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Mafia III

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Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for. - Lincoln Clay

Mafia III is an action-adventure video game developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K Games. It was released in October 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows, and in May 2017 for macOS. It is the first main entry in the Mafia series since 2010's Mafia II. Set within the fictional city of New Bordeaux, based on New Orleans, the single-player story follows Lincoln Clay, a criminal who aims to build a new crime organization while seeking revenge on the Italian mob. The open world design lets players freely roam New Bordeaux's open landscape.

Lincoln Clay

  • Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for.
  • You are who you are, and there's no point arguing with yourself about it.

Father James Ballard

  • Lincoln once told me that he couldn't turn the other cheek, that "the world doesn't work that way." I spent the better part of 40 years trying to prove him wrong. But I was just lying to myself. Look at how we treat each other. Compassion is a sign of weakness, but greed is a virtue. The poor is considered morally corrupt, while every excess of the powerful is celebrated. We sent kids off to die, for what? So someone can make a few bucks? Lincoln was right. He was always right. There ain't never gonna be another Dr. King or Bobby Kennedy. But there's always gonna be another Sal Marcano. Another Sammy Robinson. Another Lincoln Clay. We are a cruel and wicked people.

Vito Scaletta

  • It means Joe's really dead. Good friend of mine. More like family. Me and him tried to do something big for this motherfucker named Leo Galante. Big shot with the Commission. Anyway, it all went south and we got fucked. What you get for following orders, right? Was a couple of years there. I didn't know if Joe was alive or... What.


Giorgi: Well, well, well! Look who it is! And look at what I dug up.
Sal Marcano: You mind pouring one more of those? [takes a drink offered by Sammy] Giorgi told me shit went sideways during the robbery, Lincoln had to save your ass. You should be damn proud of that boy.
Sammy: I am, Sal. More than you'll ever know.
Sal Marcano: [Takes a drink and coughs] Jesus Christ, that's some down-home hooch right there! All right. Listen, I got a guy outside; you mind if he comes inside and packs up my cut?
Sammy: Not at all.
Sal Marcano: They all the same?
Sammy: Take the one on the end. It's your cut, plus what I owe you. Even put in a little extra for your trouble.
Sal Marcano: Couldn't have pulled it off without you, Sammy. Y'all done right by me tonight. Why don't you get us something off the top shelf? We need to celebrate!
Ellis: You ain't gotta tell me twice!
Danny: Hey, fill me up. Let's do this, boys!
Giorgi Marcano: You know, Lincoln, you're possibly the baddest motherfucker I ever laid my eyes on. But you shouldn't have said no.

Senator Richard Blake: [Pointing to a picture on a poster board] Mr. Donovan, do you know this individual?
John Donovan: Sure. That's Sal Marcano.
Senator Blake: [Points to another picture] And how about this man?
John Donovan: That's his worthless piece-of-shit brother Lou. Look... enough of the dog-and-pony bullshit. What's your real question?
Senator Blake: Did you help Lincoln Clay murder Sal Marcano and all prominent members of his crime family?
John Donovan: [Smirks] You're goddamn right I did.

[Lincoln has received intelligence information that the boss of the Haitian gang is headquartered at the Pierced Hearts Voodoo Shop. Lincoln uses a flower trellis to access the second floor; which is a private residence above the store. He sits on a couch and waits. A woman comes in; Lincoln points his pistol at her]
Cassandra: Coffee?
Lincoln: Nice trick you pulled back at the Haitian camp. Pretending Baka was holding you prisoner.
Cassandra: And I heard you were dead. It appears we're both full of surprises.
Lincoln: Certainly does.
Cassandra: {chuckling} : What can I do for you, Lincoln Clay?
Lincoln: I want you to help me kill Sal Marcano.
Cassandra: I see. A few months ago you tried to kill me. Now you break in here and expect me to trust you?
Lincoln: Now that Marcano is backing the Dixie Mafia, it is only a matter of time before they come for you. When they do, they will kill everyone standing in their way.
Cassandra: Unless I hitch my horse to your wagon, so to speak?
Lincoln: I'll see that you get the Hollow. After that it depends on how things shake out.
Cassandra: [giving Lincoln a hard stare] Do you know why Sammy and I were at war?
Lincoln: On account of your gang going after the Lottery.
Cassandra: Please! Just because you don't want to face some uncomfortable truths ain't no reason for you to act naive. Sammy and I were fighting because the people in the Hollow deserve better than a two-faced old man who handed out cans of food whenever the mood hit him. Who always did whatever Sal Marcano told him to do, even if it pitted him against his own people.
Lincoln: He did the best he could.
Cassandra: And yet his best didn't amount to much, did it? [silence; Lincoln looks away] Once I have the Hollow, I run it as I see fit. No questions asked.
Lincoln: As long as you give me access to your muscle, your connections, and a place to hole up from time to time, you can do what you want.
Cassandra: Marcano replaced Sammy with a man named Ritchie Doucet. Do you know of him?
Lincoln: Assuming he is the boss of the Dixie Mafia.
Cassandra: He's a rustr! Likes to kidnap black teenagers and take them out to the bayou. After starving them for a few days; he cuts them loose. Tells them to run. Sometimes, he brings out the dogs. You know, for old times' sake! [starts to cry] That's- that's how he killed my sister. [picks up a gold watch from the dresser] This is all I have left.
Lincoln: How do I find him?
Cassandra: It's dangerous around here for him so he stays on the move. But his men operate out of two locations; one is the community church and the other is an old theatre. Perla's it used to be called.
Lincoln: It was named after Sammy's wife. I'm taking it down first.
Cassandra: One of my men has been staking it out. Seeing how he can learn about how it is being run. You should talk to him; see what he knows.
Lincoln: Once I deal with that I'll see about the church.

John Donovan: I have been listening in on conversations of Charlie "Four Finger" Kincaid. Turns out he is not such a bad guy. Actually the "kinder, gentler redneck". And as it turns out. He got his wife pregnant. I've been listening to the two of them blubbering about what to name the baby. Right now it's between Bocephus and Thomas Lee.
Lincoln: A man in that position usually doesn't care who he works for, so long as he's still breathing.

[After dismantling the prostitution and heroin rackets in Delray Hollow, Lincoln returns to the Pierced Hearts Voodoo Shop. He finds a white man tied up in a chair and Cassandra brandishing a knife]
Cassandra: This man's name is Jesse. We were just having ourselves a little conversation about Ritchie Doucet.
Jesse: Listen, I ain't done anything, you hear? I was just taking a walk when her men grabbed me and brought me here.
Lincoln: Are you in the Dixie Mafia?
Jesse: Yes.
Lincoln: Yes?!
Jesse: I did it for the money, you hear? I ain't got nothing personal against y'all. I don't even carry a gun.
Lincoln: Where is Doucet?
Jesse: He's... he's out at the abandoned amusement park to the west of the neighborhood.
Lincoln: Baron Saturday's? What the hell's he doing out there?
Jesse: From what I heard, it was because you have been tearin' things up. Ritchie couldn't pay Giorgi, and now Giorgi's on the goddamn warpath. He wants Ritchie dead. So Ritchie salvaged what was the left of the heroin and took off. Said he was going to lay low until he could settle things with Giorgi.
Lincoln: How many men does he has with him?
Jesse: Hell, I don't know. All of them? [Lincoln draws his combat knife and walks toward Jesse] No, please! I ain't done nothing to y'all! My momma, my poor momma, she..
[Lincoln uses knife to cut ropes]
Lincoln: Go on, get.
[Jesse stands up and flees to freedom]
Cassandra: Idiot! He could warn Doucet!
Lincoln: He ain't no threat to nobody. Let him run back home to his momma.
Cassandra: If you're wrong, there'll be hell to pay.

[Lincoln infilitrates Baron Saturday's Fun Park, where the Dixie Mafia is on watch after a falling out with Giorgi Marcano. Both Giorgi and the Dixies were running heroin in violation of Sal Marcano's ways]
Dixie #1: That's the asshole who hit the strip club!
Dixie #2: Hey motherfucker? Did Giorgi send you? Typical wimp wop, paying a nigger to do a man's job.
[Lincoln makes his way into a haunted ride; fighting his way to a room which had once been an office. Room is filled with packs of heroin. Lincoln subdues Ritchie Doucet. Some time later; Ritchie regains consciousness as Lincoln is dragging him toward an abandoned ferris wheel]
Ritchie Doucet: You need... you need to run this through, boy. You think you can come in here; steal my heroin without nobody noticing?
Lincoln: I'm not here to steal your heroin, Ritchie. I'm here to make you pay for what you did to Sammy and Ellis Robinson.
[Ritchie's face reacts with horror as he realizes he is talking to Ellis' brother]
Ritchie: I didn't have nothing to do with that!
Lincoln: I watched you stab Ellis in the gut. I couldn't do anything about it then but I sure as hell can now!
Ritchie: God damn it, none of that was my idea, you hear? It was all Giorgi. Him and his old man. They want y'all gone, not me! What was I supposed to do, say no?
[Lincoln takes rope and affixes it to Ritchie's neck, then the other end to a cab on the Ferris wheel. Ritchie realizes his last hour has come]
Lincoln: Either that or make sure I was dead.
Ritchie: [panicked] Oh no, no, no! Please, please, decent thing to do would let a man get in a prayer before you kill him.
Lincoln: You can pray on the way up.
[Lincoln activates Ferris wheel and lynches Ritchie, who is asphixiated from hanging from the cab]
Johnathan McGuire{as narrator}: When I saw Ritchie Doucet hanging from the Ferris wheel; I felt a profound sense of disbelief.
Scene changes to 2017; where a documentary of what Lincoln Clay did is being produced. Retired FBI agent McGuire is now seen on screen
Johnathan McGuire: Nothing like that had ever happened before. Did mobsters kill each other? Of course, but those were small, contained events. Old photographs of earlier mob murders Some greaseball is eating spaghetti and meatballs at his favorite restaurant and gets popped in the head. But this was different. Even then, even before I knew who killed him; I knew that Ritchie had been put on display. Black & white photograph of police investigating Baron Saturday's and seeing Ritchie's corpse hanging from the Ferris wheel Lincoln had been trained in psychological warfare by the CIA. He wanted to terrify the Mob. He wanted it to be known that he was going to kill every last one of them and none of them would be able to stop him.

[Duffy's Bar closes for the night. Burke stumbles out wasted]
Lincoln Clay: Burke. Been a while.
Thomas Burke: Lincoln Clay. Jesus Christ on the Cross, now I have seen everything. You died.
Lincoln: I have been hearing that a lot.
Burke: So what do you want?
Lincoln: I came here to make you a business proposition.
Burke: Is that so?
[Burke unzips his fly and urinates near a dumpster]
Lincoln: I'm going after Marcano. His brothers; as well as anyone else who is associated with him.
Burke: And you want my help.
Lincoln: The way I see it, once I deal with Barbieri, you get Pointe Verdun back. After that, we can discuss what happens to the rest of the city.
Burke: Fuck off. I got involved with you chalky bastards once already. Look where it got me.
Lincoln: From where I am standing, I am not seeing much of a difference between then and now.
[Burke stops urinating, zips his fly then stares at Lincoln]
Burke: You listen and listen good. starts to cry Danny was so burned up the mortician wouldn't let me get a last look at him. [stops crying] If anyone is killing that fucking Marcano... it's me.
Lincoln: Unless Marcano has been hanging around Irish bars I don't think he's got much to worry about.
Burke: Go fuck yourself. I got more stones than the likes of you will ever have. Lousy ingrate; coming around here questioning. You and your kind always cut and run at the first sign of trouble. Always have, always will.
[Burke gets in a convertible; Lincoln commandeers car]
Lincoln: Now let's see who chickens out first, the chalky or the mick.
[After a bit of reckless driving; Lincoln convinces Burke]
Burke: OK, OK! Let me out here. Come by my scrapyard later so we can discuss Barbieri.

[Lincoln rescues Vito Scaletta in distress, who had been imprisoned in a walk-in freezer]
Vito Scaletta: Lincoln?! How is this possible? I thought you were dead.
Lincoln Clay: The bullet was deflected by my skull, came out the back.
Vito: Talk about some goddamn luck.
Lincoln: Worst place to shoot a fella is in the forehead. The skull's harder than you think. C'mon, we need to have a talk.
[Lincoln uses his combat knife to cut Vito's ropes. Vito gets up and goes to the kitchen sink; turning on the hot water tap for his hands]
Vito: When I heard about what happened, I went to Marcano, asked for my cut right then and there. Figured if he fucked you and Sammy, I'd be next.
Lincoln: I'm guessin' he didn't go for it.
Vito: Said he wanted for the heat to die down, didn't wantin' me runnin' around buyin' expensive shit, gettin' noticed. Like I'm some fuckin' amateur never sat on a big score before. That money I fronted for the robbery was pretty much everything I put away. Didn't have enough to run, so I stayed. The Commission wouldn't let him just kill me, so I figured I'd make that cocksucker jump through every hoop, make 'im prove I deserved to get whacked. It wasn't much but it was something.
[Vito and Lincoln go upstairs to Vito's headquarters above restaurant, which also is a squalid residence]
Lincoln: Heard he brought in his nephew to push you out.
Vito: Kid named Michael Grecco. Nephew by marriage, not blood.
[The two men find Vito's office has been ransacked]
Lincoln: Sure did a number in here.
Vito: Yeah. They were looking to see what other rackets I was running. Like I'd leave a fuckin' paper trail in my office. [Lincoln goes to straighten things up] Ah, don't bother with that shit. Look, uh, appreciate you gettin' me out of the freezer and all, but, uh, what're you doin' here?
Lincoln: Marcano deserves to pay for what he did, so I'm goin' after him. Him, his brothers, his lieutenants, all of them. And I'm gonna need your help.
Vito: Look, he pretty much whittled me down to nothin'. I mean, this is it.
Lincoln: For now, maybe. Once I take River Row back from Grecco, money'll start comin' in, it'll be a different story.
Vito: So we're partners now?
Lincoln: As long as you do what I say, give me what I want when I want it.
Vito: [chuckles] So goodbye Marcano, hello Lincoln Clay.
Lincoln: It's either that or more of this. And next time I won't be here to fish your ass out the freezer.
[Vito considers the deal]
Vito: Nobody kills that scumbag but me. You bring me Grecco, I'm in.

[Burke's Iron & Metal. Burke is wheelding out an oil drum]
Lincoln Clay: What is all this about?
Thomas Burke: Get ready for some company. Barbieri will be here any minute now.
Lincoln: Barbieri is coming here?
Burke: Or so he claims. Never known the man to be a liar. I just got off the phone with him. Told him if he wanted to settle up, I'd be here waiting.
[Lincoln grimaces in frustration]
Lincoln: For fuck's sake, Burke! You never tell your enemy when and where you're going to set up!
Burke: [laughs] Ah, come on! You're taking this much too seriously. Takes all the fun out of it. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?
Lincoln: You could get us all killed!
Burke: Aye, that I could. [Lincoln is startled by a car speeding into the junkyard honking its horn] It's alright, it's just Nicki. [Car stops and Nicki exits]
Nicole Burke: Butcher and his boys are right behind me.
Thomas Burke: You sure?
Nicole Burke: If there's one benefit to being your miserable daughter it's that I know what a posse of dago assholes out for blood looks like. I am going to draw them out with a spotlight on the water tower.
[Nicki proceeds to climb water tower; Thomas motions towards the oil drum]
Thomas Burke: I have loaded up some barrels with a special petrol mix I have cooked up. I have scattered them across the junkyard. A bullet will take them out, so do not be close when they blow. [Loads a rifle] I am going to snipe those guinea fucks from the crane. As for you, head up to the roof. [Lincoln proceeds to climb ladder] One more thing; if you try to cut and run I will plant you myself.
Lincoln{shouting}: I'll see you when this is done.
Burke {shouting}: You might. [soon after, on the radio] Nicki, you all right up there?
Nicki: [sarcastic] What's that, my asshole father askin' me how I'm doing? Whatever have I done to warrant such attention?
Burke: Ah, shite, girl, a simple 'yes' or 'no' would've been fine.
[After eliminating several enemy cars; an armored car lumbers into junkyard. Four men emerge from back door, followed by "The Butcher"]
Roman Barbieri: Hey, I don't give two fucks about Burke's little pet niglet, but I want the Mick alive. Got it? I'm gonna give 'im an ass-fuckin' he's never gonna fuckin' forget. Bring him to me fuckin' alive! That cocksucker.
[Lincoln and Burke eliminate the goons, then subdue the Butcher, who falls to the ground. Butcher aims an AK at Lincoln, only to realize too late he is dry firing]
Lincoln: Should have saved a bullet or two.
Barbieri: A nigger and a mick working together. Fuck me. Never thought I'd live to see the day.
Lincoln: What can I say? Brave new world.
Burke: Still alive, then?
Barbieri: I see your leg is still giving you fits, huh bucko?
Burke: Aye, fuck you. You won't be so cocky once I take the acetylene to you.
Barbieri: Fuck you! What do you think happens next? You're gonna end up in a hole next to me. You're gonna die, motherfucker, your whole organization. You're gonna suck my dick in Hell-
[Lincoln knocks Barbieri out with the AK's buttstock]
Lincoln: You alright?
Burke: Grab his legs. Get him into the garage. Fat cunt!
Burke and Lincoln each grab a leg and drag Barbieri away
Johnathan McGuire{as narrator}: We were never able to reconstruct precisely what happened to Barbieri... [Scene changes to present day; Agent McGuire is now on screen] ...Because his body was not found until 1986. [Still photographs of a car being raised by crane] The Army Corps of Engineers had been dredging the bottom of the Mississippi River and his remains were found in the trunk of an old car. [Photograph of Barbieri, now a skeleton, found in trunk by police] Both legs had been broken so many times there was barely any bone left.

Charles Laveau: Since last year we have been working with a lawyer out of Washington D.C. against Sinclair Parish. Folks who run it still think Jim Crow is the law of the land. We lost one of our members in doing so, Ezekeil Dandridge. I was on the phone when it happened.
Flashback to Laveau being an earwitness
Ezekiel Dandridge{in phone booth}: I am getting ready to leave now. Yes, I know, OK.
Ezekeil is approached by Sheriff Walter "Slim" Beaumont
Slim Beaumont: Kinda late out, ain't it? You having car trouble?
Ezekeil Dandridge: No sir, everything is fine.
Slim Beaumont: Well, why don't you come on out and let me get a look at you? [Ezekeil exits phone booth] Whatcha doing 'round Sinclair this time of night?
Ezekeil Dandridge: Passing through, sir.
Slim Beaumont: Passing through. That's nice. It's a beautiful night for passing through, ain't it? [pause] Who was that on the phone?
Ezekeil Dandridge: My grandmother.
Slim Beaumont: Your grandmother?
Ezekeil Dandridge: She's worried sick about me. Just telling her when to expect me.
Slim Beaumont: That's mighty nice. I bet she appreciates that. [stares at sky] Yessir, it's a beautiful night. [looks at Ezekeil] Well, don't let me keep a man from his grandma. Especially with her waiting for you and all.
[Ezekeil walks toward car; Slim unholsters a pistol and shoots Ezekeil Dandridge in the back of the head, killing him instantly. Sheriff Beaumont holsters pistol, then opens car door and finds a folder containing pictures and documents detailing police brutality in Sinclair Parish]
Slim Beaumont: {talking to himself}: Shit.

Woman: And another brother falls.
Charles Laveau: Lincoln, this is my daughter Roxy.
Roxy Laveau: Daddy, I already told you I don't need any help.
Charles Laveau: This is way too important. This man is Lincoln Clay; as I told you he helped me retake Delray Hollow.
Roxy Laveau{talking to Lincoln}: Then you listen. We do this my way.
Lincoln Clay: Yes, m'aam.
Roxy departs
Charles Laveau: She is headstrong, just like my ex-wife. She was supposed to be with Ezekiel that night; blames herself for what happened.
Lincoln Clay: Blame is an easy thing to assign; much harder to deal with. gulps bourbon and slams glass on desk Don't you worry, Laveau. We will recover that folder.
Lincoln follows Roxy out the door
Charles Laveau{talking to himself}: Of that I have no doubt.
In car when proceeding to Sinclair Parish
Roxy: I heard how you left Ritchie Doucet hanging from the Ferris wheel. That was stone cold. But that won't work this time. If you do that to Slim Beaumont, the only thing that it is going to do is embolden those racist motherfuckers because it is only going to justify everything they have been doing.

Sal Marcano: You know, a month or so after my brother Lucio died, I started having nightmares. I had this one where I was on a boat and a giant wave would come knock my ass overboard. I hit that water and sink like a goddamn rock. And there was another one where cottonmouths were bitin' me all to hell. But the one that really got to me? It was Giorgi's funeral. He's laid out in that shitty little casket, neck cut same as Lucio's. Yeah, that one really got to me. It would come around every three or four days.
Lincoln Clay: I have one where I'm back in 'Nam. Sleepin' in a foxhole. All of a sudden these dark figures come out of my shadows. I try to fight 'em off, but they hold me down, tie my hands together, stuff a muddy rag in my mouth so I can't scream, can't warn the men sleeping next to me. Then I gotta listen as all those men die.
Sal Marcano: I imagine that's not gonna go away anytime soon.
Lincoln Clay: No. I imagine it won't.
Sal Marcano: And this... all this was to try keep mine from comin' true. Look how that turned out. I've buried a lot of people, Lincoln. More than I can count. But the one I never wanted to see go into that cold ground was my son.
Lincoln Clay: Yet here we are.
Marcano: Yes. Here we are. My son's dead and I'm havin' a drink with his killer. I'm not gonna apologize for what I did, you understand? If I did, I'd just be lyin'. I don't have it in me to feel shame for the things I've done to others. Never have.
Lincoln: Didn't come here for an apology.
Marcano: No, I know you didn't. Goddamn, I was right about you, wasn't I? I knew it the second I fucking saw you at the country club. Men like us, we were wired up wrong. There's only one thing we know. One thing we're good at. I'm gonna be waitin' for you, Lincoln Clay. This won't be the last time we see each other.
Lincoln: I know.

Leo Galante: I take it you're Lincoln Clay.
Lincoln Clay: So they tell me.
Galante: [Gestures at the still-incomplete casino] I told Sal this fuckin' casino would be the end of him. I meant it figuratively... but shit has a way of turning on you, doesn't it?
Lincoln: Especially if you piss off the wrong person.
Galante: You know who I am, son?
Lincoln: I'm guessin' you're Leo Galante.
Galante: Let's take a little walk, you and me. Probably no surprise, but the rest of the Commission wants you dead. You and anybody else that had anything to do with this.
Lincoln: What happened here was between me and Marcano.
Galante: Oh, I understand that, son. We all do. But this business makes you paranoid. Irrational. They see Sal eatin' a pile of shit, they start wondering if someone's gonna serve them a plate of their own.
Lincoln: So you're here to decide if you're comin' after me.
Galante: No, I'm here to deliver a message: You made your point, son. This all ends right here. Right now.
Lincoln: I got no quarrel with y'all.
[Galante pauses, glancing at his armed guards nearby, then offers his arm to Lincoln. Lincoln takes it and they resume walking.]
Galante: Once a month, Sal kicked up 20% of his net. Cash only. Same guy's been delivering it for, I don't know, twenty years or so. I see no need in deviating from that, do you?
Lincoln: No, sir.
Galante: In exchange, you run things as you see fit. Want to sell heroin, have a whorehouse on every other corner? Makes no fucking difference to me. Only thing that matters, is 20%.
Lincoln: What if I decide to walk away? Leave all this behind?
Galante: Then this will be the last time we see each other. Best of luck to you, son.

See also

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