ E.O. 12622 (43 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12580 Superfund Implementation
• Executive Order 12581 President's Special Review Board
• Executive Order 12582 Naturalization requirements exceptions for aliens and non-citizen nationals of the United States who served in the Grenada campaign
• Executive Order 12583 Food for Progress
• Executive Order 12584 President's Special Review Board
• Executive Order 12585 Eligibility of overseas employees for noncompetitive appointment
• Executive Order 12586 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
• Executive Order 12587 Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
• Executive Order 12588 Action against certain assets of disputed title
• Executive Order 12589 Transfer of annual and sick leave of Federal Employees
• Executive Order 12590 National Drug Policy Board
• Executive Order 12591 Facilitating access to science and technology
• Executive Order 12592 President's Commission on Compensation of Career Federal Executives
• Executive Order 12593 President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
• Executive Order 12863 President's Volunteer Action Award
• Executive Order 12595 White House Conference for a Drug Free America
• Executive Order 12596 Noncompetitive conversion to career status of certain employees in professional and administrative career positions
• Executive Order 12597 Establishing procedures for facilitating Presidential review of international aviation decisions by the Department of Transportation
• Executive Order 12598 Victims of terrorism compensation
• Executive Order 12599 Coordination of economic policies for Sub-Saharan Africa
• Executive Order 12600 Predisclosure notification procedures for confidential commercial information
• Executive Order 12601 Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic
• Executive Order 12602 President's Commission on Executive Exchange
• Executive Order 12603 Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic
• Executive Order 12604 Presidential Board of Advisors on Private Sector Initiatives
• Executive Order 12605 Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Officer Promotions
• Executive Order 12606 The Family
• Executive Order 12607 President's Commission on Privatization
• Executive Order 12608 Elimination of unnecessary Executive orders and technical amendments to others
• Executive Order 12609 President's Commission on Compensation of Career Federal Employees
• Executive Order 12610 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
• Executive Order 12611 Delegating authority to implement assistance for Central American democracies and the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
• Executive Order 12612 Federalism
• Executive Order 12613 Prohibiting Imports From Iran
• Executive Order 12614 Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms
• Executive Order 12615 Performance of Commercial Activities
• Executive Order 12616 Providing for the restoration of law and order in the State of Georgia
• Executive Order 12617 President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation
• Executive Order 12618 Uniform treatment of Federally funded inventions
• Executive Order 12619 Half-day closing of Government departments and agencies on Thursday, December 24, 1987
• Executive Order 12620 Delegation of authority with respect to the Administration of Justice Program
• Executive Order 12621 President's Task Force on Market Mechanisms
• Executive Order 12622 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances


E.O. 12623 ⊟ E.O. 12662 (40 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12623 Delegating authority to implement assistance to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
• Executive Order 12624 Increasing the number of members on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
• Executive Order 12625 Integrity and Efficiency in Federal Programs
• Executive Order 12626 National Defense Stockpile Manager
• Executive Order 12627 Amending the President's Commission on Privatization
• Executive Order 12628 United Nations Industrial Development Organization
• Executive Order 12629 Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
• Executive Order 12630 Governmental actions and interference with constitutionally protected property rights
• Executive Order 12631 Working Group on Financial Markets
• Executive Order 12632 Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
• Executive Order 12633 Amending the Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States
• Executive Order 12634 Delegating authority to provide assistance and support for peace, democracy, and reconciliation in Central America
• Executive Order 12635 Prohibiting certain transactions with respect to Panama
• Executive Order 12636 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company and certain of its employees represented by the United Transportation Union
• Executive Order 12637 Productivity improvement program for the Federal Government
• Executive Order 12638 Delegation of functions relating to the implementation of the Inter-American Convention on Letters Rogatory and Additional Protocol
• Executive Order 12639 Administration of foreign relations and related functions
• Executive Order 12640 The President's Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities
• Executive Order 12641 Designating certain facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the State of Mississippi as the John C. Stennis Space Center
• Executive Order 12642 Designation of the Secretary of Defense as the Presidential designee Under Title I of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act
• Executive Order 12643 International Committee of the Red Cross
• Executive Order 12644 Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and Certain of its Employees Represented by the Transportation Communications Union-Carmen Division
• Executive Order 12645 Amending Executive Order 12364, Relating to the Presidential Management Intern Program
• Executive Order 12646 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees Represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
• Executive Order 12647 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
• Executive Order 12648 Relating to the Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
• Executive Order 12649 Offsets in military-related exports
• Executive Order 12650 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
• Executive Order 12651 Offices of the Commission of the European Communities
• Executive Order 12652 Return of authority to administer Federal Employees' Compensation Act to the Department of Labor from the Panama Canal Commission
• Executive Order 12653 Amending Executive Order 11183, relating to the President's Commission on White House Fellowships
• Executive Order 12654 Delegating authority to provide assistance for the Nicaraguan Resistance
• Executive Order 12655 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Transportation Communications Union-Carmen Division
• Executive Order 12656 Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities
• Executive Order 12657 Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance in emergency preparedness planning at commercial nuclear power plants
• Executive Order 12658 President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
• Executive Order 12659 Delegation of authority regarding the naval petroleum and oil shale reserves
• Executive Order 12660 National Microgravity Research Board
• Executive Order 12661 Implementing the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and Related International Trade Matters
• Executive Order 12662 Implementing the United States-Canada Free-Trade Implementation Act


E.O. 12663 ⊟ E.O. 12667 (5 Executive Orders signed)
• Executive Order 12663 Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
• Executive Order 12664 Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
• Executive Order 12665 Amending Executive Order No. 12658, the President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
• Executive Order 12666 Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
• Executive Order 12667 Presidential Records


  1. NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 12577-A, 12616-A, etc.

