Thomas Luke Msusa

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Thomas Luke Msusa (2 February 1962–) is prelate of the Roman Catholic Church who serves as the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Blantyre in Malawi.


  • I felt so humbled to receive the pallium. I felt that here I was united with the Holy Father and I felt, who am I to receive such a great honour? My main role as Metropolitan is that of uniting the clergy, the religious and also the laity. We have four dioceses in the Southern region of Malawi namely, Mangochi, Chikwawa, Blantyre and Zomba. My role is to take up the challenge to deepen the faith in Jesus.
  • We note in particular that there are some worrisome trends in our democratisation and emancipation that push for a worldview independent of and side-lining God, and making human beings dependent on their own intellect, determining for themselves what is right and what is wrong. We are saddened to read that religion should not regulate morals.

Quotes about Thomas Luke Msusa

  • When we talk about servant leadership, many people fail to understand what exactly it is. To me, when I look at the life of Archbishop Msusa, it best defines what servant leadership is. You have demonstrated to us all that it is important to always remember where we are coming from regardless of how far we get in life.
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